Mendip YMCA delivers a wide range of services for young people and the community of Mendip. We work hard to fundraise but need the help of individuals within our community to help us continue. We are responsible for funding our work as all YMCAs are separate charities responding to local needs. Our current work includes: Homeless Prevention and Targeted Education: Schools work, Emergency Host Family Accommodation, Resettlement Support, Move on, Deposit Guarantee Scheme, Tenancy Accreditation Scheme Housing: Supported housing and support Youth & Community Work: Frome Youth & Community Centre, Coleford Youth club, Glastonbury Windmill Hill Youth Club, Street Young Peoples Centre, Routes drop in centre & Youth Café We aim to ensure that all help to build a future through a range of informal education and social activities. We thank you for your support. Please view our web site for more detailed information. Charity No: 1074660
Friends of Lyndon House raises money to support the work of the staff at Lyndon House - a home offering short respite breaks to children with profound learning and health needs. Friends of Lyndon have recently provided funds to refurbish the playground and to secure a new Variety Club Sunshine Coach.
Salford Loaves and Fishes works in collaboration with Manchester City Mission to provide The Windsor Drop-In Centre. The drop-in centre offers day time shelter to the homeless, vulnerable and isolated from Salford and the surrounding community. As well as providing a warm meal and shower facilities, the drop-in centre offers a wide range of services to the homeless including a Doctor’s surgery, dentistry, laundry facilities and a chance to buy good quality second hand clothes. The clients are also able to access mental health services and drug and alcohol support. The centre has two support workers who can give advice on benefits, housing, make referrals for street homeless and help with dependency issues. The Citizens Advice Bureau offers a weekly surgery and gives advice on a one-to-one basis. Clients can engage in weekly activities including football, arts and crafts, cooking and reading or they can relax or play pool in our lounge. There is also a garden where clients can grow their own produce. The centre supports up to 60 people a day and our aim is to help the homeless and vulnerable to get back on their feet, raise their aspirations and help them to achieve positive and healthy lifestyles.
Founded in 1869, Wood Street Mission is one of the oldest charities in Greater Manchester. It provides vital practical help to children and families affected by poverty in Manchester and Salford. 1,000's of disadvantaged families are helped each and every year, completely free of charge.
Cyrenians is a Coventry and Warwickshire based homelessness charity, believing everyone deserves a place to call home and the right to a new start. Every year we help over 1000 people to change their lives.
Lifeshare runs a street outreach and intervention service helping young male sex workers find stable accommodation, address their problems and find alternatives to prostitution. For other homeless people, Lifeshare provides help and advice on finding accommodation, runs a breakfast drop-in session and a Christmas day centre project.
‘Homeless, but with our support never helpless’ - Huggard has a day centre, open 365 days a year, a 20 bed hostel, emergency bed facilities, 14 shared houses and a tenant support team. This is underpinned by development, advocacy, training, substance misuse services and volunteering opportunities.
Cumbria Wildlife Trust is the only voluntary organisation devoted solely to the conservation of the wildlife and wildplaces of Cumbria. Whilst Cumbria is well known for the Lake District and our lakes and mountains it is the county with the greatest diversity of semi-natural habitat. By supporting Cumbria Wildlife Trust you will help fund the management of over 3,000 hectares of nature reserves in Cumbria, which include ancient woodlands, flower-rich meadows, extensive dune systems, limestone pavements and outstanding wetland habitats. I hope you agree, something that is very important to do in a county with more sites of national and international importance than any other county in England. At Cumbria Wildlife Trust we are committed to creating whole landscapes that are rich in wildlife to safeguard threatened species and habitats. Please will you help us to achieve this.
D.O.M. works to empower those living in extreme poverty in two of the poorest states in India. Our projects provide sustainable solutions through free shelter, food, clean water, education, vocational training & health care with a commitment to help communities become self-sufficient.
SWAT is a charity supporting homeless people. We are dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering support, and campaigning for change. We are determined campaigners working to support those sleeping rough. We know we won’t end homelessness overnight or on our own. but together, make change happen.
The Astell Foundation is an umbrella charity serving the hidden homeless of London. We are committed to the restoration of lives and the delivery of Hope in hopeless situations. Anyone can give, and giving isn't just about money.
Highland Homeless Trust provides housing support, guidance and specialist accommodation to people over 16 years that are homeless and/or in housing need. The Trust helps people to live independently and offers on-going support to vulnerable people living in the community.
The Julian Trust operates an emergency night shelter for the homeless in Little Bishop Street on the edge of St Pauls in Bristol. In the Night Shelter the facilities for guests comprise a large dormitory with up to eighteen beds, a dining area, bathrooms with toilet and shower facilities - our aim is to offer a hot meal, a bed for the night and a warm welcome.The Night Shelter is open five nights every week throughout the year. On most nights it is used by between 80 to 100 homeless people and roughsleepers. It is entirely staffed and managed by volunteers.
Home-Start Erewash is a local charity who provide a unique service for families - recruiting and training volunteers to support parents with young children at home. Trained volunteers with parenting experience offer regular support, friendship and practical help to families under stress.
The Bridge is a registered charity which delivers high quality services for homeless and vulnerably housed people across Leicestershire & Rutland. Our Mission Statement is “To develop sustainable housing solutions for individuals and communities through partnership, empowerment and good practice”.
Gloucestershire Nightstop provides temporary and emergency accommodation for young homeless people aged 16-25 in the homes of trained and vetted householders or Hosts.We are one of around 40 Nightstop Schemes in England, Scotland and Wales. We also provide young people with the right support at the right time to enable them to make a sustained move on from homelessness at the earliest opportunity. In an average year we accommodate in excess of 100 young people most of whom have nowehere else to go. For them Gloucestershire Nightstop is the last resort and is the difference between having somewhere safe to stay and sleeping on the streets. We are really fortunate to have around 36 Hosting Households across the County of Gloucestershire who open their doors and give up their time on a voluntary basis. To find out more about what we do or to get involved please see our website or contact us for a no-strings-attached chat!
SCCA runs the Shrewsbury Ark, a direct-access drop-in centre for homeless and vulnerable people. The Ark is independently run and not funded by government. Everyone who knocks on the door is given a warm, non-judgmental welcome; inside, we offer food and drink, a shower and toilet facilities, laundry facilities, a phone and internet access, a poste restante mailing address and staff who can listen, advise and assist those who seem to have fallen through the cracks of society.
Providing advice and practical support to those who are homeless, unemployed and the whole community
St Paul’s Hostel charity operates three projects within Worcester aimed at targeting homelessness and its causes. The mission is not to intervene in individuals’ private lives, but to provide the support and care necessary for clients to gain the level of independence for which they can take responsibility.
The YMCAs vision is of an inclusive Christian movement, transforming communities, so that all young people truly belong contribute and thrive. We fulfil this vision through supported housing for homeless young people, family support & childcare services in areas of deprivation, physical activity and healthy living services which promote well being, and community learning activities.
Aberdeen Foyer is a local charitable organisation working to prevent and alleviate youth homelessness and unemployment. We provide supported accommodation, access to a range of education, training, employment opportunities & community health services for young people in Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire.
City Of Chelmsford Mencap supports adults and children with learning disabilties in Essex.It does this through a range of services including educational services, community clubs and our Day Centre in Chelmsford. Although affiliated to them,Chelmsford Mencap receives no funding from National Mencap.
The Housing & Support Alliance is a charity & membership organisation. We give free independent advice and information on housing, supported living and rights to people with learning disabilities and families. We campaign for better housing, support and rights for people with learning disabilities.
Chelmsford CHESS seeks to relieve homelessness and related hardship and distress amongst single adults in Chelmsford and Essex, through the provision of support services and temporary accommodation that helps them move on in their lives.
Inspire, one of the largest charities in Scotland, is an innovative organisation which trail blazes ground-breaking practices to offer opportunities for an excellent quality of life to people with learning disabilities in North East Scotland. Inspire currently provides over 51 services, ranging from residential housing services to employment initiatives.