Browsing Charities
451 - 475 of 597 results

Yeovil Community Church (UK, 1039903) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a community church based in Yeovil running projects working with young people through 'Urban Warriors', supporting families through 'Yeovil4Family', we also run mentoring, a food bank, coffee shop, youth groups, befriending, job club, parents and toddlers, pre-school and much more.

Leeds Older People's Forum (UK, 1067630) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Cotswold Riding for the Disabled (UK, 1062938) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We offer riding lessons for disabled and special needs children and adults in the Gloucestershre area and are based at Cheltenham racecourse. We have 200 hundred riders supported by around 150 volunteers every week throughout term time, which equates to 6,930 lessons per year. All the riders are physically disabled or have learning difficulties/special needs and all receive positive help and a real boost to their confidence during their time with the group. We receive no external financial support and rely totally on our own fund raising activities and the fundraising of our volunteers. Our operating cost last year was £120,000 which included £2,000 per pony per annum (we currently have 12 ponies) for vet’s fees, food and shoes.

Living Waters Christian Centre (UK, 1058778) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a registered church charity that meets regularly for fellowship, teaching and practical expressions of our faith. This includes reaching out to those in our communities who are experiencing hardship. Our Food Bank distributes perishable and non perishable food every week to those in need.

Harvest (UK, 518744) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Harvest is a five day Christian festival held in the North East of England, that exists to help young people engage with God, each other and to go home better equipped to live out their faith.

VETAID (UK, SC004913) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

VETAID is a Scottish-based organisation who works to reduce poverty and increase food security for people in sub-Saharan Africa who are dependent on livestock. We currently work in Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia. The communities we work with are dependent - often completely- on animals for their food and income. By providing local people with basic animal health skills and equipment, their animals are healthier, providing a more reliable source of meat, eggs and dairy products. Not only does this mean that the community is healthier as they have a secure source of food, but they are also able to earn an income from the sale of any excess produce. Each year, VETAID improves the lives of over a million people.

Africa's Future (UK, 1098660) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Africa's Future is a charity run by volunteers which supports work in Ghana to provide impoverished children with food and education. Because of the charity's small size, the running costs are tiny, which means that all money goes directly to fund the projects in Africa

Garden Organic (UK, 298104) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Garden Organic, the UK's leading organic growing charity. Over 50 years of working to inspire, encourage and support individuals, communities and schools to grow organically. Through research, education, demonstration, lobbying and campaigning we help people lead healthier, more sustainable lives.

The Rainbow Farm Trust (UK, 1110081) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Jamie Oliver Food Foundation (UK, 1094536) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Jamie Oliver Food Foundation works to bring food skills to life. We believe that every child should learn about food, where it comes from and how it affects their bodies and everyone should be able to access lost or forgotten food skills.

K.I.Ds in Romania (UK, 1072853) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Helping widows and children of poor and needy familes in the North East of Romania with monthly food aid parcels,clothing,medicines and education.

GardenAfrica (UK, 1093568) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

GardenAfrica establishes training gardens in schools and hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa. These gardens are used to teach people affected by poverty and disease to grow nutritious food and medicinal plants, using sustainable farming methods, to improve health and generate income. More than 90% of your donation will go directly to projects in the field

Families For Children Zambia (UK, 1098258) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

families for Children, Zambia work with communities in Zambia, to protect, care for and educate vulnerable children who are affected by HIV/AIDS. Most of the children are orphans and live in abject poverty. They and their families are offered help with food and other basic necessities and supported through school, towards independence.

NKFC (UK, 1037695) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

This grass roots charity helps the most impoverished people of Cambodia who suffered the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge. The charity helps over 15,000 people made up of more than 3,000 families in 8 villages. Please see for more information. The Nginn Karet Foundation for Cambodia exists in order to help village people in Cambodia to secure their basic needs, through a partnership program. Focusing initially on one village, the Foundation supports village people to secure their basic needs, including primary education. Primary health care systems are supported so as to enable mothers to produce appropriate food for their families, based on locally grown cereals, vegetables, fruit and fish. The provision of potable water and the control of local water supplies to village fields for crop and livestock production is a priority. Ownership of the program lies with the village people. The Foundation respects and tries to promote the traditional culture on which village life is based, within the context of sustainable development for basic needs.

St Francis Leprosy Guild (UK, 208741) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We have a team of runners and power walkers in the 10K London Run on 8 July. Please give generousy to support their efforts. The Guild helps people with leprosy around the world. They would like to run and earn their living like everyone else, but often lack the strength. Most live in poor communities and need food, medical attention, eye surgery, ulcer care and weatherproof housing.  We are grateful for anything you can do to support them. Thank you.      

Citygate Food+ Bromley (UK, 1111470) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Citygate Food+ addresses food poverty in Bromley by redistributing surplus food donated by local suppliers to those in acute financial difficulty. Our independent food bank is run exclusively by volunteers who also offer help with decorating, gardening & a range of home furnishings.

AKIN (UK, AKIN - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

AKIN was established 5 years ago to help children in poor countries by providing food, clothing, shelter, health care and education. It currently has 5 projects: in India, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Sierra Leone.

Gloucester foodbank (UK, 1113515) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our mission is to give nutritionally balanced emergency food, enough for 3 days, to local people in crisis who have nowhere else to turn thus helping to break the cycle of poverty. We treat each client as an individual, with dignity and respect, putting them in touch with relevant agencies who can offer further support.

A.S.A.P. (UK, 1124604) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Africa Social Action Project (ASAP!), raises funds for impoverished orphans living in Hazyview South Africa, who have lost both parents to the AIDS epidemic. With your help we can provide these vulnerable children not only with clothes, food and medicine but hope for a better future. Please give generously.

Project Moz (UK, 1135209) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Project Moz supports work being carried out in Mozambique, principally the care of orphaned and abandoned babies and children. It also helps to start up and maintain community projects such as health clinics, supporting street children, supplying food to families and aiding small business ventures.

Philippine Kids Project (UK, SC041541) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Main purpose : To receive an education. With a proper education, children can build a better future for themselves and break the cycle of poverty. To sustain a feeding program for the poorest Filipino children in local schools so that they receive at least one nutritious meal a day at school.


YTD Raised: £0.00

The Friends of the Homeless operate two food banks in the Fareham and Gosport area called Basics Banks.

Global Generation (UK, 1106420) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Global Generation's Kings Cross Food Growing Spaces & rural campsite on Pertwood Organic Farm are bringing together people of different ages & from different walks of life. And through engaged doing & discussing, we are helping to transform urban environments and how we live, work & learn together.

Todos Juntos Childrens Trust (UK, 1115344) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Todos Juntos (All Together) was created in the UK to help children in the slums of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The charitiy's aim is to improve the daily living conditions of these underprivileged children by supplying free dental care and hygiene, school supplies, food, clothing and shoes. The trust also supports a network of state-run soup kitchens with materials and equipment.

St. Mary Magdalene Centre for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (UK, 1130900) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The St. Mary Magdalene Centre provides hospitality, practical support and pathways to integration to all those who have found themselves seeking asylum in London. Over 70 people a day come to the Centre for English classes, art classes, hot meals, food parcels and one-to-one support.