Browsing Charities
776 - 800 of 902 results

The Zakat Trust (UK, 1106668) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Charity Begins at Home! Support the Islamic Society of Britain, in partnership with the Zakat Trust, to fund urgent UK-based community activities and initiatives.

Impact Housing Association (UK, Impact Housing Association - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a charitable housing association that is more than just a landlord. We provide a range of support which includes the Letgo Service, young peoples services and the single homeless service. See our website at for a full range of the services we provide

Homelands Trust - Fife (UK, SC027281) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Community House (UK, SC035942) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate."sharing vision, offering choice, a listening place" Please donate to support our cause.CommunityHouse provides a positive, caring environment with opportunity for change. It servesthe Bowmar area of Alloa, an area of multiple depravation and provides a safemeeting place making life better for everyone. Reflecting its origins as partof the local Church community, we are committed to the Christian ethos ofacceptance and being valued. Being at the heart of the local community itprovides opportunities to improve quality of life. The House was formed fromthe conversion of four Council owned flats and from this base offers a range ofactivities based on local needs for primary school children to adults. This isachieved by working with local people and partner organisations to providequality services for all. Activities are provided free of charge therefore fundraising is a constant challenge. Charity No: SC035942 Find out more Website

Energy Institute (UK, 1097899) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

For 100 years the EI has promoted knowledge and good practice for people solving the world’s energy challenges.Today we need to do this differently. Our permanent home was last fully refurbished in 1957. Please help us to upgrade our facilities for members and visitors for all to thrive in.

Home Start Down District (UK, NI00221) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Home Start Down District which includes Downpatrick, Ballynahinch and Newcastle Schemes provides a unique service for families: supporting parents with young children at home. Providing non-judgemental practical emotional support, helping build the family’s confidence and ability to cope.

St Andrew's House (UK, 214293) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

St Andrew's House is a Christian residential home caring for 28 residents, average age 88 years. Following the new Care Standards it needs to raise over £2 million. Planning permission has been granted and it intends to start building in 2009/10. It has raised over £300,000 to date.

Bradford Nightstop (UK, 1025863) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We provide a warm safe place to stay for young homeless people of the Bradford district and surrounding areas on a one night at a time basis, within the homes of volunteers. On over 7000 occasions we have offered a bed in one of our homes. It isn't posh, it isn't for long but it is safe and it is really appreciated...

The Conroy Rendon Charitable Trust (UK, 1114903) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

A helping hand to beat poverty, support children and families in need, and advance education in the Philippines Our main focus is in further developing the House of Joshua Children's Home to accommodate more children.We also work in poor communities to support local people, helping and empowering them to achieve their potential and overcome poverty by providing, education, tools and resources.Please see our website for more information. Charity No: 1114903 Find out more Website Facebook Please click here to visit our Facebook page

Home-Start Dacorum (UK, 1109981) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Home-Start Dacorum is a local charity providing a unique and valuable service to families; we support families to get the best from family life through providing practical and emotional support to them in their own homes, delivered by trained volunteers who are themselves parents and/or carers.

Furniture Plus (UK, SC032833) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Furniture Plus is a charity based ReUse/Recycling Social Enterprise for Furniture, Household & Electrical Items. Its mission: Helping Furnish the People of Fife. It offers low cost/discounted items to anyone while delivering employability options through work/skills based placements and/or training

Blackwood (UK, SC007658) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Blackwood Homes design, build and manage affordable high-quality housing from general needs to adapted homes to suit wheelchair users. Blackwood Care specialises in person-centred support services. We can provide small amounts of extra help to 24-hour care, tailored to meet your individual needs.

Trident Reach The People Charity (UK, 1129187) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Trident Reach the People Charity provides a vast range of housing, care and support services to the most vulnerable people in our communities, helping them to be independent, reach their potential and lead fulfilling lives. Our charitable aims and objectives are to remain a 'people first' organisation, underpinned by sound values. We want to continue to grow and develop, even with the current economic challenges that we face and greatly appreciate all offers of fundraising for the charity. Your contributions will directly benefit the customers and communities that we support.      

Shoreline Church (UK, 1052134) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Shoreline Church cares for Southport. All money raised through this site will be used to support Shorelines Community Action programmes with people who are homeless, in debt, struggling with life and to develop our work with local children & young people. We are local people who care enough for Southport to get involved.... We are housing homeless people and helping them to get back on their feet and into work. We support families that are struggling with Debt through our counselling and advice services. We are Street Pastors in town at night offering a listening ear to troubled people. Were investing time, resources and energy in local Children & Yound people (The Cellar) to help them become the best they can be. To do this effectively we work with recognised national organisations like: CAP, Street Pastors & Green Pastures to bring real help to the people of our town. As a Charity we value the support of the community we serve so that we can have a greater social impact. The more individuals and companies that can give us money, goods, or time, the more people we can help.

G.R.O.W. (UK, 293717) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Grow is Watford based charity providing accommodation and care for the homeless and disadvantaged. Grow hostels are staffed and run by ordinary people who make a difference by doing extraordinary work. GROW understands that people don't care how much a charity knows until they know how much a charity cares. GROW cares!

Age UK Newcastle (UK, 1041000) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Age UK Newcastle is a local charity that provides support to older people living in Newcastle upon Tyne. Every penny raised will be used to improve later life through services like befriending, bereavement support, information and advice, and to provide social opportunities for people who may be lonely or isolated.

The Jessica Mathers Trust (UK, 1133674) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Jessica Mathers Trust (JMT) was founded by her family in memory of Jessica who died, aged thirteen, on 2nd March 2007 in a road accident. The aim of the JMT is to support homeless people and those whose lives have been disrupted by premature bereavement. The main charity we are currently supporting is Bench Outreach, a charity based in Deptford, SE London that engages with homeless people. We also make individual grants to other charities working in the fields of homelessness and premature bereavement.

Darren Huckerby Trust (UK, 1136826) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Darren Huckerby Trust,making a tangible contributions to the lives of local people who are in real need, with the Trust providing support for local charities, community projects and individuals across the county of Norfolk.

New Life (scunthorpe) (UK, 1123917) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

newLife Scunthorpe is a highly active charity operating in the areas of homelessness, debt advice and rehabilitation in North Lincolnshire. Our mission is to bring hope to the people of North Lincolnshire.

Nightstop Teesside (UK, 1120083) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Nightstop Teesside provides both emergency (1-3nights) and longer term accommodation for homeless young people aged 16-25 in the homes of volunteers.

Derbyshire Housing Aid (UK, 1073231) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

DHA aims to prevent and alleviate homelessness, debt and severe housing difficulty in Derby and Derbyshire. Our goal is for everyone to have a decent safe place to live, stability in life, a healthy existence and the opportunity to contribute both socially and economically to their community.

Age UK Cambridgeshire (UK, 1107589) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Age Concern Cambridgeshire promotes the well being of older people and help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. We are an independent charity, responsible for managing our own affairs and for our own fundraising. We are full members of the Age Concern Federation.

St Nicholas World Development Group (UK, 1125836) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

St. Nicholas World Development Group are based within the parish of St. Nicholas Church, Sutton Coldfield. The group aims to help human development and social justice in developing countries. Currently the group supports three different projects. In Albania we pay for a doctor to visit a Roma community two days a week, providing essential healthcare they would otherwise not be able to receive. In Rumania we pay for bread to be given every week to the very poor and elderly. We also help to support temporary accommodation for abused and trafficked women. In Uganda we support a primary school for 45 children, many of whom are orphans. They receive a uniform and at least one meal a day in addition to their education. We also help fund private school fees for six children all of whom have been taken in by one lady into her house in Kampala. All our money is raised by donations, both monthly standing orders and one off donations, and by a variety of fund raising events throughout the year. All monies raised go straight to the projects. Please support us in our work.

Winton House Centre (UK, 280463) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Winton House provides a welcoming and affordable place for people (many of whom are elderly and vulnerable) to meet and gain access to services in the local community.

Safe Start Foundation (UK, 801815) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Safe Start is a charity that assists Homeless and/or Unemployed Irish young people. It also nows works with the Irish Elderly community and provides assistance and support through our Irish Centre in Brent. We currently have a Major Fundraising RECORD BREAKING CHARITY GOLF DAY in Ireland