Browsing Charities
451 - 475 of 902 results

Greensleeves Homes Trust (UK, 1060478) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Greensleeves Homes Trust is a highly innovative provider of care for older people. We have 17 residential & nursing care homes across the Midlands, Southern and Eastern England. We are constantly adapting to meet the needs of older people and have won a series of awards for our quality of care.

Home-Start Portsmouth (UK, 1124943) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Home-Start provides a unique service for families - recruiting and training volunteers to support parents with young children. Home-Start Portsmouth is an independent charity working with Portsmouth families.

One Roof Leicester (UK, 1159018) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

One Roof Leicester (ORL) is a consortium of independent faith, community and voluntary sector organisations supporting the homeless, destitute and vulnerably housed in Leicester.

Solden Hill House (UK, 228037) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Solden Hill House is a residential care home for adults with learning disabilities. It provides on-site craft and recreational activities and enables residents to access outside social and education facilities.

Homeless World Cup Foundation (UK, SC037091) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We use football to energise and empower people who are homeless or excluded to change their own lives. The Homeless World Cup supports grass roots football development programmes in over 70+ nations triggered by the Homeless World Cup, an established international football tournament.

Dacorum Mencap (UK, 212549) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for supporting the work of Dacorum Mencap

Cyrenians (UK, 269158) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

OUR BACKGROUNDCyrenians was formed as a direct response to local need across London. 30 years ago large lodging houses were being closed down and people with complex support needs were faced with homelessness once again. Cyrenians provides shelter and support on a more human scale by delivering extraordinary services in ordinary houses, on ordinary streets, to some of the most challenging service users in our local communities.WHO WE WORK WITHSingle vulnerable & Homeless peoplePeople with mental health problemsPeople with substance misuse issuesYoung people including care leaversMother & babiesRough SleepersAsylum seekersPeople with dual diagnosisEx Offender Women only with forensic histories

FAST UK (UK, 1140963) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

FAST UK ( supports work to eliminate poverty, deprivation and discrimination in Brasov county, Romania. We work primarily with destitute & marginalised Roma families, and typically support educational and housing programmes that promote a route to self-sufficiency.

Age UK Notts (UK, 1067881) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire is the largest independent local charity providing direct services to older people from all communities and backgrounds in the city and county.

Emmaus Cambridge (UK, 1064473) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Emmaus Cambridge provides home and work for previously homeless people and those people choosing to live in a community environment. We collect and sell second-hand items and all proceeds support our work with homeless and marginalised people. We are part of the worldwide Emmaus Movement.

Haig Housing Trust (UK, 1125556) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Coming Home is Haig Housing Trust's campaign to raise funds to provide specially adapted housing for injured and disabled Service personnel in need of rebuilding their lives. See for more information and see how your donation will make a huge contribution to people’s lives.

Instant Neighbour Aberdeen (UK, SC002223) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Instant Neighbour aims to allieviate poverty in the North East of Scotland by providing support to those on low income and benefit. The main support is in the form of enabling people to furnish their homes, through a furniture redistribution project.

Link to Hope (UK, 1069722) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Link to Hope (formally Link Romania) is a Christian charity which exists to rebuild lives and communities in Eastern Europe by supporting the poorest and most marginalised people through education and social care. They have projects in Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.

St Martins Housing Trust (UK, 802013) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Addressing the needs of the homeless in Norwich and Norfolk St Martins Housing Trust is a registered charity. Our objects are to "provide food shelter and accommodation in the county of Norfolk for poor people having no other residence or the place to sleep"  Our Mission St Martins Housing Trust strives to address the needs of homeless people in Norwich.  We offer emergency direct access accommodation, residential care, support and development to enable everyone to achieve their full potential and a greater level of independence.   How it all began…. St Martins Housing Trust started life as the Norwich Night Shelter Project.  The original Night Shelter at St James Church on Barrack Street opened in 1972 in response to the growing problem of homelessness in Norwich.  In spite of the very basic amenities, the Night Shelter was in ever increasing demand, and within a few years new premises were needed to cope with the swelling number of Night Shelter users.  In 1976, the Shelter relocated to St Martin at Oak, a redundant church on Oak Street.  From this point on the Trust developed a wide range of complementary services that responded to the needs and expectations of homeless people.  In April 2002 the Night Shelter was replaced by a new, purpose-built Direct Access and Resettlement Hostel (Bishopbridge House) at Gas Hill, off Riverside Road, Norwich.   THE TRUSTS SERVICES   Bishopbridge House  - A 30 bed Direct Access and Resettlement Hostel.  10 rooms provide direct access accommodation from the street.  20 rooms are used for move-on and resettlement.  The aim is to provide routes out of homelessness.   Highwater House  - A 22 bed registered care home for people with mental health problems and with drug/or alcohol dependency (dual diagnosis).   Carrow Hill Home  - A 22 bed registered care home providing long term care for people with mental health problems and sometimes drug or alcohol dependency.   Group homes  - A number of shared houses, which act as a stepping-stone towards independent accommodation.   Contact, Assessment & Prevention Service  (CAPS) - provides ongoing support and assistance to address the difficulties faced by people who are either sleeping rough or in insecure accommodation and at risk of becoming homeless. This work includes a one night a week street-based shift that makes direct contact with rough sleepers in the city.   Temporary Accommodation Project (TAP)  - started as a pilot project in 2001, and now manages temporary accommodation on behalf of Norwich City Council for single homeless people whose homelessness applications are being investigated.  The accommodation is in shared houses and is a more homely alternative to bed and breakfast.  It also gives the Trust the opportunity to work with the individual on an appropriate support package for both the immediate and longer term.   Under-1-Roof - The Trust’s training, education and employment preparation centre opened in February 2010, providing a welcoming environment for our service users where they can take part in training tailored to their specific needs by established local training providers.   Facilities  - in-house catering, domestic and maintenance services.   Administrative Support  - financial and administrative functions at the Trusts Head Office.   THE BIGGER PICTURE The Trust works as a part of the broader movement in Norwich and the surrounding area.  We work with other voluntary organisations, housing associations, community and church groups to raise awareness of homelessness as one of the principle contributors to social exclusion.   The Trust aims to be a progressive and developing charity, adjusting to the needs of homeless people that are often very complex.  Over the last few years, for example, the characteristics of homeless people have changed dramatically.  We are now seeing a growing number of young people, women and people with mental health and substance misuse problems presenting at Bishopbridge House.

Barnet Mencap (UK, 1089388) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Barnet Mencap provides support, advice and information to people with learning disabilities and their families. Some of the services include social days out, repite care, sports activities, family and care support, volunteering, housing and general advice.

Watford New Hope Trust (UK, 1080784) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Watford New Hope Trust exists to serve homeless and vulnerable people by providing opportunities to rebuild damaged lives. We run eleven projects in and around the Watford area, which include housing, training and employment opportunities and social enterprise initiatives.

Off the Fence Trust Ltd (UK, 1108777) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Resisting poverty.Empowering people.Restoring hope,Off The Fence helps the socially excluded in Brighton & Hove.The charity offers:emergency outreach to homeless individuals and a homeless day centre;a schools programme for 6-18 year olds and a women’s centre supporting women in crisis.

Homeplus NI Ltd (UK, NIC100730) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Homeplus is a homeless charity, which was established in September 2000. We have a Street Outreach project for the rough sleepers of Belfast 365 nights a year. We also have a daily Drop-In and Advice Centre for destitute Migrant Workers, Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

ROC Solid (UK, 1123959) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It provides supported housing for vulnerable young people.

Dolly Hall (UK, 1125847) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Dolly Hall is an old mansion house in Mid-Wales. The Hall is owned and run by the Trustees of the Dolcorsllwyn Hall Association. It exists to provide residential accommodation for children and young people from needy backgrounds. Please visit for further information.

Age UK Barnet (UK, 1080458) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Age UK Barnet provides a large number of services for older people in the London Borough of Barnet. It runs two community centres and provides exercise classes, information and advice, a home repair scheme, befriending and home visiting. It has a variety of volunteering opportunities.

Sullivan's Heroes (UK, 1163021) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Sullivan’s Heroes is a charity offering support and financial assistance for families raising much needed funds towards home adaptations for a disabled child, to improve their quality of life within their home environment. Please support us, to build brighter futures for disabled children.

Women's Housing Action Group (UK, 1081032) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Who are we? Women’s Housing Action Group (WHAG) is a charity that supports and empowers vulnerable women to find and sustain safe and suitable accommodation and supports men experiencing Domestic Abuse.   Yvonne Cossins (One of our students mums) is taking part in the Bupa Great Manchester Run on the 18th May 2014, to raise funds for WHAG, to sponsor Yvonne please click on the link below or the events tab to the left.   Kirsty Rhodes our CEO is running the Bupa Great North Run on the 7th September 2014 to raise funds for WHAG, to sponsor Kirsty please click on the link below or the events tab to the left.     About our services WHAG supports women aged 16+ facing issues such as domestic abuse, drugs, alcohol, debt, mental health and managing a tenancy. We work with women who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and need help to find and settle into accommodation.  Whilst our services are predominantly to support women, we also support women with children and men experiencing domestic abuse. WHAG supports women living in the boroughs of Rochdale and Bury including, Littleborough, Middleton, Heywood, Milnrow, Whitefield, Prestwich, Radcliffe, Totting ton and Ramsbottom. WHAG offer group work sessions in the community and  is  involved in awareness raising events in school s  where  resources allow (by arrangement ).  We also currently run the Recovery Toolkit and Freedom  Programme in Bury and The Recovery Toolkit in Rochdale.  For dates please see our website.   BURY SERVICES Domestic Abuse Floating Support Housing related support for women and men (16+) who have their own tenancies and have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse. To refer contact CAP: 0161 253 5940  or WHAG: 0161 761 5266 ROCHDALE SERVICES Domestic Abuse Accommodation Supported accommodation for single women (18+) and women with children who are fleeing domestic abuse.   Domestic Abuse Floating Support One to one support for women (18+) living in the community that are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. Support can be provided for up to 9 months.   Rose Court  Supported Accommodation Supported accommodation for single women (18+) who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.  Support can be provided for up to 1 year.   Rose Court  Emergency Accommodation Support for single women (18+) who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.  Support to help them find suitable accommodation, provided up to 12 weeks   Resettlement Service Support for single women (18+) or women with children to obtain, move and settle into a new tenancy. Support can be provided for up to 8-10 weeks.   For the above services please refer via Shelter Tel: 0344 515 1850 Email: [email protected]   Male DV Service One to one support for men (18+) living in the community that are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. To refer contact WHAG on 01706 658 171    

Friends of Home from Home UK (UK, 1117433) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It supports orphaned and abandoned children many suffering from HIV/AIDS in South Africa. It builds houses in the Townships employing local labour and local women as house mothers to care for six children to each house . A Creche for 60 children. It provides the children with a home medical care and education