Browsing Charities
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Stand Up To Cancer in collaboration with Cancer Research UK (UK, Eng) Browse events

YTD Raised: £253,850.64

Stand Up To Cancer brings the UK together to raise money to accelerate progress in cancer research and bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. Donations will be made to Cancer Research UK in support of the Stand Up To Cancer campaign. Find out more at

St Andrew's Hospice (UK, SCO10159) Browse events

YTD Raised: £167,450.54

St. Andrew's Hospice provides specialist palliative care services - the total care of patients who require complex symptom management and or end-of-lifecare. It is Lanarkshire's only Specialist Hospice and provides vital multidisciplinary support for patients, their families, and carers.

Guy's & St. Thomas' Charity (UK, 1160316) Browse events

YTD Raised: £143,649.11

Guy’s and St Thomas’ is among the oldest and well known teaching hospitals. Our areas of specialisation include: cancer, cardiovascular services, kidney and urology and dermatology. We are home to the Evelina Children’s Hospital. With your help we can offer medical care that is second to none.

Sue Ryder (UK, 1052076) Browse events

YTD Raised: £133,454.81

Sue Ryder provides incredible care for people with life-changing illness. Whether it’s bringing comfort to someone’s final days or enabling them to make the most of their life, we are here for them and their loved ones.

Ronald McDonald House Charities (UK, 802047) Browse events

YTD Raised: £74,777.14

Ronald McDonald House Charities provides ‘home away from home’ accommodation for families with children in hospital, somewhere free to stay for as long as they need to. There are currently 14 Ronald McDonald Houses across the UK, all just a stone’s throw from the children’s ward. Thanks to the fundraising, donations, volunteering and awareness raising of our supporters, our Houses were able to help more than 7,000 families in 2013.     Many families travel miles from home so that their child can receive expert medical care from specialist children’s hospitals across the UK. Often, children have to remain in hospital for months at a time, so for the families, staying close to their child can be a struggle. Without a local Ronald McDonald House, many parents have to sleep on a chair by their child’s bed, on a pull down bed if this is available, or pay vast sums of money for hotel accommodation. As an independent charity, we rely on the support and generosity of our families, volunteers and donors. It is because of your fundraising efforts that we are able to look after families with children in hospital. We have achieved a lot in the last 25 years. However, there is still a great deal to do. Our mission is to ensure we have sufficient funds and expertise to develop and sustain free accommodation at every specialist children’s hospital in the UK. England and Wales registered charity number 802047 Scottish registered charity number SC040717

Hospiscare (UK, 297798) Browse events

YTD Raised: £60,056.95

Hospiscare provides free and specialised nursing to the terminally ill in Exeter, mid and east Devon. It looks after 700 patients at any one time, supporting patients in their own homes and in its hospice. It relies on the generosity of the community to provide this vital service.

St George's Hospital Charity (UK, 241527) Browse events

YTD Raised: £59,517.58

St George’s Hospital provides a range of general and specialist services in South West London and beyond. The hospital is a leading national centre for specialist care including neurology, cardiac care and cancer. Money raised through St George's Hospital Charity supports and enhances the services provided at St George’s for the benefit of patients, visitors and staff. Please help it continue the good work.

Target Ovarian Cancer (UK, 1125038) Browse events

YTD Raised: £58,966.06

Target Ovarian Cancer is the national ovarian cancer charity working to save lives and help women diagnosed live their lives to the full, wherever they are in the UK. We do this by: improving early diagnosis, finding new treatments and providing support for women.

The Lymphoma Association (UK, 1068395) Browse events

YTD Raised: £58,674.03

Every 40 minutes another person learns they have lymphatic cancer. For most it’s the first time they've heard of it. We are the only charity in the UK solely dedicated to supporting them. With your help people can get the vital information and support they need to cope with a diagnosis.

Hope House Children's Hospices (UK, 1003859) Browse events

YTD Raised: £51,761.76

Hope House Children's Hospices - Hope House in Oswestry and Ty Gobaith in Conwy - provide specialist nursing care in addition to practical and emotional support to terminally ill and life limited children and young people.

WellChild (UK, 289600) Browse events

YTD Raised: £50,022.11

WellChild is the national charity for sick children. We provide essential practical and emotional support for seriously ill children, young people and those who care for them across the UK to ensure they receive the best possible quality of care.

Wakefield Hospice (UK, 518392) Browse events

YTD Raised: £49,991.14

Wakefield Hospice comprises of a 16-bed in-patient unit providing specialist symptom management and support for local patients and their families facing a terminal illness. Various services and therapies are offered through the Day Therapy Unit as well as providing a drop in service twice weekly. It requires £2.3 million annually.

St Catherine’s Hospice (Crawley) (UK, 281362) Browse events

YTD Raised: £48,634.52

St Catherine’s Hospice helps local people living with a terminal illness achieve the best possible quality of life. Across Mid Sussex and East Surrey we support patients and their families. All our care is free of charge and every year we must raise £5.5 million to fund our work.

Aspire (UK, 1075317) Browse events

YTD Raised: £46,368.20

Every eight hours, someone in the UK is paralysed by a spinal cord injury. It can happen to anyone at any time. Without warning, someone's life changes completely. Aspire exists to provide essential support, equipment and advice to people with spinal cord injuries in the UK and Ireland.

St Luke's Hospice Plymouth (UK, 280681) Browse events

YTD Raised: £44,204.48

St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth provides free end of life care in Plymouth, SW Devon & East Cornwall. At home; in hospital & at our In Patient Unit we care for patients in the final days & weeks of life. St Luke’s has to raise £4.5 million year with 86p of every £1 you donate going to patient care.

LOROS, the Leicestershire and Rutland Hospice (UK, 506120) Browse events

YTD Raised: £44,139.12

LOROS Hospice is a local charity and every year we care for over 2,500 people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We deliver free, high-quality, compassionate care and support to terminally ill patients, their family and carers, that is special and unique to each individual.

Neuroblastoma Children's Cancer Alliance (UK, 1135601) Browse events

YTD Raised: £43,795.47

“All donations are paid into NCCA UK’s general funds to fund our charitable activities. Our charitable activities include: funding a child’s treatment against neuroblastoma, as well as sponsoring research, and promoting education and awareness of neuroblastoma.”

Epilepsy Society (UK, 206186) Browse events

YTD Raised: £41,072.57

We conduct world class medical research projects. We diagnose and treat thousands of people with epilepsy every year. We do this and much more. We are the UK’s national medical epilepsy charity. With Epilepsy Society, you don’t have to deal with epilepsy alone.

St Gemma's Hospice (UK, 1015941) Browse events

YTD Raised: £40,576.29

St. Gemma's Hospice provides specialist medical and nursing care for people with life threatening illnesses, predominantly cancer, along with support for their families, in the In-Patient Unit, by the community care nurses, in the Day Hospice, or as an Out-Patient.

Princess Alice Hospice (UK, 1010930) Browse events

YTD Raised: £39,719.43

Princess Alice Hospice is a charity providing all patient care and support free of charge. We give outstanding end of life care to adult patients, and support to their families and friends across a large part of Surrey, south west London and Middlesex. As a leading UK Hospice, learning, teaching and research are also central to our work, and we deliver innovative care programmes to both local and national audiences. Fundraising and community support are crucially important to our continued work as a charity and in supplementing our modest NHS grant.

Arthritis Research UK (UK, 207711) Browse events

YTD Raised: £39,106.63

Arthritis Research UK is the charity leading the fight against arthritis. More than 1 in 6 people are affected by arthritis, it is the biggest cause of pain and disability in the UK. We’re working to take the pain away and to help people remain active, doing the things they love.

Dorothy House Foundation Ltd (UK, 275745) Browse events

YTD Raised: £38,111.94

Dorothy House Hospice Care supports 1,500 families affected by cancer and other life threatening conditions every year. It is the only charity providing free specialist nursing care at home for people with life-threatening illness in Bath,Wiltshire and Somerset. Most patients are looked after in their own homes, but short-term care, out-patient and day patient services are provided at the hospice in Winsley. All care is provided free of charge, but Dorothy House receives only about 30% of its funding from the NHS. This year, after NHS funding, more than £7,000 a day must be raised to continue to provide these services.

Kent Air Ambulance (UK, 1021367) Browse events

YTD Raised: £37,813.35

The charity exists to relieve sick and injured people in South East England and surrounding areas by providing a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) and Air Ambulance Service for the benefit of the community. For more information, visit us:

Ty Hafan (UK, 1047912) Browse events

YTD Raised: £36,543.66

Tŷ Hafan offers comfort, care and support to life-limited children, young people and their families helping them make the most of the time they have left together. For Tŷ Hafan to offer this unique service completely free of charge to families in Wales, it has to raise over £3 million every year.

The Children's Hospital Charity (UK, 505002) Browse events

YTD Raised: £36,389.78

We make an extraordinary hospital even better. We provide the best equipment your money can buy, we open new facilities & we fund vital research to change lives tomorrow. We transform the hospital space & add the little touches that make a big difference to families. Together, we do it for the kids.

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