Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Baby Bar is an independent charity which runs a weekly, free-to-use support group for new and new-ish mums. We primarily focus on offering informed support on infant feeding, especially breastfeeding, and associated issues such as sleep, weaning and going back to work. At Baby Bar volunteers will make new clients feel welcome and offer home made refreshments. Peer supporters who are mums with at least 6 months of personal breastfeeding experience and who have attended at least one specialist training course can provide assistance on many issues. Rachel FitzD, our experienced infant feeding consultant and midwife, is qualified to diagnose and deal with issues such as tongue tie, thrush and mastitis. It’s FREE to use. However it costs money to run and is an independent charity, so if you want to support us then we welcome donations HERE! We need to raise £3000 every year to stay open. Please support us! Charity No: 1162617 Find out more Website Facebook
Cash for Kids aims to support local children under the age of 18, who are financially, socially, emotionally or physically less advantaged. Additionally to encourage healthy lifestyle options by promoting physical, mental and general wellbeing of children and adolescents within the Radio City Cash for Kids region.
Headway Wearside is a challenging and visible charity established in 2010 in Sunderland and surrounding areas. Our aim is to promote understanding of all aspects of Acquired Brain injury , to provide information, activities and support services to survivors of brain injury their families and carers. Headway Wearside Commitments We are a service user lead project that promotes independence, empowerment, social inclusion and re integration with our members planning twice monthly social activities and events. We work with Families and carers and help to ensure that families that take most of the strain have support and guidance that may help to relive the pressure when they need it most.
Promotingthe charity 'The Red Lipstick Foundation started by our family in June2014 following the death of our much loved daughter, sister, twin,auntie,granddaughterand friend. We are based in Hampshire. Brittany took her life the day before her 20th birthday and left our world in chaos. We named our charity the ‘RedLipstickFoundation’ as Brittany was such a make up fanatic. She loved her bright red lipstick and it suited her vivacious and crazy personality. She was a stunning, hilarious and quirky member of our big family. Her death was extremely unexpected as to everyone she was the life and soul of the party with a permanent cheery smile. None of us will ever know what that smile concealed and we have now made it our mission to try and help other families in our situation and to raise awareness of mental health issues.
DRUM is a small registered charity and user led service based in Watford. We provide day services to adults with physical and/or sensory disabilities. DRUM was first formed in October 1994 by a small group of disabled volunteers who wanted to meet up with like-minded people and pursue art activities within the local community. Nearly 20 years on and DRUM now supports over 60 disabled members and 100+ carers. Most of our members were not born with a disability and most had led busy lives, working hard and bringing up their families, when their lives were suddenly turned upside down by illness. Many first come to DRUM with feelings of depression and isolation. Many rely on care and support from a relative or friend. Some carers just need a couple of hours in order to do some shopping, meet friends or get some sleep but others may be juggling paid work with their unpaid caring responsibilities at home.
Home-Start Warrington is a part of the UK's leading family support charity. Through a network of trained parent volunteers Home-Start Warrington supports parents who are struggling to cope. Our families need support for many reasons including post-natal depression, the illness of a parent or child, disability, bereavement or social isolation. Parents supporting other parents: it's a simple idea that really works. Home-Start Warrington trains parent volunteers who then befriend and support families with at least one child under five. They help to give children the best possible start in life by supporting the whole family. They work to prevent difficult times from creating permanent problems.
CO-Gas Safety is an independent registered charity that works to try to prevent unintentional deaths and injuries from carbon monoxide and other gas dangers, including all products of combustion. The charity also helps victims and their families. The charity also lobbies government and industry with regard to prevention. We run a schools poster competition to raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide etc. for ages 10-11 in North England, South England, Scotland and Wales. We would prefer prime time public health warnings on TV but we can’t afford these. We also collect, collate and publish data on unintentional deaths and injuries and have been doing this since 1995. We have probably the best data in the UK. We try to check every death with the Coroner concerned and we are the only body to have had its data independently validated by a statistician.
BAND is a voluntary mental health organisation supporting people within the Borough of Bolton who live with mental health problems to reach their full potential as defined by themselves.
Shropshire Mind was established almost 40 years ago and provides a diverse range of quality services, across the County for the one in four people and their families acknowledged to be affected by mental or emotional distress.We help to bridge the gap between illness and full independence for service users. Some people need support in many areas of their lives, others in just a few, some for long periods of time, others for only a short while.Respect for users, with justice and equality of access to services are part of our vision that everyone has the right to live equally with others and to enjoy a good quality of life. We try to enable service users to play the fullest possible part in the communities in which they live. We work in partnership with clients to ensure their right to make choices is preserved. We are also striving to reduce the debilitation, alienation, stigma and social isolation experienced by vulnerable people living in rural areas. Our work includes group work based at our Shrewsbury premises and also at venues in Ludlow, Whitchurch, Bridgnorth and Market Drayton, with the aim of establishing additional groups across the county. Shropshire Mind has an established and trained volunteer base and a small number of paid staff who run specific projects. The charity has a board of trustees who meet as the Executive Committee and of those trustees there are elected officers – Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
Northampton Samaritans were founded in 1968 and is now based at 2 St Michaels Avenue. Samaritans are always here, round the clock every single day of the year so that people can talk to us about whatever is getting to them. A safe place - as volunteers we're ordinary people who keep what you say between us. You can be yourself, whoever you are, however you feel, whatever life's done to you. We're a charity and it's with your kind donations that we keep our service open to people who are struggling to cope.
Derwentside Mind is a small independent mental health charity based in Derwentside our offices are in Stanley & Consett, County Durham. We deal with people within primary care services. We provide practical and emotional support to people from 14+ years. If you suffer from feelings of depression, anxiety, confusion and loneliness due to emotional, physical or mental illness, and are finding it difficult to cope, perhaps we can help. Derwentside Mind is an Equal Opportunites organisation our doors are open to all, assessments will be carried out for anyone wishing to access our services. Standard for Commitment to Quality "Derwentside Mind is publicly committed to providing a quality of service that anticipates, meets and exceeds the needs and expectations of service users, volunteers, workers and other stakeholders. Derwentside Mind has adopted Mind's values and principles." (Quality Management in Mind) Any Service-Users/Volunteers/Stakeholders who are interested in being a part of the Quality Standards, and reviewing the organisations Planning, Policies, Procedures and Services, please contact Brenda Greener on 01207 591705/785 your input and participation is very important. "We strive to provide good quality mental health services, which reflect the needs of individuals within DERWENTSIDE" Our Aims: Empowering people to recognise their needs and aspirations, promoting personal control and independence. Provides services which, by raising public awareness, work positively in combating stigma and prejudice. Provides flexible, open-door, accessible and informal services which respect and value individuals' needs and experiences. Enables people experiencing emotional distress to lead an improved quality of life in the community. Promotes social inclusion and works towards achieving a shift in attitude of the business and social communities.
Syeda supports anyone in the South Yorkshire region who is affected by an eating disorder whether that be the person who has the eating disorder or those that care for them.
Across the UK more than 16,000 Home-Start volunteers visit families at home each week, supporting parents in situations as diverse as isolation, bereavement, multiple births, illness, disability or who are just finding parenting a struggle. They provide non-judgemental practical and emotional support and help build the family’s confidence and ability to cope. Home-Start runs more services and has more volunteers supporting more families than any other family support charity in the UK. Home-Start Denbighshire covers the whole county of Denbighshire and receives referrals from many different places including schools, health visitors and even the option to self refer.Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Denbighshire Home-Start we would love to hear from you.All of our volunteers are fully trained with a 30+ hour preparation course covering all the subjects you should need to become a volunteer. The course can also be accredited with CERTA if you wished which would result you gaining credits.All of our volunteers will also be fully DBS checked before being matched with a family to support for this truly worthwhile service.If you would like to have some more information about volunteering for us then please do not hesitate to ring the office on 01745 814819 or email the office on [email protected] and we will endeavour to answer any questions you may have.Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1118968 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Swindon Carers Centre exists to support and empower people of all ages who have caring responsibilities and to champion their rights. There are more than 19,500 Family Carers in Swindon who are looking after their family members. It may be looking after a relative who has developed Alzheimer’s disease, a disabled child or a parent who has a mental health condition. We have 3 teams dedicated to supporting Young Carers, Parents Carers and Adult Carers in Swindon. We offer a range of support and services to enable carers to continue in their caring role while still accessing education, being able to work and enjoy some time to themselves. As well as making a donation, there a lots of ways you can get involved with the work of the Centre either as an individual or a corporate partner. Please visit our website or email us for more information.
We’re West Norfolk Mind; we promote positive mental health and social inclusion within the community and provide a variety of resources for people with a mental health issue, their families and friends..
The South & Vale Carers Centre offers information, advice and support to unpaid carers of all ages living in South Oxfordshire or Vale of the White Horse. We help carers claim Benefits, help with Appeals and Tribunals, provide emotional support, and offer trips and activities to give carers a break.
ASCEND is based in South Oxhey, nationally recognised as an area with social deprivation issues. Award winning staff combine compassion with guidance, courses and basic skills; giving disadvantaged adults of all ages the self-esteem and confidence to increase their life chances. As a result, many find paid or voluntary work.
Age UK Surrey is an independent local charity supporting older people to make the most of life and be free from isolation, poverty and discrimination. Our activities include information and advice, counselling, advocacy, health and well-being and home and gardening services. Funds are always needed
The Harbour provides a free and professional counselling and psychotherapy service for individuals and couples affected by physical life-threatening illness. This includes people living with a life-threatening illness, people close to them and those bereaved through a life-threatening illness.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. The Citizens Advice service provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination. The service aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face, and to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.We are a charity and rely on donations. Please support us in our work. Charity No: 1086163 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter
We exist to meet local mental health needs & promote good mental health for everybody by providing high quality, tailored services, information & support. We strive for a society where people suffering from mental illness & their carers have a high quality of life & realise their potential.
Established in 1996 to support GMW MH NHS FT. The main activities are enhancing the healing environment for patients and staff, to provide activities and stimulation for patients, and to support staff development & training. As 1 in 4 people are affected by mental health issues, every penny counts!
Home-Start South East Dorset is a family support charity offering friendship and informal support to parents with young children, in their local community, so that every child can have a good start in life The aim is to recruit and train parent volunteers to offer friendship, support and some practical help to families who are experiencing difficulties.
We are a therapeutic garden and craft project, helping people to improve their mental health and well being. Root & Branch is a therapeutic gardening and rural craft project for people who experience mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.We are based on an organic farm in the Oxfordshire Vale of the White Horse.We offer a friendly, calm atmosphere where people are helped towards recovery. Through gardening, blacksmithing, woodwork, cooking and craft activities people learn new skills, regain health and well being, regain confidence and self-esteem, and begin to realise their potential.It costs around £60,000 a year to run our service. About half of this we have to raise ourselves through donations. The rest comes through the Oxfordshire NHS. Charity No: 1143294 Find out more Website