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Greenfleet (AU, 86693237685) Browse events

YTD Raised: $28,488.50

As an environmental charity, Greenfleet exists to make a difference, not a profit. Greenfleet's mission is to protect our climate by restoring our forests. Since 1997, Greenfleet has planted in excess of 8 million native trees, revegetating over 7,900 hectares with Australian biodiverse forests. By giving generously, you are making a real difference to the environment. Your donation will support our program to plant and protect more native forests in Australia to absorb greenhouse gases, reduce salinity and erosion, provide essential habitat for native wildlife and much more.

EDO Tasmania (Environmental Defenders Office (Tasmania) Inc) (AU, 41070308031) Browse events

YTD Raised: $21,152.55

Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) Tasmania uses the law to protect Tasmania’s precious environment – from wild coastlines, spectacular forests and threatened species, to farmlands and treasured heritage. We provide materials and training to improve awareness on environmental laws. We offer expert advice and practical support so communities can have their voices heard on the decisions that affect them. We make sure governments enforce the laws that we have, and we advocate for stronger laws to protect Tasmania’s unique environment. And, now that our Federal funding has been cut, we rely on public support to help us keep doing this important work.

Outward Bound Australia (AU, 20088725295) Browse events

YTD Raised: $19,848.02

Australian Outward Bound Development Fund Ltd’s mission is to provide challenging experiences that help people to discover, develop and achieve their potential. Help Outward Bound provide more opportunities for young Australians, families and communities to discover their greatness, build their confidence and reach their potential. Visit our website and get in touch with us to find out more about how you can make a real difference to someone’s future.

Trees For Life (AU, 20439529086) Browse events

YTD Raised: $11,617.00

Trees For Life is a not for profit community based volunteer organisation, working to conserve and restore South Australia's natural environment since 1981. Trees For Life raises funds to protect, restore and conserve parcels of land to help repair the damage done from excessive land clearance.  This is done by collecting seed to grow native plants for revegetation, assisting landholders by helping to supply them with below cost seedlings to revegetate their properties and helping to repair often barren parcels of land  saline  the landscape with biodiverse plantings for wildlife habitat and landscape restoration.  Over 4500 hectares of bushland is worked on by volunteers who remove invasive weed species and allow the good bush to regenerate. Over 2000 volunteers across the state grow seedlings for landholders, collect seed, restore and conserve bushland and help with administrative tasks. Trees For Life raises funds from the public, through membership, fundraising and sponsorship to assist us in achieving our goals. Trees For Life's programs educate and empower community members to take action and make a difference to our environment for future generations.  We invite you to help us by making a tax deductible donation to restore our landscape for the benefit of future generations.

Climate Council of Australia (AU, 52165914303) Browse events

YTD Raised: $6,200.00


The Nature Conservancy Australia (AU, 83243328398) Browse events

YTD Raised: $4,363.37

One of the world’s leading conservation organisations - we work across Australia and around the world to protect important lands and waters for nature and people. We work to solve pressing conservation issues, through delivering large-scale projects with our scientific and collaborative approach.

Greenpeace (AU, 61002643852) Browse events

YTD Raised: $4,140.00

Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organisation that uses non-violent direct action to expose global environmental problems and force solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future. We do not accept funding from governments or corporations and therefore cannot accept ‘matched gifts’ from your employer. To maintain our independence we rely on the goodwill and generosity of members of the public to continue our work. This ensures we're in the best position to take action and confront people and organisations that are destroying our environment. With your support, we will work to prevent catastrophic climate change and incite an energy revolution; to protect and preserve our oceans and ancient forests; and to create a peaceful and nuclear-free future.

WWF (AU, 57001594074) Browse events

YTD Raised: $3,905.00

Over the past 50 years, WWF has grown into the largest and most influential independent conservation organisation in the world. We have close to five million supporters and our global network encompasses more than 100 countries. WWF's mission is to halt the degradation of our planet's natural resources and preserve our life-support system – the environment. By doing things smarter, we aim to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, preserving biodiversity so that we all benefit and enjoy our most precious gift. The Earth.

Trust for Nature (Victoria) (AU, 60292993543) Browse events

YTD Raised: $3,235.36

Trust for Nature works to protect Victoria's native plants and wildlife in cooperation with private landowners. Our native plants and wildlife provide us with not only important services, such as clean water and resources, but they are important in and of themselves. As two-thirds of Victoria is privately owned, many of these species and their habitats are not currently getting the necessary protection. The Trust was established under the Victorian Conservation Trust Act 1972 to enable people to contribute permanently to nature conservation by donating land or money. We have since evolved into one of Victoria’s primary land conservation organisations, with several tools to help people protect biodiversity on private land. In 1978, Trust for Nature developed conservation covenants as a way to protect native plants and wildlife on private land, and we have now protected more than 50,000 hectares through over 1,200 perpetual conservation covenants. We then work with those landowners on active land management to control weeds, pest animals, soil erosion and to improve the land and ensure it is managed sustainably for conservation, in perpetuity. The Trust has also purchas ed and preserved more than 55 properties across Victoria through our Revolving Fund, a mechanism which enables us to purchase private properties of high conservation value and match them to those in the community who wish to purchase and protect that land. We also currently own 44 properties, covering over 36,000 hectares of Victoria, and manage those properties in perpetuity. Conservation protects our native plants and wildlife, and ongoing land management helps them not just survive, but thrive. A gift to Trust for Nature will help ensure this vital work can continue.

Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife (AU, 90107744771) Browse events

YTD Raised: $2,490.00

The Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife, founded in 1970, is a proudly independent not-for-profit organisation. It acquires high conservation value land to gift to Australia's publically owned national parks and protected places. It also funds threatened species recovery actions, cultural heritage conservation works, and provides community environmental education throughout Australia.

CERES Inc (Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies) (AU, 60133437610) Browse events

YTD Raised: $2,424.00

CERES - Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies, is an award winning, not-for-profit, environment and education centre and urban farm located by the Merri Creek in East Brunswick, Melbourne.  Built on a decommissioned municipal tip that was once a landfill and wasteland, today CERES is a thriving, vibrant community. Over 300,000 people visit CERES each year. Many more connect with us through our innovative program taking sustainable education directly to schools across the State.  CERES is recognised as an international leader in community and environmental practice. CERES Organic Farm, Market, Shop, Co-ops and Café and Permaculture and Bushfood Nursery are unique social enterprises that offer new solutions and ways to combat climate change.  Community groups such as the Bike Shed, Community Gardens and Chook Group that call CERES home are also vital to CERES culture.  All waste and water on the site is recycled and much of the site is powered by renewable energy such as wind and solar.  CERES is now working towards making the site completely carbon neutral by 2012.  CERES is a model for a possible future where innovation, sustainability, equity and connectedness are valued. Both as a place and a community, CERES is striving to create a new way of being. Sustainability, Education, Environment, Green Technology

IAPF (AU, 57142987782) Browse events

YTD Raised: $2,124.47

The illegal trafficking of wildlife now ranks as the 3rd largest criminal industry in the world. IAPF warriors effectively fight poaching and safeguard elephants, rhinos and other endangered wildlife - and you can help. We meet conservation challenges head on, successfully running multiple campaigns, such as the IAPF Drone program, Anti-Poaching Ranger the resurrection of Chizarira National Park. The IAPF is dedicated to maintaining balanced ecosystems for the preservation of the planet and all its inhabitants.

The Wilderness Society (AU, 62007508349) Browse events

YTD Raised: $1,313.39

The Wilderness Society is a national, community-based, environmental advocacy organisation whose purpose is protecting, promoting and restoring wilderness and natural processes across Australia for the survival and ongoing evolution of life on Earth.

The Orangutan Project (AU, 24983453571) Browse events

YTD Raised: $1,270.00

The Orangutan Project (TOP) is the world's foremost not-for-profit organisation, supporting orangutan conservation, rainforest protection, local community partnerships and the rehabilitation and reintroduction of displaced orangutans back to the wild, in order to save the two orangutan species from extinction.

The Endangered Wildlife Trust (AU, 015502NPO) Browse events

YTD Raised: $1,165.00

The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is a non-governmental, non-profit, conservation organisation, founded in 1973 and operating throughout southern and parts of East Africa. The EWT conserves threatened species and ecosystems in southern Africa by initiating research and conservation action programmes, implementing projects which mitigate threats facing species diversity and supporting sustainable natural resource management. The EWT furthermore communicates the principles of sustainable living through awareness programmes to the broadest possible constituency for the benefit of the region.

Bush Heritage Australia (AU, 78053639115) Browse events

YTD Raised: $1,065.00

We do this by buying and managing land of outstanding conservation value, and working in partnership with other landowners. We help protect native habitats on millions of hectares of the most ecologically important landscapes.

Environmental Justice Australia (AU, 74052124375) Browse events

YTD Raised: $750.00


Rainforest Rescue (AU, 61086885154) Browse events

YTD Raised: $615.00

Not for profit organisation Rainforest Rescue has been protecting and restoring rainforests in Australia and internationally since 1998 by providing opportunities for individuals and businesses to Protect Rainforests Forever. Our projects re-establish rainforests through planting, maintenance and restoration programs, as well as purchasing and protecting high conservation value rainforest and preserving its biodiversity.

Conservation Volunteers Australia (AU, 93006058135) Browse events

YTD Raised: $590.00

Conservation Volunteers Australia has been looking after our unique environment since 1982. In that time, we have welcomed hundreds of thousands of volunteers from around Australia and across the world and enabled them to protect and enhance our environment on projects such as caring for our natural landscapes and habitats by planting trees and removing introduced weeds, looking after endangered wildlife, building tracks and trails and preserving our heritage. We form partnerships with businesses and governments to deliver outstanding results for conservation.

Environment Victoria (AU, 84495053605) Browse events

YTD Raised: $520.00

Environment Victoria mobilises people to safeguard our environment. As Victoria's peak non-profit environment group, we believe our future depends on all of us. That's why we're asking all 5 million Victorians to be part of looking after our environment. We're calling it Green Action. So what do you say? Are you in?

Keep Australia Beautiful (AU, 35743600611) Browse events

YTD Raised: $335.00

We are Australia’s leading grassroots environment organisation, with over 45 years’ experience in changing behaviours and attitudes concerning litter and recycling through community engagement, partnerships, & education - so that the community takes its share of the responsibility for improvement.

Friends of the Earth (Melbourne) Inc (AU, 68918945471) Browse events

YTD Raised: $105.00

Friends of the Earth is an international environmental and social justice organisation. Friends of the Earth (Melbourne) Inc is one of the local groups throughout Australia working on a wide range of environmental problems, such as climate change, uranium mining and deforestation. Your much-needed support will go towards an environmentally sustainable future

Coastcare (AU, 63008656513) Browse events

YTD Raised: $55.20

Coastcare is a uniquely Australian partnership between the community, government and business to 'do something practical' about understanding, protecting and repairing our environment. Australians have more coastline per inhabitant than any other country – and most things we do on land have an impact on coastal marine habitats. Many activities are carried out by coastcare groups including bird and marine wildlife rescues, marine and water quality surveys, beach clean-ups and coastal habitat restoration projects across Australia - these activities are undertaken by volunteer coastcarers – and they need your support to continue looking after our favourite playground. More than 2,000 volunteer community coastcare groups (including coastcare, beachcare, creekcare and rivercare) are presently tackling environmental issues in every corner of please support us today!

Nature Conservation Council of NSW (AU, 96716360601) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

We are the leading advocates for nature in New South Wales. Representing more than 120 community organisations with a combined membership of over 60,000 individuals, we are a force for positive change. Together, we provide a powerful voice for nature, and are committed to protecting and restoring the unique natural environment of our state.

Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (AU, Cairns and Far North Environment Centre - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) is the peak regional environment organisation in Far North Queensland. Established in 1981, CAFNEC is a community-based not-for-profit group with an area of coverage roughly bounded by the Torres Strait Islands in the north, to Cardwell in the south, the outer reef to the east and the Northern Gulf region to the west. This area includes the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area; which highlights the extraordinary level of conservation values in the region and the importance of their protection. Our mission is to lead and support the community in valuing the natural environment through conservation and ecological sustainability. As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on donations from the community to support our work and this vision.

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