Scouting provides constructive fun for boys and girls aged 6-25 and aims to develop them mentally, physically and spiritually so that they become valuable members of society.
Our Foundation was established in honour and in memory of the life of Orlando to help extraordinary people achieve extraordinary things. It aims to encourage, inspire and support people, young and old, to achieve their full potential where, without help, this would not otherwise be possible.
Thank you for visiting The TEA Project's 'MyDonate' site. The TEA Project is a dynamic, innovative and secular UK charity. The project provides training, support and guidance to individuals, institutions and establishments working directly with marginalised,vulnerable children and young people from poor communities. Our partners in Sri Lanka, India and the United Kingdom include children's Charities, Schools & Orphanages.The TEA Project is not about short-term support but instead endeavors to provide sustainable long term solutions and education to the most vulnerable young people in our society; regardless of social, ethnic or religious background. Your donation is used directly by The TEA Project to enable the essential training and workshops necessary to empower young people. Charity No: 1163485 Find out more Website Facebook
With over 100 children being part of the group we need to be able to provide safe facilities and equipment for them to use. We need essential maintenance work to be done on our scout hut in Parish Piece as well as needing to upgrade our tents and other equipment.
Our college is an alternative education provider for young people who want to manage their own learning and follow their passions.
The Balfour Beatty Charitable Trust has been formed for the Group's centenary year and thereafter. It will be funding projects which will raise the aspiration, motivation and quality of life amongst young people suffering from disadvantage.
With first hand experience volunteering in Cambodia the founding trustees set up HOPE to give the underprivileged children and young adults in Cambodia a chance to have a childhood and/or permanently improve their lives. HOPE intends to seek and support existing programs in Cambodia assisting young people with their education and social development where there is a need for further funding to expand either the variety of their activities (eg. provision of English classes or computer classes) or increase the number of young people they can support, where we strongly believe it will make a permanent difference/improvement to the young people in the programs, and where we can monitor the progress and results of the program. For further information please see
A social club for young people with learning disabilities in the Carrickfergus area, affiliated to Mencap and registered with the NEELB
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Stroud Valley Scout Group is raising funds to build a new Scouting and Community Centre. The current scouting centre is situated in the centre of Stroud. It benefits from being on a large plot of land with ample outdoor green space and wooded areas. We want to improve that environment by creating a new scouting and community centre which will benefit not only the current users but open the centre up to a wider range of users.The current centre does not have disabled access and facilities. It has inadequate heating and insulation therefore suffers from damp and cold conditions in the winter. The buildings are unattractive, and the kitchen and toilet facilities are no longer fit for purpose. By improving these facilities with a new purpose built, modern and environmentally efficient building we can not only attract other groups to use the centre but we can also make more of the outside space and attract groups for overnight camping, weekend workshops and other community events. We need your support to help raise funds for this project. Charity No: 800449 Find out more Facebook
SA-YES provides a one-to-one mentoring programme for young people making the transition from children's homes to independent living in South Africa. It costs 600GBPounds for one young person to go through our programme for one year. Please sign up for our newsletter via our website:
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. We are raising funds to support the Gloucestershire scouts who will be attending the World Scout Jamboree in Japan in July 2015.
rYico is a charity founded in response to the needs of vulnerable young people in Rwanda. rYico has set up Centre Marembo, a training and resource centre that supports the personal development, education and training of young people including those that have been orphaned, neglected or left vulnerable as a result of the 1994 genocide. rYico also aims to increase social and cultural understanding about Rwanda within and between the UK and Rwanda though cultural exchange and education.
The Yusuf Youth initiative is a dynamic organization aspiring to nurture leaders of tomorrow. We provide enriching programs that will encourage young people to grow, strive and become change makers in a vibrant and changing society.
The Sunny fund helps to motivate and inspire young people who are limited by social and economic hardship to develop to their full potential.
The Box is a Social Space, Information Point, Education Centre and Counselling Service for Young People in Epping. It provides a range of services, facilities and opportunities to meet the needs of vulnerable young people and encourage them to raise their aspirations and achieve their full potential.
We help young people advance in life and raise the aspirations of young people through a range of free leisure time activities and support which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities. We provide one to one support, advice and guidance. We give young people a voice in their community
As part of the of the Scouting Centenary celebrations Sea Scouts on the Hamble River are organising a Parade of 100 Boats along the River. The parade will raise funds to improve the range and quality of activities offered and help fund attendance at the 21st World Scout Jamboree.
SENAC is a registered charity set up to help meet the educational needs of children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilties in Northern Ireland.
The Skye & Lochlash Young Carer service supports children and young adults from 5 to 18 years of age. Young carers take responsibility for the health, safety and emotional wellbeing of a family member who would struggle without their support. "We look out for our families and help each other"
Fun, Challenge and Adventure for 7000 Young People and Adult Volunteers in London Boroughs of Bexley and Bromley. Providing adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for young people, promoting physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being.
The Aloud Charity is the umbrella organisation which devises, manages and delivers the activity of Only Men Aloud, Only Boys Aloud and Only Kids Aloud. It exists to encourage participation in choral singing at all ages and for all abilities in order to continue and re-invigorate the Welsh choral tradition delivered in a contemporary innovative style and predominantly through the formation of choirs. The work of the charity particularly with regard to Only Boys and Only Kids Aloud has a social agenda also, aiming to encourage an ethos of aspiration in these young people, many of whom come from challenging social backgrounds with a significant number suffering extreme financial deprivation. With a membership of approximately 180 singers, Only Boys Aloud is the largest initiative of the Charity and since it began in 2010 has made a great impact on the lives of its young singers - boys aged 14-19 who come from communities across South Wales from Tredegar to Cardiff and Cwmbran to Cross Hands. “It feels great to be part of such a huge group, it feels good to meet people and make friends that I can talk to comfortably. I have never prided myself on social skills and I never seem to have as many close friends as other people do. OBA means a lot to me and if I could sing with the choir for the rest of my life then I would” current OBA member Each week 10 regional choirs meet to rehearse locally, mentored by members of Only Men Aloud, and join together to become a mega choir - the world's biggest boy band - at regular intervals to rehearse and perform at venues large and small. OBA wants to keep our young men singing, continuing the fantastic Welsh male voice choral tradition. It also exists to make a difference and inspire our boys to get involved, take pride in themselves and their communities and realise that opportunities are out there for them regardless of their backgrounds or personal circumstances. A choir and scheme the size of OBA comes with a large price tag attached but we are determined that it should be accessible to all regardless of personal circumstances and so membership of the choir remains entirely free for the boys. With the cost of running the 10 regional choirs standing at over £2,000 weekly and our average bus bill over £100,000, we need your help to keep the choirs going. Please help us continue with our work by making a donation of whatever amount you can by clicking on the "make a donation" button to the right. Alternatively, perhaps you would consider making a monthly donation - again, this is possible by clicking the relevant button to the right. Thank you from the OBA Team and all 180 members of the choir! Only Boys Aloud - so much more than 140 characters! To hear OBA Founder Tim Rhys-Evans tell the OBA story, click on the link below:
bayc creates opportunities for change in the lives of young people and their communities. We work directly with marginalised young people and support over 200 youth groups and projects in the West Midlands. Our vision is to work for a society that recognizes and enables young people as equal partners.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate and welcome to 1st Weaverham Sea Scouts!
The Catenian Bursary Fund exists to help young Catholics, aged between 16 and 25, to take part in a community-based project at home or abroad, which has a clear benefit for others as well as widening the life experience of the participant.
SAFE@LAST is a children and young people's charity based in South Yorkshire. The charity provides a helpline, prevention work, one to one support, street work, a family support service and an emergency refuge for young people, 16 and under, who are at risk through running away.