Young Virtuosi acts to inspire and help young musicians of limited means continue their musical development, through a combination of educational work and funded concerts in London and in France.Young Virtuosi provides young aspiring musicians with opportunity to gain vital performance experience.
The YYI is a youth led social enterprise aimed at empowering young people from minority communities through social action projects, youth leadership training & overseas volunteering
Action for Happiness is working to create a happier society - by enabling people to make positive changes in their personal lives, homes, workplaces and communities. It is part of the registered charity The Young Foundation (274345).
Lack of exposure to real life experiences is one of the biggest psychosocial & socio-economic issue facing young peoples development. Providing opportunities which aid their transition into life, further education & employment is key. We provide services that supports empowerment & confidence building
We are a charity dedicated to improving the lives of young people and helping them to become more employable through the skills they learn whilst sailing on our beautfiul tall ship: T S Pelican. We have voyages ranging from a few days to the adventure of a life time - sailing to the Caribbean!
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.
Worsley Cares is a sponsored sleep out at Middlewood Scout Camp in Worsley, M28 2PP
This charity exists to re-develop and convert an existing building into an existing building for the purpose of providing a meeting place for youth group and to also provide a drop-in centre for young, elderly and families and reduce rural isolation.
Scouting offers challenge and adventure to young people in and around Headcorn. Being a scout helps members fulfil their potential by encouraging them to work in teams and think for themselves. We give young people of every background the chance to stretch themselves, learn new skills and make lifelong friends
The Tasibeh Girls School is located in Pindi, near Sialkot in Pakistan. It provides a basic education for girls and young women from families who cannot afford such an education for their daughters.The project was started by Khalida Luqman and her husband. Khalida chairs the group of women from across the communities in Rotherham and South Yorkshire who support the school on an ongoing basis.
Scouting for 14 to 18 year olds. Training, working with and building comradeship.
The London Pulse Charity is a community based youth charity that aims to empower young people and help them achieve excellence in both sport and in all areas of their life. Through a comprehensive basketball programme we develop character in children and young people and build a community that reinforces character values on and off the court. WE VALUE: PEOPLE - Our primary focus and resource is healthy people investing in others. COMMUNITY - We function collectively for the good of others, recognising that we always need other people to achieve excellence. LOCAL IMPACT - We focus on specific places to foster stronger communities of local people. POSITIVE ATTITUDE - We think the best of people and situations, always encouraging others. INTEGRITY - We are honest, trustworthy, and respectful of all people. EXCELLENCE - We strive to be exceptional in every aspect of the basketball and character development process. SUSTAINABILITY - We intend for everything we do to outlast those of us currently involved. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1163678 Find out more Website
The Attic Community. 15 years of working with kids, youth & families in Dundee.
Diepsloot Youth Projects works in two townships of South Africa with an aim to empower the youth through up-skilling them to recognize the opportunities that are around them Diepsloot Youth does this through - Youth Development Activities - and Skills Development Programs
It is for young people between 16 and 25, who might not otherwise be able to afford the voyage fees, to experience sail training in offshore craft, operated by approved organisations (i.e. ASTO). These young people are helped towards maturity in so many ways. Some examples include increased confidence, independence, social skills, teamwork, fun with peers and responsibility.
At The HUB, YPG works with Barnardo's to provide free information, advice and specialist support to U18's across the Bailiwick: it's a place where we make young people's problems, our problems. Since opening in 2012 we have worked with over 1,000 remarkable young people.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. The Scout Group has been providing Scouting in the Bonnyrigg area for 103 years. We currently have 159 members.The Scout Group is part of The Scout Association who's aim is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.
1st Formby Scout Group is an independent Scout Group serving the youth of Formby
1st Saltney Ferry Scouts and Guides
A Scout Association Group offering fun and friendship whilst learning practical skills for young people aged from 6 to 18. In addition to enjoying indoor creative tasks, outdoor camping, organised visits and games, each member is tested and challenged to earn their relevant task badges. All the leaders are volunteers and highly trained to ensure their skills meet the required needs.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. 1st Walton Sea Scouts is a small Sea Scout group with a long history of providing adventure and excitement to thousands of young men and women in the 107 years since we were founded.
The Capital Kids Club - promoting the importance of adopting healthy lifestyles through exercise ( ice and street hockey), diet, and saying ‘no to drugs’ to young people within Edinburgh + the Lothians. Alongside working with the local youth, we aim to continue the support of our young British ice hockey players.
We are a youth organisation undertaking to provide leisure time activities to boys and young men aged 5-18 years of age through education, community involvement, self discipline, and sporting activity.