Thanks for looking at the KNY page. We're a community which prides itself on being supportive, and caring. Many families have joined our community since we began back in 2000. To be able to run our daily activities we need your financial support. Thanks for supporting us!
The Fellowship recognises the valuable work done by parents, guardians and carers in ministering to those with special needs and the additional responsibilities this work entails. The Fellowship strives to provide whatever support it can in this necessary work.
FROK supports the work of Khwendo Kor in the North West Frontier Provinces and Tribal Areas of Pakistan, where women have traditionally been denied education and independence. It establishes schools for girls, trains traditional birth attendants in health care and provides microcredit and training for women's businesses.
Shropshire Disability Network (SDN) formed in 2008 is recognised as the collective "Voice" for disabled people across the county of Shropshire.SDN's website and "Your Voice" our monthly newsletter have become a vital source of information locally regionally & nationally
MRANG (Merseyside Refugee and Asylum Seekers Pre and post Natal Support Group) offers friendship, support and advice to female asylum seekers and refugees who are pregnant or who have babies or young children. These are women who have been forced to flee their own country, and have undergone frightening experiences, some of whom have been raped or trafficked. MRANG provides twice weekly Drop-In sessions where women can meet and make friends, in a place which is safe for them and their children. It puts women in contact with health and legal services and where necessary provides counselling and other support such as providing birth partners. It seeks to empower women and to give them the confidence to re-build their lives in their new country.
We support children and adults with learning disabilities in north cumbria.We have 190 members and we provide support for over 300 people. We are raising funds to build a vital respite centre for children with disabilites it will be called the Grace Little Centre.Please support our fund raisers.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. CEDA is a local charity working with disabled people across Devon
It helps couples going through separation and divorce with child contact centres and mediation. The two contact centres - supported and supervised - provide a safe and welcoming venue for non residential parents to keep in contact with their children. Mediation helps couples reach agreement over arrangements for the future once the relationship has ended.
This wonderful charity gives free seaside holidays to disadvantaged Leicester and Leicestershire Children. Each week over the Summer Months 60 children aged 7 to 11 enjoy a magical holiday at our centre in Mablethorpe. We aim to open a door to a better life for all our children..
Friendship works to restore the dignity of marginalized communities in Bangladesh by delivering effective development solutions using a holistic needs-based approach. Our Vision is a world where people, especially the hard to reach, will have equal opportunity to live with dignity and hope.
Brendoncare is a registered charity committed to improving the quality of life of older people. We believe that caring for older people really matters. Formed in 1984, the charity has ten care centres and 70 well-being and friendship clubs for older people across the South of England.
Harpenden Mencap has been providing services to people with learning disabilities since 1959 and we are a local self-funded organisation. We provide many services to people with learning disabilities in Harpenden and the surrounding area. Harpenden Mencap - we understand learning disabilities.
Embrace is a user led organisation, over 75% of our management committee is made up of people and families of people with disabilities. We help people with disabilities gain independence and a better future.
The Millennium Project is a registered charity, wholly run and supported by the staff of URS, focussed upon the relief of poverty, hardship and distress among children in developing countries throughout the world. We make no profit from project activities, and at least 95 percent of all proceeds collected go directly to help children in the projects supported by the charity. All of our donations are provided direct to source, there is no danger of funds being lost via 3rd parties, and we witness an immediate impact, even when donations are on a small scale. In this way, we ensure donations are used in the most effective way possible and we ensure every donation makes a difference. In January 2000, The Economist published an article entitled Living In A Manhole, detailing the conditions endured by street children living in the coldest capital in the world, Ulan Bator in Mongolia, where we were working. Staff decided to try and help children like these using some of their time and money, and our charity was born. Since the charity was founded, we have supported targeted projects around the world that have a real impact upon childrens lives. We are always looking for new projects, and stipulate the following criteria for choosing appropriate causes for our support: Our current projects include building a school in Ethiopia, supporting children at an orphanage in Moldova, providing community support to Dalit girls in India and building a second sand dam in Kenya. Want to suggest a project for support or talk about the charitable work we do? Contact us on [email protected] or download the videos of our work building a school in Mozambique and a sand dam in Kenya by clicking on these links:
LRMN offers free, independent and confidential advice and information on issues such as immigration, health, housing, education, welfare benefits, training and employment. We also provide counselling and therapeutic support to refugee and asylum seeking women who are victims of trafficking, domestic and sexual abuse such as female genital mutilation (FGM). We have a health project which aims to increase access to health services and healthy living activities and identify barriers to access to healthy living and health services. Although established as a support agency for refugees and asylum seekers, we are increasingly providing support for migrant communities who, although have chosen to make the UK their home, still find integration particularly difficult. The organisation is a registered charity and a company limited by guaranteed. Its vision statement, “Linking Communities Together” reflects our commitment to integration and highlights the importance of understanding and living within an increasingly globalised society. LRMN’s mission is to act as the voice for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Refugee Community Organisations (RCOs) demonstrating harmony in diversity. We fulfil a very important job in tough economic times and budget cuts. If you are able to make a donation this would be greatly appreciated Please contact us on 02086940323 or send us an email to [email protected] if would like to fundraising or organize a fundraising event for LRMN.
GMFA is the leading gay men’s health charity in the UK. GMFA works to improve gay men’s health by increasing the control they have over their own lives. GMFA’s work includes HIV prevention campaigns, a range of courses for gay men, smoking cessation courses, a gay men’s health magazine, online information resources and campaigns promoting the health of HIV+ gay men and Black gay men. Please visit for more information
A-CET is a small dynamic UK charity supporting vulnerable African orphans and disabled children through educational scholarships and targeted community led school projects. Overseas it works through local charities run by its ex-students. A-CET has minimal overheads and is run by dedicated experienced professional volunteers.
Mercy Centre UK is a new charity set up to support the work of the Mercy Centre in Thailand. Mercy Centre UK is inspired by the dedicated and highly professional team of carers at the Mercy Centre in Bangkok who do invaluable work for abandoned and vulnerable children; who respond to every emergency within the slum communities; offer shelter, protection & loving care to street kids & orphans and especially to children & adults dying from AIDS.
We are a registered charity based in the UK. We are committed to supporting children in rural Africa and have been operating in the region since 2010. Our work is based on Zanzibar Island in Tanzania, Africa, from where we run our projects. We are an orphan-focused charity and have a dedicated team in Zanzibar, who ensure that the money we raise in donations is spent on children in accordance to their needs.
The OneCity Trust aims to fund projects and initiatives that advance, facilitate and promote social inclusion amongst the people of Edinburgh. The Trust places great emphasis on bringing together different groups to work together in innovative and creative ways to tackle the problems of social exclusion. The mission of the OneCity Trust is to promote social inclusion in the City of Edinburgh. It is an independent charity which is uniquely linked to the city. The Trust was established in 2003 in response to the OneCity report of the Lord Provost’s Commission on Social Exclusion. It uses the idea of a ‘community foundation’ to give people and businesses a means to reach across the divides of the city and support those who are excluded from the community. A permanent endowment was established with a donation from the City of Edinburgh Council, which the Trust has added to over the years, and continues to build.
Lead Scotland, (Specialists in Linking Education and Disability), is a voluntary organisation set up to widen access to learning for disabled young people and adults and carers across Scotland. Our vision is of a Scotland where disabled people and carers of disabled people access lifelong learning opportunities and achieve their potential.
The Right to Life Charitable Trust works to help some of the most vulnerable members of our society. We provide care and practical support for pregnant women in need and actively support the rights of the sick and elderly to receive adequate care.
Stroke is the biggest cause of serious disability in the UK. Harlow Stroke Support Group provide support to Stroke Survivors and their family. Our Social Groups, Exercise Class,Communication Group, One to One Support and Events encourage Stroke Survivors to reach their full potential
Our vision is a future in which healthy relationships are actively promoted as the heart of a thriving society. Our mission is to help couples, families and individuals to make relationships work better and to deliver inclusive, high quality services that are relevant at every stage of life