Established in 1966, Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc. (SCC) is one of the largest and leading care providers in Western Australia offering support and accommodation in metropolitan, regional and remote areas. We also have extensive experience in dementia and mental health services.
Roses in the Ocean Ltd exists to change the way suicide is spoken about, understood and prevented, through empowering the community to take preventative action against suicide for themselves and their loved ones, friends and colleagues. We learn and connect through the wisdom of people who have been directly touched by suicide.
CatholicCare's services focus on the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in society, in particular children and families: through student counselling, family and relationship support and counselling, alcohol and other drug services, adoption and permanent care, bushfire recovery, pastoral services and the refugee and settlement program.
Aftercare is a non-for-profit organisation delivering programs and services across the mental health care and disability sectors since 1907. Aftercare is the lead agency for the Headspace Nundah centre in Brisbane.
The Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria is the primary source of support, information, community education and advocacy for people with eating disorders and their families in Victoria. We connect those whose lives are affected by eating disorders with the people, services and hope they need for recovery.
For more than 80 years MontroseAccess has been helping young Queenslanders with physical disabilities. With a multi-disciplinary approach to the support of children and young adults with physical disabilities, MontroseAccess is a vital presence in the homes, schools and communities of more than 600 families throughout Queensland; many of whom have nowhere else to turn for ongoing care. We provide services such as physiotherapy, speech pathology, social work and occupational therapy which are tailored to each client’s individual need. These are complemented by additional services such as orthotics, family support, recreation, respite and a resource centre designed to supply clients with short to long term equipment loans. We currently have four therapy centres located in the SE corner of the state (Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Brisbane North and Brisbane) and provide outreach services to all regional and rural areas around Queensland.
The Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation - Hold on to Life is a nationwide, donation funded organisation focused on providing support for those suffering emotional pain and thinking suicidal thoughts. Our basic message is “you’d never tell a friend to die; tell yourself what you’d tell a friend”
White Wreath Association Ltd's main aim is to raise funds in order to establish Safehaven Centres for those who have mental health problems and especially for those when suicide threatens. We provide advocacy and support to person/s and families of mentally ill and provide support to families of suicide victims with all our services free.
Sylvanvale Disability Services was formed in 1947 by a group of parents who wanted to provide a better quality of life to children with an intellectual disability. As an accredited provider of intellectual disability services we deliver a broad range of ongoing options for children, adults and the elderly. We support over 600 people, providing high quality, safe and individualised services to clients, families and communities across Metropolitan Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Our focus is to achieve personalised, positive outcomes for individuals and their families. Sylvanvale provides a wide range of services including: accommodation, education, employment assistance and early intervention. These services are delivered by dedicated staff and volunteers including teachers, therapists, community health professionals and child-care workers. We are actively involved in local communities and have strong networks with partner organisations, businesses and residents. Our services equip individuals to respond to life’s challenges and be active members of their community. Our support goes beyond the confines of individual services, working alongside families and carers to identify elements of a service that can make a real difference.
Red Frogs Australia provides 2000 volunteers to support young people across Australia against the harmful effects of binge drinking. Through education, party support, peer mentoring and providing diversionary activities Red Frogs are reducing the amount of young people being caught up in alcohol related incidents including depression, assault, violence and suicide.
Carers NSW is the peak organisation for carers in NSW. A carer is any individual who provides unpaid care to a relative or friend with a disability, mental illness, drug and alcohol dependencies, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail aged. We offer information, support, referral and counselling for carers and also engage in education and training for service providers and develop policy and partnerships to better support carers.
HOPE CENTRE SERVICES Hope Centre Services is a diverse and vibrant community transformation initiative assisting people all over South East Queensland. Our mission is to ‘empower people today for a better tomorrow’ by providing individualised care, training and support for children, young people, refugees and those breaking out of life controlling habits. Hope Centre Services provides a multifaceted range of unique, compassionate services to bring hope and opportunity to those who access our programs and services.
headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds. The service is designed to make it easy as possible for a young person and their family to get the help they need for problems affecting their wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services. The services can be accessed through headspace centres, online counselling service eheadspace and postvention suicide support program headspace School Support.
Friends of STARTTS supports the Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors. STARTTS helps refugees and asylum seekers overcome their experiences and build a new life in Australia. Services include counselling, group activities, camps and other services for children and young people, English classes, legal advice, physiotherapy, community development and more.
MercyCare is a leading Catholic provider of aged care, family, health and community services. We employ over 700 staff and 150 volunteers, delivering more than 40 programs and services, from over 30 locations throughout Western Australia.
Youth Focus aims to put a stop to youth suicide! We are a unique independent not for profit organisation that supports vulnerable young people in Western Australia by offering a range of mental health services. Our team of highly trained and skilled psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists provide a range of early intervention and prevention services free of charge, aimed at supporting young people and their families to overcome the issues associated with suicide, depression and self-harm. For more information visit or click on the "Youth Focus" link above.
SIDS and Kids South Australia supports families who have experienced the sudden unexpected death of their baby or young child during pregnancy, birth and infancy, including the experience of stillbirth, neonatal death and the death of a child up to six years of age. Also, providing safe sleeping information to health care professionals and community organisations.
Carers Victoria works to improve the health, wellbeing, resilience and financial security of family carers. We provide information, support, counselling and education for carers. We strive for improved services and supports for caring families by raising awareness of carers' needs; with governments, community and corporate partners and the broader public.
Hello Sunday Morning is a national health promotion and advocacy organisation, established to empower Australians in shifting our cultural expectations on alcohol. HSM provides an opportunity to undertake a 3-month break from alcohol and engage with a growing community where experiences are shared online. The culmination of these, in conjunction with the HSM process; contribute to the greater dialogue surrounding Australia’s drinking culture and roadmaps positive change towards a healthy drinking culture.
Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, led by Professor Patrick McGorry AO, is the world’s leading research and knowledge translation organisation focusing on mental ill-health in young people. At Orygen, our leadership and staff work to deliver cutting-edge research, policy development, innovative clinical services, and evidence-based training and education to ensure that there is continuous improvement in the treatments and care provided to young people experiencing mental ill-health. Our work has created a new, more positive approach to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders, and has developed new models of care for young people with emerging disorders. This work has been translated into a worldwide shift in services and treatments to include a primary focus on getting well and staying well, and health care models that include partnership with young people and families.
For 30 years the Alcohol and Drug Foundation - QLD has been providing support throughout Queensland and is dedicated to providing hope for people and families affected by addiction. This is in a range of ways such as counselling, community workers and a live-in rehabilitation centre (Logan House). Please visit us at
St John of God Health Care is the largest not-for-profit provider of private mental health care in NSW. Our hospital offers a variety of specialised inpatient and outpatient programs for people experiencing mental health problems. We offer recovery in a supportive, caring and serene environment.
Citizen Advocacy South Metropolitan links volunteer citizen advocates to people with a mental disability who are in need of ongoing support in our community. Our organisation helps to uphold the rights and interests of these vulnerable people and in the process, aims to improve society’s attitude toward mental disability in general.