Browsing Charities
551 - 575 of 1.59K results

Mentor Link (UK, 1106171) Browse events

YTD Raised: £79.00

Mentor Link is a registered charity dedicated to supporting children and young people who may be experiencing difficult times by providing them with a volunteer mentor. Founded in 2002, the charity now offers it services to schools in the west Midlands.

Halstead & Colne Valley District Scouts (UK, 1049211) Browse events

YTD Raised: £75.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.

Enable Livingston and District Branch (UK, SC000422) Browse events

YTD Raised: £75.00

We provide social activities for Children and Adults with learning disabilities and other special needs.The Enable club is community centre based where our members can meet and interact in a relaxed setting. We are entirely staffed by volunteers and provide club sessions on Mondays,Wednesdays and Thursdays for adults and Tuesday and Saturdays for children. Our sessions are well attended with more than one hundred members attending weekly our age group ranges from 5 years old up to our oldest member who is over seventy years young.

WORLDwrite (UK, 1060869) Browse events

YTD Raised: £65.00

WORLDwrite is an education charity with a long track record of developing creative programmes with young people. The charity set up the online Citizen TV channel WORLDbytes and provides free film training to young people, ensuring they can produce programmes and reports which question the way the world is and champion the best for all. The charity also assists partner groups in developing countries with annual global appeals. WORLDwrite is volunteer led and run, has an open door policy and encourages all-comers to get involved and recognise there are no limits to what's possible.

Envision (UK, 1095328) Browse events

YTD Raised: £65.00

Envision supports young people to make a difference in their communities by leading projects to tackle the social & environmental issues they feel passionate about. Our innovative youth-led approach builds vital skills & awareness - inspiring them with the confidence to affect change around them.

St Rose's School (UK, 271922) Browse events

YTD Raised: £60.00

We care for children and young people with profound physical disabilities and complex health needs. At St Rose's young people are challenged to do their best and supported every step of the way. Staff strive to see them go out into the world and enjoy living with confidence.

1st Virginia Water Scout Group (UK, 1100646) Browse events

YTD Raised: £60.00

Promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual socialand spiritual potentials, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, natural and international communities. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1100646 Find out more Website

Cylch Meithrin Llansawel (UK, 1054480) Browse events

YTD Raised: £60.00

Cylch Meithrin Llansawel is a local Welsh medium playgroup, who relies heavily on fundraising and donations, to provide the best start to an education for the local young children in the area.

ALTERNATIVES WATFORD (UK, 1100024) Browse events

YTD Raised: £55.00

GirlAbout & Connections seeks to encourage and empower young women to make positive, informed decisions.

1st Alton Manor Scout Group (UK, 1030504) Browse events

YTD Raised: £50.00

To promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities by way of the scout method promoted by the scout association   1st Alton Manor is currently looking to raise fund for the building of a new community centre on Gregory Way, Belper. The foundations for the new building have been completed and we are now looking to raise the necessary funds for the shell of the building.

Impact Initiatives (UK, 276669) Browse events

YTD Raised: £45.00

Impact Initiatives is a Sussex charity that has been running for more than 35 years. Our services are: *Whitehawk Afterschool Project *Young People's Centre (YPC) *Stopover: Housing for Young Women *Advocacy *Workability *Brunswick Older Peoples Project *Dingeman's Centre for Older People

Basingstoke GAP (UK, 1084414) Browse events

YTD Raised: £44.00

GAP offers young people with learning disabilities an opportunity to achieve through the Gateway Award Scheme which is like the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme. It takes place within a youth club setting and they are encouraged to set themselves new challenges, learn new skills and broaden their horizons.

YouthNet (UK, 1048995) Browse events

YTD Raised: £40.00

YouthNet offers a unique blend of information, advice and support to young people. Whether they're in crisis, want support with everyday issues or to chat anonymously with peers, YouthNet is there for young people, 24 hours a day, seven days a week through our award-winning website

Meninadanca (UK, 1095638) Browse events

YTD Raised: £40.00

We're a not-for-profit organisation that works with girls at social risk in communities along the BR-116, Brazil's 'exploitation highway'. We use dance and other creative activities to reach them, raise their self esteem and empower them take control of their lives.

Midlothian Sure Start (UK, SC031038) Browse events

YTD Raised: £40.00

In 2001 two local children’s centres came together to form Midlothian Sure Start. Their goal was simple, to provide a safe and supportive environment to families with young children. Since then Midlothian Sure Start has grown and there are 6 centres and various services. If we can, We will.

YouthWay (UK, 1160729) Browse events

YTD Raised: £40.00

YouthWay is a UK based registered charity set up for theyouth in the UK to inspire, educate and help them achieve. Support and help YouthWay grow and prosper to make a better future for the youth.

City Of Bristol Rowing Club (UK, 1128832) Browse events

YTD Raised: £35.00

City of Bristol Rowing Club are raising funds for a new clubhouse to support our growing membership and provide indoor training facilities for club and community use. Our membership includes people from all walks of life and fitness levels. We support young people through projects with many local schools which has grown rapidly over recent years.

Whirlow Hall Farm Trust (UK, 508910) Browse events

YTD Raised: £30.00

The Whirlow Hall Farm Trust is a unique environmental and educational charity. Each year we provide an outstanding learning and developmental experience for up to 10,000 children, many from disadvantaged backgrounds, and young adults with disabilities and special needs from inner city areas - a classroom in the countryside.

Rotary Club Of Skipton Craven (UK, 1126881) Browse events

YTD Raised: £30.00

'The Rotary Club of Skipton Craven will celebrate its 25th Charter Anniversary in 2013 and the members of the Rotary Club will continue to serve the local community by organising charity events and collections in Skipton and Craven.  Over the last 12 months the Club has raised over £20,000 for local charities, the largest part of this being raised by over 900 entrants in the successful Santa Fun Run in November 2012. The 2013 Santa Fun Run will take place on Sunday 1st December.  In December Santa’s Sleigh will again be seen on the streets of Skipton, the surrounding villages and in local supermarkets with members collecting money for local and international charities. These include the Rotary International Charity “Shelter Box” as well as the local Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice and North Yorkshire’s Martin House Children’s Hospice. The Rotary Club also sponsors holiday breaks for carers, and young people to take part in residential leadership courses both on land and on sailing ships at sea. The Club takes a lead role in organizing and supporting annual competitions for the youth like the Young Chef Competition and the Schools’ Technology Tourmament.  The Rotary motto of “Service above Self” is the inspiration for Club members to support the local community by, for example, helping out at Ashfield House residential home and by working with primary schools throughout Craven to raise money for the Shelter Box Charity.

Future Skills Training (UK, 1119501) Browse events

YTD Raised: £30.00

Future Skills Training invests time in young people enabling them to re-engage with the learning process. By providing a mix of educational and support services we empower young people to develop their skills, abilities and personalities, to encourage them to grow into mature, responsible adults

5th/10th Horsham Weald Scouts (UK, 305891) Browse events

YTD Raised: £25.00

Our aim is to give youngsters in Horsham the opportunity to experience a wide range of fun activities – from crafts and games to camping and climbing – with other children of their own age. 2 Beaver Colonies - Brooker & Chennell for 6 - 8 Year Olds 2 Cub Packs - Higgins & Bennetts for 8 - 10 1/2 Year Olds 2 Scout Troops - Beacon & Denne for 10 1/2 - 14 Year Olds District Explorer Group - Europa for 14 - 18 Year Olds We are based at Bennetts Field Higgins Way Horsham West Sussex RH13 5JZ

The Woodland Centre Trust- Camp Mohawk (UK, 278681) Browse events

YTD Raised: £20.00

The Trust exists to help young people recognise their abilities and worth. To help them understand their potential and encourage them to lead fulfilled and worthwhile lives. To broaden their educational and social knowledge; to equip them for full time employment and to make them positive members of society.

Mid sussex District Scouts (UK, 3497896) Browse events

YTD Raised: £20.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.Mid Sussex District scouts supports over 1400 poeple in our local area

Somerset Rural Youth Project (UK, 1070693) Browse events

YTD Raised: £20.00

Somerset Rural Youth Project is a voluntary youth work charity working with young people aged 11-25 in rural Somerset. SRYP aims to: Provide individual young people with advice and support Offer a wide range of Volunteering Opportunities. Support young people’s involvement in their community. Provide access to and participation in Positive Activities. SRYP have a vision of a Somerset where rural young people feel a sense of belonging, a willingness to contribute and a future that is not limited by access to opportunities and services. We aim to engage and support young people living in rural areas in a range of social, economic, educational and recreational opportunities designed to encourage social inclusion and life-long learning.

YourStory (UK, 1115367) Browse events

YTD Raised: £20.00

YourStory works towards developing Independance and Self-Belief with disadvantaged individuals and communities. YourStory primarily uses sport as an active mechanism to build relationships with and to support our clients. It helps Young People, Parents, Young Offenders, Prolific Adult Offenders, Black and Minority Ethnic and Asylum Seekers in their personal growth.