Knowing your boobs could save your life. CoppaFeel! is a breast cancer awareness charity, on a mission to educate and remind people to get to know theirs boobs in order to catch breast cancer early.
Did you know that at least 50,000 people in East London are living with some form of sight loss? So thanks for visiting East London Vision’s Virgin Money Marathon Page and for helping us to raise money to make a difference to the lives of blind and partially sighted people. Simple tasks that most of us take for granted, such as shopping, using public transport, or cooking a meal, can often become incredibly difficult when you can’t see. Your contribution could help us to achieve a range of things such as: Your support is appreciated and we hope you will make a contribution to our work to make a difference to blind and partially sighted people.
Maggie’s Centres are warm and welcoming places built alongside NHS hospitals that provide the emotional, practical and social support that people with cancer and their family and friends need.
At Positive Futures, we’re positive about people. People with a learning disability, those with acquired brain injury and people on the autistic spectrum. Where others see problems, we see possibilities. Charity No XR28291.
Cure Leukaemia also part funds the World Class Centre of Excellence for Clinical Haematology at the QE Hospital Birmingham, offering new life saving drugs & treatments to blood cancer patients. Our message remains simple, the more funds we raise, the more nurses we employ, the more lives we save.
The Childrens Heartbeat Trust provides practical and emotional support to parents and families of children with heart disease in Northern Ireland. Heart disease is now the most common problem at birth in Northern Ireland. Over 200 children a year are born with heart disease. One third of these children will require further investigation and/ or surgery. The Children’s Heartbeat Trust works closely with the Clark Clinic at the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children to help fund top quality medical equipment and initiatives, to ensure that children with heart disease in Northern Ireland receive the best care and treatment possible. The Children’s Heartbeat Trust is a local charity, funded solely from public donations. We provide support in a number of ways including; - Financial support for Clark Clinic - Family Support Groups throughout Northern Ireland - Parent accommodation at the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children - Parent support and information networks - Research into heart disease in children Your support will help change the lives of children with heart disease in Northern Ireland.
Highland Hospice gives specialist palliative care to adults with incurable life limiting disease in the Highlands. We have a 10 bed In Patient Unit and a Day Hospice which runs in five locations. We also provide bereavement counselling for relatives and education for healthcare professionals.
Epilepsy Action exists to improve the lives of everyone affected by epilepsy. As well as campaigning to improve epilepsy services we offer assistance in a number of different ways. These include a national network of branches, epilepsy awareness volunteers and freephone and email helplines.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-shortening inherited disease, affecting almost 10,000 people in the UK, clogging vital organs with thick sticky mucus. There is presently no cure. We are the UK’s only national charity working for families with CF and to find a cure.
Breast Cancer UK is dedicated to the primary prevention of breast cancer by reducing public exposure to the carcinogenic and hazardous chemicals in our environment and everyday products. We campaign, raise awareness and support scientific research into chemicals associated with breast cancer.
MS-UK, formerly MSRC, is dedicated to supporting anyone affected by MS. At MS-UK we put people affected by MS at the heart of our work. We offer support and information through our MS Advisors, and New Pathways magazine. MS-UK. Working together to live life with MS
One person in five in the UK is affected by lung disease. Millions more are at risk. We are the UK's lung charity and we are here for every one of them, whatever their condition. We are the British Lung Foundation. Leading the fight against lung disease.
Momentum aims to help children, and the families of children, who are undergoing treatment for cancer and life-limiting conditions in South West London and Surrey.
Melanoma Focus is a Cambridge-based national charity providing a comprehensive and authoritative source of information for public and professionals alike, while supporting education and promoting research about melanoma. It was founded by a team of world-class research and clinical professionals.
It provides weekly youth clubs for young people on the autistic spectrum, mostly with diagnoses for aspergers syndrome. Support is also provided for parents of these children.
CLAN offers FREE support to anyone affected by cancer in North East Scotland, Moray, Orkney and Shetland. Visit our website to find out how you can support CLAN and how CLAN can support you – details of upcoming events and latest information on CLAN services
The Encephalitis Society aims to improve the quality of life of all people affected directly & indirectly by Encephalitis. To live in a world where those affected, have access to early diagnosis, excellent management of their condition, timely access to rehabilitation & other forms of social support
The Candlelighters Trust (Candlelighters) is Yorkshire’s pre eminent children’s cancer charity, providing practical, emotional and financial support to children living with cancer in Yorkshire and their families. For more information on Candlelighters
Zoë's Place provides 24-hour respite and terminal care to infants aged 0-5 years with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. We provide short-term regular care with our dedicated nursing staff, in a home from home environment to give parents and carers a well deserved break.
Headway (UK) - the brain injury association. Each year, approximately one million people visit A&E departments following a head injury, with 135,000 people admitted to hospital due to the severity of their injuries. Head injury is the foremost cause of death and disability in young people today.
Lindsey Lodge Hospice offers very special care for people in the North Lincolnshire area living with life-limiting conditions such as cancer or multiple sclerosis. Patients and their loved ones benefit from the care that we provide free of charge because of generous people like you. Thank you.
RNIB - helping blind and partially sighted people. Every day another 100 people will start to lose their sight. RNIB is the leading UK charity offering practical support & information to anyone with a sight problem. We campaign to eliminate avoidable sight loss and support research into eye health.
Significant progress has been made over the last decade towards the elimination of paediatric HIV. Yet, each day approximately 700 children are still infected with HIV. 90% of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa and approximately half of children infected with HIV will die before age two if the virus is untreated. This situation is both tragic and unnecessary, as it is almost entirely preventable. mothers2mothers (m2m) is changing that. We believe in the power of women to eliminate paediatric HIV and create health and hope for themselves and their babies, families, and communities. We train, employ, and empower Mentor Mothers, who are mothers living with HIV, to work alongside doctors and nurses in understaffed health centres as members of the healthcare team. In one-on-one and group sessions, Mentor Mothers provide essential health education and psychosocial support to other HIV-positive mothers on how they can protect their babies from HIV infection, and keep themselves and their families healthy. Mentor Mothers’ ties to the community and first hand-hand knowledge of HIV makes them highly effective peer mentors. Since our founding in 2001, we have reached more than 1.2 million HIV-positive mothers in nine countries with essential health education and psychosocial support, and have helped establish affiliated Mentor Mother programmes in two additional countries. mothers2mothers has now enhanced the scope of its work to provide education, support, and referrals on a wide range of health issues important to our clients and critical to improving their overall health , including TB, cervical cancer, nutrition, neonatal male circumcision, gender-based violence, malaria reproductive health, and family planning. No baby should be born with HIV and no mother should die of HIV. Together we can eliminate paediatric HIV. To find out how you can get involved in the fight for an AIDS-free generation, please visit: Alternatively, you can contact our London Office using the “Charity details” provided on the left of the screen.
The British Liver Trust is the UK's leading adult liver charity. Liver disease affects an estimated 2 million people a year and most people don't realise the liver can be damaged by our genes, our immune system or reactions to prescription medicines, as well as alcohol, obesity and viral hepatitis. Many people are unaware they are at risk. One in ten deaths of people in their 40s is linked to liver disease. Liver firbrosis and cirrhosis can lead to liver cancer. British Liver Trust aims to raise awareness and campaign for better support for everyone affected by a liver condition. We provide patient information and support through our information line and direct support groups, helping people to manage the impact of this devastating disease. Our campaigning and awareness raising work will help to reduce the numbers affected in the future and is only possible thanks to voluntary donations. Your support is vital and will help us continue our aims of reducing the incidence and impact of this devastating disease across the UK. Thank you.
Breast Cancer Care is the only UK-wide charity providing specialist support and expert information for anyone affected by breast cancer. Visit or call our free helpline on 0808 800 6000.