The Charity helps maintain and improve the fabric of the Church. The current emphasis is on the restoration of the 245 year old pipe organ.
We are the 1st Scottish Charity dedicated to Ovarian Cancer. Our aims: To make a difference to the survival rate.To raise awareness of the disease. Advocate early screening and diagnostic testing. Raising funds for research towards better more effective treatments.
Scottish Epilepsy Initiative works in Scotland for people with epilepsy. There are approximately 54,000 people in Scotland living with epilepsy. We work to provide practical support for people living with epilepsy across Scotland.
A safe, supportive, fully equipped practical workshop helping people who have long-term physical &/or mental health issues, are older or unemployed to acquire skills, interests and friends. Run by skilled, retired volunteers activities include woodwork, metalwork, welding & creative glasswork.
Westbourne Park Family Centre was set up by Westbourne Park Baptist Church to support and strengthen local families in north Westminster. We do this through pre-school drop in's, a toy library, health projects, out of school children's clubs and youth projects.
St Andrews vision is to resource Christians worldwide, from our neighbours within Oxford to our friends and mission partners in Africa, Europe, the Far East and elsewhere on God's earth. We believe that love is a verb and we support several initiatives that support victims of injustice who may be affected by war or a natural disaster. We show love by helping all irrespective of faith or race.
Tamarisk Trust provides services to adults who have learning disabilities with residential, outreach and community support. The community based day opportunities incorporates access to local sport and leisure facilities, further education, employment opportunities and also offers practical day to day support for people living in their own homes.
Today in Haywards Heath there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis - redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill - can mean going hungry. The Haywards Heath foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis.
We support out-of-the-ordinary experiences in music and media production (the area Mike worked in) for students at Rawlins College in Quorn and its feeder schools. Our aim is to help individual students, and those around them, to develop artistically and / or technically.
Your generous donation supports the life of Selby Abbey and helps ensure the Abbey can remain open daily as a place of pilgrimage and worship for the people of Selby and our many visitors from the UK and overseas.
We channel the natural enthusiasm of young people in a positive, challenging direction in order to increase self-esteem and boost future aspirations. We provide practical courses and life skills and have worked with over 5000 young people, with many progressing to full time education or employment.
The UK MSG supports activities and research that increase knowledge about melanoma and other rare types of skin cancer with an aim to improve clinical outcomes.We are also currently supporting the development of UK clinical management guidelines for ocular, anorectal and urogenital melanoma.
Struggle Against Muscular Dystrophy aims to increase public awareness of Muscular Dystrophy through media, educational and fund-raising campaigns and to raise vital funding which will be directed to key research projects which will further scientific understanding of MD, with a view to bringing potential life enhancing drugs to this generation of sufferers.
Our core aims are to provide opportunities to disadvantaged adults with a learning disability that are both affordable and interesting. These activities will enable them increase social interaction in their local community, enhance personal skills and provide work and training opportunities.
PILLATON CHURCH DISASTER FUND On 21/01/2013 lightning struck the ancient Parish Church,destroying a pillar on the tower and causing 5 gaping holes in the roof. Damage is estimated at £350.000. We desperately need funds in excess of insurance to restore this Grade I Church to it's former glory.
Created via charity sign up service.
Fundraising for Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development
HNHA offers over 40 years experience of caring for elderly people, either in Extra Care Housing or Residential care. We can also provide a flexible domiciliary care service in your home, or a hot meals on wheels delivery service to your home.
The PCC has the responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent in promoting the ecclesiastical parish, the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. It also has maintenance responsibilities for the fabric of the churches of St Bartholomew's & St Nicholas.