We're rescuing orphaned children and finding homes for children who otherwise would be forgotten. Orphans Aid International Charitable Trust is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC27410.
We are the official fundraising body for the Waitemata District Health Board Well Foundation is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC32061.
We are UNICEF. Everything we do is for one purpose - to help children survive and thrive. In fact, we have saved the lives of more children than any other humanitarian organisation in the world. Join with us to save even more. UNICEF New Zeland is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC35979.
FebFast challenges New Zealander's to forgo their alcohol consumption and at the same time raise funds to support programmes helping reduce alcohol and other drug related harms amongst young people. Funds raised through FebFast 2012 will be distributed to organisations that reduce the impacts of alcohol and other drug problems amongst young people. Proceeds from registration and fundraising will go towards Rainbow Youth, Evolve, CareNZ and ADHD Association. For more information visit www.febfast.org.nz Charity Commission Number: 27025
The Women's Centre provides Christchurch with a safe, women-only environment, assisting, encouraging and supporting women (and their families) to make informed choices in their lives. We welcome all women to the Centre; run by women, for women. We offer the following free services: drop in centre, counselling, legal advise, information and resources, one-on-one crisis support, and the following low cost services: courses, and taking out library books. Women's Centre Incorporated is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC10043.
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The Clown Doctors New Zealand Charitable Trust combines creativity with social responsibility. Our mission is to bring JOY & LAUGHTER to children in hospitals and support older person's health. We use humour for health. Clown Doctors use a variety of techniques and clowning skills to empower children and elderly with doses of fun that help them deal with a range of emotions they may experience while in hospital - fear, anxiety, loneliness and boredom. The Clown Doctors New Zealand Charitable Trust is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC41526.
Save the Children New Zealand is a part of a global organisation that works around the world to deliver real and lasting change for children in more than 120 countries. Our vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Save the Children New Zealand is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC25367.
Coastguard is New Zealand’s primary marine search and rescue service. Around the coast our professionally-trained volunteers stand ready to assist those in trouble on the water 24/7. Our people do everything they can to save the life of a New Zealander in distress on the water. On average we rescue over 18 desperate boaties every day. Royal New Zealand Coastguard Incorporated is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC36138.