Browsing Charities
451 - 475 of 533 results

Richmond YMCA (UK, 1045503) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

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da Rocha Foundation (UK, da Rocha Foundation - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The da Rocha Foundation's aim is to provide disadvantaged children with a better quality of life. It also hopes to support talented children who have a bright future and to provide a safe haven for children without any surviving parents or family to flourish as individuals.

Living Streets (UK, 1108448) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Living Streets is here to create better, safer streets where people want to walk. We stand up for pedestrians just like you. We campaign for change that will help cut road deaths and put people first.

The Kinetic Foundation (UK, 1151315) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Kinetic Foundation is focused on helping young people through providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacity and capabilities to enable them to participate in and integrate into society as independent, mature and responsible individuals.

Fynvola Foundation (UK, 1122788) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Fynvola provides nursing and palliative care for older learning disabled people at the end of their lives

COFEPOW (UK, 1074474) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

COFEPOW is a Registered Charity ( Reg. No. 1074474) dedicated to perpetuating the memory of the Far East Prisoners of War and advancing knowledge of the suffering endured and sacrifices made by them during their years of captivity in World War II.

Shoestring (UK, 515775) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Shoestring is a registered charity which provides short breaks, holidays and respite to Glyn Melin, Abersoch for familes or organisations in need. The charity is run solely on by volunteers, since 1983.

Aberdeen YMCA (UK, SC013487) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

At the heart of Aberdeen YMCA and the YMCA movement is our mission to empower young people in body, mind and spirit so that they can aspire to be outstanding. This comes to life every day in YMCA programmes through our commitment to: YMCA Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland: Scottish Charity No:SC013487

Ty Cymorth Hospice Appeal (UK, 1020279) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Tŷ Cymorth (Carmarthen & District) Hospice Appeal is raising money to improve facilities and access for a growing demand for Palliative Care at the Tŷ Cymorth Day Hospice. Trained Palliative Care staff provide care and support for people with a life-limiting condition.and their families.

Friends of the Belarusian Children's Hospice (UK) (UK, 1116116) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

'Friends' supports the first children's hospice in Belarus. It provides care at home, in-patient care and respite care for children with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses and their families. Their services are free. Friends is run by unpaid volunteers and our chairwoman speaks Russian fluently and has a place on the hospice's advisory board.

England Deaf Rugby Union (UK, 1134194) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We support Deaf and Hard of Hearing people of all ages to improve their health and well being by playing rugby union. We provide education and Deaf awareness in the sport

Family Net (UK, 1153857) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Northern Ireland Hospice (UK, Northern Ireland Hospice - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

At Northern Ireland Hospice, caring is at the heart of everything we do. We care for over 3,000 adults, children and young people living in the shadow of a terminal illness both in Hospice and in the community. We look after every patient's nursing, medical, social, spiritual and emotional needs with support for the family continuing into bereavement. Our services are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year and there is no charge. Your support is important to us as we rely heavily on legacies and donations to fund our services.

KOFUP (UK, 1089628) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We work with local community based initatives in Kenya and Uganda that support orphans and children of poor families. This includes nutrician programmes in slum areas, schools for poor kids, rural based orphan support programmes. NO KOFUP DONATIONS ARE USED FOR CHARITY ADMINISTRATION ALL GO DIRECT TO AFRICAN CHILDREN.

Age UK Peterborough (UK, 1080030) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Age UK Peterborough is a local charity working with and for, older people in the Greater Peterborough area. Our aim is "to promote the well-being of all older people and help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience".

Fairy Bricks (UK, Fairy Bricks) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Brightening the lives of sick children through LEGO.

Hike4Hospices (UK, 1134588) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Funds raised by Hike 4 Hospices are shared equally between The Martlets Hospice Hove, St Peter & St James Hospice North Chailey, St Barnabas House Worthing and St Wilfrid's Chichester which provide short and longer-term palliative care to people with cancer and other life limiting conditions.

Union Chapel Project (UK, 1010166) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Union Chapel an architectural treasure is home to a church, an award winning venue, a unique organ and a centre for those homeless and in crisis in London. Union Chapel Project preserves the Chapel, makes the building available to the widest range of people and supports Margins Homelessness Project.

Simeon Care for the Elderly (UK, SC012239) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our page! Simeon Care for the Elderly is a Camphill charity in Aberdeen providing a care home to older people with dementia, disabilities and age related frailties who can no longer manage in their own homes. Simeon’s philosophy of care, compassion and companionship supports older people to have an active, meaningful and purposeful life in a community of care. We opened up our doors in June 1984 and we have supported many older people since then.  Today, we have 18 very special people living with us and we are building them a new home specificially designed for older people who need a high standard of care. The new development is being built on site and when its finished spring 2015, it will feature 23 en-suite bedrooms and a dementia-friendly garden.  This project will enable Simeon to support more of our elderly community in an environment which promotes independence and well-being.  It will also provide families with peace of mind knowing that their loved one is being cared for in a nurturing and loving environment by a charity renowned for its exceptionally high quality care.

Butterfly Children's Hospices (UK, 1116192) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our mission is to provide loving care and treatment for children with life threatening illness or life limiting conditions in China (and similar countries) and support for their families where they have them to prevent abandonment. We work in cooperation with the government to establish models of children’s palliative and hospice care that are sustainable, promoting the concept that every life is a gift and valuable. We advocate for the provision of palliative care for China’s children.  We commit to the promotion of cultural and policy changes which support this.

Bombolulu School of Promise (UK, 1108917) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Bombolulu School of Promise provides education to children living in the slums of Mombasa, Kenya, who are unable to access state education due to financial hardship. Often due to being orphaned through HIV/AIDS. All money raised will go towards the running of the school & feeding the children.

Vrienden van Hospice De Regenboog in Eindhoven (UK, 17158317) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Hospice de Regenboog wil mensen met een ongeneeslijke ziekte in de laatste fase van hun bestaan de hoogst mogelijke kwaliteit van leven bieden. Het hospice biedt palliatieve zorg: zorg gericht op verzachting en verlichting. Met persoonlijke aandacht bereiden de medewerkers de gasten en hun naasten voor op de dingen die komen gaan. De Stichting Vrienden van Hospice de Regenboog zet zich in om financiële steun te krijgen voor het hospice, om zo bijzondere en extra zorg mogelijk te maken. Door steun van particulieren en bedrijven is het hospice een plek waar onze gasten rust en ruimte vinden en waar altijd aandacht is voor het individu. Met uw hulp laten we persoonlijke wensen van onze gasten in vervulling gaan en investeren we in een waardevolle laatste fase van hun leven.

Visibility (UK, SC116522) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Visibility provides services and support to visually impaired people across the West of Scotland

Grace's Place Children's Hospice (UK, 1156172) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Grace’s Place is a much needed children’s hospice providing palliative and end of life care for children and their families living in Oldham, Rochdale, Heywood, Middleton and Bury. A £1 million pounds Appeal was launched to build and equip the hospice, scheduled to open in October 2014.

The Kirsty Bryden Memorial Trust (UK, SCO4271) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Kirsty Bryden Memorial Trust is a no overheads charity helping to improve the lives of children who are suffering from serious life limiting illnesses, children with special needs and their siblings. We are a registered charity number SCO42871. You have enabled us to help so many children in the last two years. We have raised a grand total of £44,868. As a no overheads charity every penny you donate goes to the children we help; We operate on good will and sponsorship, using only unpaid volunteers who use their own private cars, the Trust Committee use their own private vehicles and pay for our own fuel to attend events. We source posters, badges etc from sponsors to deliver 100% of your donation direct to those in need. We always investigate every cause to ensure no cash get wasted through misguided good intent. We deliver to maximise the benefit of every penny raised. In July 2013 John Bryden, Chair of the Trust, rode a Honda 125cc motorcycle from the highlands in Scotland, through the Artic Circle to Moscow and back home. We received £15,749.74 in donations for Kirsty's Kids in sponsorship for the this event. Please visit to find out more about what we do and how you can help.