Browsing Charities
426 - 450 of 1.59K results

Citizenship Foundation (UK, 801360) Browse events

YTD Raised: £400.00

The Citizenship Foundation inspires young people to take part in society as equal members. We help them to understand the law, politics and democratic life. We promote participation, we help teachers to teach citizenship and we work with young people on issues that concern them.

6th Friern Barnet Scout Group (UK, 1146211) Browse events

YTD Raised: £395.00

We provide adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for young people aged 6-25 in and around the Whetstone N20 area of London.

Home-Start Fylde (UK, 1124945) Browse events

YTD Raised: £395.00

Home-Start Fylde recruits and trains parent volunteers who then befriend and support families with at least one child aged 0-12. Volunteers help to give children the best possible start in life by supporting the whole family. They work to prevent difficult times from creating permanent problems.

Music for Youth (UK, 285831) Browse events

YTD Raised: £392.29

MFY is a national music education charity that creates high quality performance opportunities for young people of all backgrounds and abilities. We want to inspire and motivate them to actively engage in live music making, celebrate their musical achievements and fulfil their true potential.

Ditch the Label (UK, 1156329) Browse events

YTD Raised: £381.04

Ditch the Label is one of the UK's most innovative anti-bullying charities. Working passionately across the country to advice and support to those impacted by bullying. We work hard to teach young people that it is okay to be different, recruiting them into our strong ethos for equality.

Harry and Ed's Aspiration Raising Trust (UK, 1161332) Browse events

YTD Raised: £375.00

HEART commemorates Harry and Ed Barker. They lived life to the full, were happy, loved and growing into successful young men. We want to capture the spirit with which they lived their lives, to ensure that other children and young people have opportunities to help them reach their full potential.

30th Glasgow Scout Group (UK, SCO36419) Browse events

YTD Raised: £374.75

For over 100 years, the 30th Glasgow Scout Group have been introducing kids from Cardonald, Crookston, Craigton, Penilee and various other parts of Glasgow to the great outdoors. The times may have changed, but the ethos is the same; to ensure that kids understand the world around them, to feel that they belong to the worldwide family of Scouts and to be kind, understanding and generous human beings.

Richmonds Hope (UK, SCO36720) Browse events

YTD Raised: £370.00

Richmond's Hope is a registered Scottish Charity that was founded in February 2003 to support children and young people from Edinburgh and the Lothians who have been bereaved. As the only project of its kind in Scotland, it offers children and young people between the ages of four and eighteen individual sessions with trained workers. In our purpose built centre children use therapeutic play and specialist activities to explore the effect the death has had on their lives. Since opening in 2003 we have supported over 1000 children and young people and their families.

Friends of the Rose Bowl (UK, 1079165) Browse events

YTD Raised: £369.16

The FoRB support the Rose Bowl Youth Club in Islington to tackle youth social exclusion through innovative, targeted and effective programmes. Every young person deserves a chance and to direct their energies into positive activities that benefit themselves, their family and their community.

New Hope Lodge (UK, 1162879) Browse events

YTD Raised: £367.00

New Hope Lodge provides full time day opportunities for young adults aged 19-25 years with learning disabilities (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm). Whereby various activities are available to participate in such as Sports, Fitness Classes, Arts & Crafts, Photography, Works Experience, Independent Living Skills, Cookery, Sensory Activities, Animal Care, Online Educational Workshops, Community activities and much more. New Hope Lodge fully focuses on taking a young adult 'Centred Approach' to provide each individual person with the opportunity to voice, share and incorporate their own ideas in order to achieve their maximum potential within the centre and in the community. As an organisation we aim to enable the young adults to gain independent life skills, progress socially and educationally, access employment opportunities and activities within the community. The objective is to help each individual achieve success, personal fulfillment, reach goals and enable the young adults to feel a sense of self-worth and equality.

Ourside Youth Association (UK, 1151415) Browse events

YTD Raised: £364.00

Ourside was set up by a group of Young People in 2005. It was felt there was nowhere for Young People to go in Evesham. They fought hard for 4 years to get a Youth Centre up and running with help from Worcestershire County Council Youth Workers. They did consultations, presentations, awareness raising activities and fundraising projects and put together two DVDs in that time. Reverend Barry Colins from St Peters Church, Broadway Road heard about the group from a presentation in the Evesham Town Hall and offered them a building that had not been in use for several years and was in a state of disrepair. Due to the state of the building the Young People had to raise enough money to make the building usable again. They raised over £120,000 to do the work that was needed. The work was completed and Ourside Youth Centre opened up in 2008. We’re open! Ourside Youth Centre was run for 5 years by Worcestershire County Council but unfortunately in 2011 decisions were made to cut the Youth Service budget so the future of Ourside Youth Centre was unknown for some time. The County Council decided to commission out the remainder of the budget to other organisations instead of funding projects directly. With help from Youth Workers the current users of the centre and the Young People who set up Ourside Youth Centre originally were contacted and informed on what was happening. Everyone agreed that something needed to be done so that Ourside Youth Centre remained open for many years to come. Through that a committee was formed called Ourside FAM (For All Members), the committee had Young People who use the centre, Young People who had used the centre and the Ourside Originals. The committee looked at a range of options to keep the centre open. The option that was agreed to be the best was to set up as an Organisation and bid for some of the Positive Activities commissioning money.

Pershore Riverside Centre. (UK, 1156413) Browse events

YTD Raised: £355.20

WELCOME to Pershore Riverside Youth Centre page - and THANK YOU for working with us and donating some funds. The youth centre is a great assest to the town, helps so many young people, and is all made possible through fund raising and donations like yours. The Youth Centre Charity own, and manage, the purpose built youth centre in the heart of Pershore Town. As well as providing a place to go, the services and support available to young people include careers, counselling and advice, youth clubs and activities. Course's like the Princes Trust XL can provide life skills. The centre importantly has its own RIVER FRONTAGE. THis means that outdoor eductaion and activities like canoeing can be used to provide healthy, sporty, fun and life enhancing sessions.  more information at or please contact us and we would be happy to show you around or provide mroe information. 

The Younger Generation Theatre Group (UK, 802819) Browse events

YTD Raised: £350.00

Knowle and Dorridge Lion Charity (UK, 509993) Browse events

YTD Raised: £350.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Knowle & Dorridge Lions Club runs events each year to raise money for three main desiganted charties and support many other local causes including Lions Clubs projects in the UK and overseas.

Lichfield District Scout Council (UK, excepted) Browse events

YTD Raised: £345.00

Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. In Lichfield, we aim to provide a place in scouting for every young person in the City and surrounding District who wants to be part of the adventure.

3rd Newbury Scout Group (UK, 1091193) Browse events

YTD Raised: £340.00

We are a fast growing and dynamic Scout Group with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts (ages 6-14). Through creative planning and fun activities our group members are being encouraged to develop themselves as individuals, active members of the local community and part of the international family of Scouting.

The Crew Club (UK, 1098853) Browse events

YTD Raised: £340.00

It works with young people aged 7 to 19 and up to 25 with special needs. It provides 6 nights of youth provision, holiday schemes for young people with special needs and disabilities, daytime training for young people 16 to 19 (NEET).

The Bumblebee Children's Charity (UK, 1161549) Browse events

YTD Raised: £339.00

A specialist centre working together with families to support babies and young children with physical difficulties in a fun filled sensory session.

Hampshire Scouts (UK, 1015788) Browse events

YTD Raised: £338.00

We challenge Members to stretch themselves, try new things and discover their potential.

Uplands Educational Trust (UK, 1148086) Browse events

YTD Raised: £335.00

Weclome to Uplands Educational Trust,a registered charity, providing learning, working and living opportunities to special needs young people in Swindon and the surrounding areas. Uplands Educational Trust (UET) is for the benefit of young people who have severe or profound multiple learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders and additional needs such as a physical disability. The UETenables these young people to shape their own future and contribute to their community. We do this through our College, Community Enterprise Centre and our chain of Charity Shops. Charity No: 1148086 Find out more Website Twitter

The Inspire and Achieve Foundation (UK, 1129402) Browse events

YTD Raised: £333.79

IAF inspires young people to work towards a positive future by providing structured activities that improve their approach, attitude and behaviours towards education, employment and volunteering. We deliver outreach projects, workshops and provide information, advice and guidance.

Greater Manchester Youth Network (UK, 1151897) Browse events

YTD Raised: £330.00

We support some of the most disadvantaged young people facing significant barriers. These young people are often socially excluded, lack confidence and aspiration or have little support from elsewhere. We provide help to broaden their horizons, gain confidence and have a real sense of achievement.

Mahdlo Oldham Youth Zone (UK, 1134427) Browse events

YTD Raised: £330.00

Mahdlo provides young people aged 8 - 21, with somewhere to go, something to do and someone to talk to 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

Urdd Gobaith Cymru (UK, 524481) Browse events

YTD Raised: £325.00

Mae Urdd Gobaith Cymru yn fudiad cyffrous a deinamig i blant a phobl ifanc.Mae’n darparu amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ar draws Cymru drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.The Urdd is an exciting, dynamic movement for children and young people.We organise a range of different activities across Wales.

Novi Most (UK, 1043501) Browse events

YTD Raised: £320.70

We work with young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina to equip them to enter their futures with hope, to help them become instruments of transformation.