The Aylesbury and District Citizens Advice Bureau offers practical, up-to-date information and advice on a wide range of topics, including: debt, benefits, housing, employment, immigration, consumer and other problems. Our advice is available to anyone living and working in Aylesbury and the surrounding villages regardless of race, gender, sexuality, age, nationality, disability or relgion.
The Booth Centre is a day centre that offers advice and activities for homeless people in Manchester. We provide advice, education and training to enable homeless people to find new homes, improve their health, increase their skills and confidence and to successfully resettle in the community.
Hereford Open Door is a local, independent charity. We provide food and company to those who find themselves homeless, living in temporary or sub-standard accommodation, or on their own. We do not judge or pry into an individuals circumstances. Everyone who walks through our ‘Open Door’ is treated with the same respect, compassion and support. Most of our guests are homeless or badly housed but theres no test to pass. We cater for guests of all ages and all walks of life. What all of our guests share is that they are on low incomes and cannot afford or are unable to cook regular meals for themselves.
Springfield - unique in Cumbria, and 100 years old, we house homeless single women who've been affected by domestic abuse. Springfield's dedicated, professional team supports each woman individually in a safe, peaceful old house. We support women to achieve independence and freedom from violence.
Solas is a support provider offering a broad range of services to anyone experiencing issues that impact upon their life, people who are homless or at risk of homelessness. We offer accommodation; specialist support; training; employment and education which are personal to the individual.
Christian Action UK supports vulnerable people living in China's third poorest province of Qinghai. Qinghai Province is situated in the northwest of China, on the Tibetan Plateau, and is the source of China’s great rivers. Christian Action UK provides funds for orphaned and abandoned children in Qinghai, as well as schools, homes and rehabilitation facilities for Han Chinese, Tibetans and other ethnic groups living there.
The Centre supports vulnerable people at risk of social exclusion- unemployed, elderly, refugees and asylum seekers, the homeless or at risk of being homeless, people with learning difficulties & mental health problems. It provides counselling, practical help, befriending, signposting, food, drop-in sessions, art and craft, ESOL and games.
Tackling youth homelessness one night at a time, Sussex Nightstop Plus supports a community of volunteer host families. These families provide a safe bed for the night for homeless young people, helping to keep the young person within their community and usual routine of school or work.
Maison Saint Pierre is a registered Guernsey charity which provides a safe, friendly and supportive place to stay for homeless women and their children. We are funded entirely by contibutions, donations and fundraising. In 2012, our 21st year, we are working to refurbish our building.
The Nomad Trust is a Christian based charity which provides welfare services in the city of Lincoln for those who are homeless or otherwise in need.
Stonham provides housing, care and practical support for vulnerable people. Stoneham's work is about ensuring that disadvantaged people can live securely and independently. It works with single homeless people, people with mental health problems, young people leaving care, women and children escaping domestic violence, ex-offenders, refugees, vulnerable mothers and people with substance misuse problems.
Mediation Dorset enables people in dispute to discuss their problems and reach a mutually acceptable solution with the support of (independent and impartial) qualified mediators. It does not charge for mediations referred by individuals and relies on charitable donations from a variety of sources.
openingdoors (north west) limited is a Warrington based registered Charity that aims to assist vulnerable and homeless people aged 16 years and over to improve their quality of life and support them to independent living. openingdoors provide a direct access accommodation unit for young people, a supported lodgings scheme whereby people in the community offer a room to a young person, an emergency night shelter for homeless people and a ‘drop in’ service which offers information and guidance to vulnerable, homeless people.
Our charity aims to help homeless people with emergency shelter and to access the professional services that can help to put their lives back together again.
At the Jacaranda project, Bulembu, Swaziland, OHP Sisters care for thirty girls abused and at risk of HIV/AIDS. There are two houses with Swazi housemothers. A third house is planned. With HIV at around 45%, Jacaranda is a "safe house" . Girls move on to live independently but regard Jacaranda as "home".
Many who experience homelessness, loss of self-esteem is a major obstacle they must overcome. People who live in Emmaus communities carry out meaningful work in our social enterprises, making a real contribution. As well as a stable home, Emmaus provides a purpose & the chance to make a difference.
Craven Citizens Advice Bureau provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination. It offers advice on issues including benefits, unemployment, home repossessions and debt thus ensuring that the most vulnerable are given appropriate advice and support.
Noah's Ark's mission is to provide a ‘safe haven and place of hope’ for those who are hurting and lost. We provide this for anyone who needs it — wecounsel hundreds of people each year thanks to the dedicated and skilled people that are employed or volunteer at the Centre.
Stichting IKONE is een stichting die zich inzet voor het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van leven van mensen met een levensbepalende chronische ziekte. Dit doen wij door vanuit ervaring en kennis projecten uit te voeren die de kwaliteit van zorg verbeteren. Help mee met een nieuw venster op zorg!
The Pembroke House Foundation supports Pembroke House School, Kenya with education construction projects, equipment, bursaries and scholarships.
The Trinity Centre is a registered charity that was established in 1972 to provide education, recreation and support services for vulnerable people. Our specialist services include: Adult Education, Trinity Day Care Nursery, Trinity Children's Centre and Dost.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.The Richmond Fellowship Scotland is a charity which supports over 2000 people across Scotland with a broad range of needs to live as independently as possible in their own homes and communities.
Residential ecumenical Christian community in Childswickham, Worcestershire
Emmaus enables formerly homeless people to rebuild their lives within a self-supporting Community. There are currently 24 communities in England and Wales; we are looking forward to opening Wales' first Emmaus Community in 2014!