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Action Against Hunger UK (UK, 1047501) Browse events

YTD Raised: £27,538.05

Action Against Hunger is an international humanitarian organisation committed to ending child hunger. Recognised as a leader in the fight against malnutrition, Action Against Hunger runs life-saving programmes in over 40 countries helping nearly seven million people each year.

Sufra - NW London (UK, 1151911) Browse events

YTD Raised: £23,552.78

Sufra – NW London is a Community Food Bank & Kitchen, based in the London Borough of Brent, which aims to support disadvantaged families suffering food poverty in the local area. More than 29,000 children in North West London are living in severe poverty and may go to bed hungry. Families across the borough are struggling to survive with rising prices, benefit caps and low paid jobs. Even those families who may have been comfortable can be caught off-guard when a mother or father is suddenly made redundant. Sufra – NW London provides a life-line for families who simply don’t have enough food to eat. Although we live in a welfare state, there are so many things that can go wrong leaving no money for food. In those moments of crisis we are here to help. For more information, please visit our website 

The Mayor's Hope Fund (UK, 1153630) Browse events

YTD Raised: £20,715.65

The Mayor's Hope Fund has been set up by the Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson to support foodbanks and alleviate poverty in the city. Families across the city are facing tough times. Any donations people make will have a huge impact on those in our communities most in need

Northampton Hope Centre (UK, 1015743) Browse events

YTD Raised: £18,836.76

In 1974, the Northampton Soup Kitchen began. Now The Hope Centre,we still offer life’s basics - hot meals, showers and clothes and deliver a range of education, training & development activities. With 80-120 clients each day,it costs £22,000 per month to run the centre. Please help us! .

Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal Uk (UK, 1112669) Browse events

YTD Raised: £17,421.20

The Raj Saubhag Ashram is primarily a spiritual centre, and is located in Sayla, a village rich in spiritual history. However, the surrounding region suffers from severe poverty, a harsh climate and barren soil. Param Pujya Bapuji, a son of this soil, with a distinguished local career in government service, was very conscious of the suffering of the local population. Once the Ashram was established in 1976, with the spirituality as its primary focus, throughout his time as head of the Ashram and beyond, Bapuji emphasised the cultivation of the quality of compassion in all his disciples and encouraged activities to improve the welfare of those living around the Ashram. He inspired the Ashram members to look out for the needs of others, while pursuing personal spiritual goals, and this has led to contributions to local society in the fields of education, medicine, distribution of food and clothing, rehabilitation of the physically challenged, vocational training, as well as emergency relief. As well as sowing the seeds of compassion, Param Pujya Bapuji always said that the cultivation of detachment (Vairagya) was fundamental to spiritual (Adhyatmic) progress. However, this detachment is compassionate. In our routinely comfortable lives, we often forget the misery of others, and sometimes lose a sense of perspective. When we work or become acquainted with those less fortunate than us, we immediately regain perspective, if we are thoughtful, and this will lead us to re-examine the certainty of the things we take for granted. In our service of others, we not only facilitate transformation of their livelihoods, we also transform ourselves. Compassion for the self and others, combined with detachment, will enable us to live in this world in a way which creates inner peace and harmony with those around us.

Fultali Foundation (UK, 1125918) Browse events

YTD Raised: £16,767.64

we provid students with the necessary educational resources, support to build school Building, provid sewing machines, rickshaw's, food and shelter to poor families and sponsor poor students & orphans.

Midland Langar Seva Society (UK, 1156965) Browse events

YTD Raised: £13,869.13

Our aim at Midland Langar Seva Society is help the homeless and provide food / hunger relief to those that need really need it. Langar is the term used in the Sikh religion or in Punjab for general or common kitchen / canteen where food is served for free. Midland Langar Seva Society was launched in the Midlands and now is doing many daily feeds across the UK and abroad in India too.

The Trussell Trust (UK, 1110522) Browse events

YTD Raised: £12,332.59

The Trussell Trust runs sustainable community projects in the UK and Bulgaria tackling poverty and exclusion. Through the UK Foodbank Network, Community Enterprises and Bulgaria projects, we work with marginalised people in real need, providing practical care and support.

The Choir with No Name (UK, 1136173) Browse events

YTD Raised: £12,288.87

The Choir with No Name runs choirs for people who have experienced homelessness, and others on the margins.  Our mission is to enable marginalised people to make friends, build their confidence and skills and find their place in society. Each choir rehearses once a week, and we always share a hot meal together afterwards too (cooked by our fantastic team of volunteers). We also love to perform in public regularly. We've got four choirs - two in London, one in Birmingham and one in Liverpool - and plans are afoot for a fifth choir later this year... We need donations to fund things like hiring rehearsal venues, travel to gigs, salaries, and food.   We would be so grateful for your support! One of the most valuable (and fun!) ways of supporting us is to join our official fan club.  Click here for more details.

Leeds United Foundation (UK, 1137703) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10,560.78

The Leeds United Foundation is a not for profit, grass roots sports charity. We deliver targeted, high quality programmes that have a real and measurable positive impact on our Leeds and Yorkshire community which nurture the relationship between the club, its fans and its communities.

Mary's Meals (UK, SCO22140) Browse events

YTD Raised: £9,363.15

Mary’s Meals sets up school feeding projects in countries where hunger and poverty prevent children from getting an education. Daily meals are provided in school for children in Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe. By providing children with a daily meal, Mary's Meals gives them essential nutrition and an incentive to come to school. For more information, go to, or you can follow us on Twitter at and on Facebook.

FareShare (UK, 1100051) Browse events

YTD Raised: £9,139.14

FareShare fights hunger in the UK by redistributing good food, which would otherwise go to waste, to over 1,200 charities. We help feed 62,000 people a day but there's an urgent need to do more. Please join the fight against hunger and food waste and support FareShare today. Thank you.

The Anaphylaxis Campaign (UK, 1085527) Browse events

YTD Raised: £8,356.18

Anaphylaxis Campaign is the only UK wide charity to exclusively meet the needs of the growing numbers of people at risk from severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) by providing information and support relating to foods and other triggers such as latex, drugs and insect stings.

Luton Foodbank (UK, EW24901) Browse events

YTD Raised: £8,078.15

Launched in April 2013, Luton Foodbank provides emergency food supplies to local people living in food poverty.  Luton Foodbank provides individuals and families with non-perishable food parcels containing 3 days worth of food. We work with local organisations and volunteers, striving to ensure that no one in Luton goes hungry.  We value all the support that we recieve from local community, including schools, churches, mosques and other organisations.  If you would like to get involved by volunteering or becoming a referral agency, please contact us using the details on this page. Thank you!

Oasis Hub - Waterloo (UK, 1136965) Browse events

YTD Raised: £7,649.28

We aim to offer hope, increase opportunity and help everyone in our community to become the best possible version of themselves. We're involved in running a church, a Foodbank, Debt Advice Centre, community choirs, a coffee shop, football teams, primary and secondary schools, and much more.

Chelwood Foodbank Plus (Stockport) (UK, 1155933) Browse events

YTD Raised: £6,928.44

Created via charity sign up service.

FoodCycle (UK, 1134423) Browse events

YTD Raised: £6,183.66

FoodCycle builds communities by combining volunteers, surplus food and spare kitchen spaces to create nutritious meals for people at risk from food poverty and social isolation. Launched in May 2009, we now have 15 projects cooking across the country. Over 4 million people are affected by food poverty in the UK, yet we throw away millions of tonnes of perfectly edible food. To us at FoodCycle this just doesn't make sense, so our teams of amazing volunteers are doing something about it. Since 2009 we've served over 40,000 nutritious three-course meals, created out of 35,000kg of reclaimed surplus by our network of over 1000 volunteers. But there's much more we can do, and we need your help. If you can help, please donate using the right-hand sidebar. You can make a one-off donation, fundraise for us by running a marathon or hosting a dinner, or make a regular monthly donation. Thank you for your support! If you'd like to find out more about our work, please visit our website, call us on 020 7729 2775, email us on [email protected] or follow us on twitter @foodcycle. You can also watch this short video to see how FoodCycle works!

The Fishermen's Mission (UK, 232822) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,912.25

The Fishermen's Mission fights poverty and despair in the UK's fishing communities by providing emergency and welfare support to fishermen and their families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Coastline Vineyard Church (UK, 1162668) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,700.00

Joy Cafe is a start-up community cafe that has just begun the adventure of making a big difference in beautiful but broken neighbourhood. We pursue providing great space & opportunities for fun, creativity, healthy connections, growth, guidance & restoration. We love great food & friendships!

Cafédirect Producers' Foundation (UK, 1133218) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,593.06

The Cafédirect Producers’ Foundation (CPF) is a registered charity working with 280,000 smallholder farmers and their organisations across Africa and Latin America. We support farmers to develop innovative solutions to the challenges they face.

Raha International (UK, 1137771) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,468.00

Raha international is a charity promoting EMPOWERMENT THROUGH EDUCATION. We believe that education is a basic right for every child, through which the lives of the individual and the social landscape of a community can be dramatically transformed. Rahas supporters help deliver an Education and associated basic care, food and shelter to improve the chances of a child or young person remaining in Education. An education which helps create the freedom, confidence and empowerment for individuals and communities that drives further development. We are a volunteer led charity that works actively to keep our administration costs low.

Himmah (UK, 1161021) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,392.00

Himmah isa grassroots community based social justice initiative providing services, organising and education to meet the needs andaspirations of the wider community. Ourwork is driven by an ethos of mercy, compassion, service and justice astransformative forces for the type of positive social change that isneeded in modern day Britain.Weaspire to create change by building more cohesive, educated and prosperous communities. The story of Himmah starts with the story ofAhmed. In 2010, a man named Ahmed was finding food from bins and sleeping onpieces of cardboard in the street. This sparked a call to action which saw acommunity come together to help a man who had been abandoned by the society helived in, Himmah was found in this action. Since then Himmah has gone on to help countlessindividuals whose stories are similar. We have a proud history of providingsupport to individuals and families in need, refugees and communities beingdiscriminated. Himmah ensures that donations are dealt with in the mosttransparent way possible so supporters are assured of the change they havehelped make. Charity No: 1161021 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

PINNT (UK, 327878) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,190.93

Imagine being unable to nourish your body from normal food and drink. Instead you have to rely on liquid nutrients being pumped or dripped into your body through a tube which is, literally, your lifeline, and your not in hospital, you are at home living your life to the best it can be. Pinnt is a charity setup by patients who live life "on-line",we provide support and advice through regional support group, a quaterly magazine and our website. We publish helpful literature on a variety of topics including travel, insurance to name but a few. Interested in becoming a member, and having access to all that PINNT offers, please contact us.

United Hebrew Congregation Leeds (UK, 515316) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,174.31

UHC Leeds is a vibrant, inclusive and outward-looking orthodox shul in the heart of Leeds’ Jewish community, with an active and committed membership and an inspiring modern purpose-built shul which contains elements of its 150+ year old forebears.

Befrienders For Disability (UK, NIC100726) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,052.33

Our charity currently operates in the UK & overseas. We provide disabled people in Northern Ireland with companionship, support, transportation and home visits. In Kenya we provide free medical care, physical and occupational therapy, prosthetics, food and other services to disabled children.

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