Browsing Charities
801 - 825 of 1.73K results

The Kanga Project (UK, 1119375) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Kanga Project works with RWDA, a Tanzanian organisation that strives to overcome the cultural and economic marginalisation of rural women. It funds projects that provide training, education and business start ups. It facilitates the education of girls at secondary level with hostels and grants.

Friends of Balnagask Court (UK, SC037107) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

This is a charity set up by family and friends of the residents with special needs ,of Balnagask court .all donations are used for the residents to help them in day to day life, we are currently raising money for their mini bus, all donations are gratefully received.

Mama Upendo (UK, 1147156) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Mama Upendo Children's Trust is based in Frome, Somerset. Our primary objective is to provide free shelter, care, education and future opportunities to children orphaned through AIDS or other misfortune in the Kitui District in the Eastern Province of Kenya.

The Mourne Men (UK, The Mourne Men - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

This charity is raising money to build a classroom for children in Nakasongola, Uganda. They are seeking sponsorship for two men participating in the 2008 "Plymouth-Banjul Challenge" - They are racing a banger (worth only GBP 100) all the way to The Gambia! See their website for more details.

The HSLT (UK, 1145711) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Welcome to the HSLT. We are a UK registered charity, with the aim of working in UK & internationally for the advancement of social justice for all, regardless of religion or nationality. We are a small organisation, but our desire to help those in need is big. We will work towards helping people.

Living Life (Eastbourne) (UK, 1113145) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Living Life (Eastbourne) is working to provide practical help and support to families who are caring for a person or persons with disabilities at home in the UK and around the world, through our Christian faith, we pray that actions will speak louder than words.

The Imbaseni Trust (UK, SC028456) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Imbaseni Trust is a small charity to assist Tanzanians who have a concern to improve the life of their fellow citizens. All projects are local initiatives aimed at self-sustainability. Current projects: Nuru Centre for disabled adults, street children work,& Youth Information Centre in Zanzibar.

EYESeeMe project (UK, 1168820) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. EyeSeeMe Project is a registered charity that works with children in South East Asia who are orphaned, HIV, marginalised or abandoned. Please donate to support our cause. EYESeeMe aim to help under privileged children in Southeast Asia go to school. We believe that by assisting children into education, we can not only help to break the poverty cycle, but to give them back a childhood and a real start in life. Through the medium of photography, our classes are a fun activity for the children and are used to give them a voice and to create a window into the world in which they live. We select the best of these images each year to exhibit and to help raise awareness to their plight and our cause. Charity No: 1168820 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter Please click here to visit our Twitter page

TG Peer Associates Ltd (UK, TG Peer Associates Ltd - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We provide social and emotional support services to transgender people and their families, enabling and empowering people to lead inclusive lives as valued members of their local communities. We draw on the experience within the trans community to provide a strong and supportive network.

Working Together (Ludlow) Ltd Charity No 1147358 (UK, 1147358) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Working Together is a registered charitable company and voluntary organisation situated in the beautiful market town of Ludlow,Shropshire and run by a dedicated team of members, trustees, volunteers and carers. Our aim is to provide a focus for people with learning disabilities and their families. We provide support, training, work opportunities and recreational activities firmly rooted in the local community. We do not seek to replace or compete with existing services. Instead we work with them to promote partnership and enhance provision. We aim to encourage inclusion of people with learning dificulties in all aspects of community life and thereby offer opportunities that are often available only in larger towns. The cafe in the heart of Ludlow is the hub of our activities, many of which take place at other locations. Working Together which was started in July 2002 is founded on kindness, encouragement and mutual respect. The Vision is to develop regular and meaningful work and training opportunities, a range of regular recreational activities and social opportunities. Why the Tortoise logo? The Tortoises were chosen for our logo since the Chinese consider them sacred because of their innate wisdom and protective instinct. Eastern values also teach us that "slow and steady wins the race".

Purehope (UK, 1142049) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

PurehoPe helps women and children in the slums in Kenya get an education, medical care and create sustainable livelihoods

The Friends of Deepalaya (UK, 1094080) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Deepalaya is a non - government development organization working on issues affecting the urban and rural poor, with a special focus on children. It is because 'Every child deserves a chance' that the organization exists and works towards making that possible. For the past 30 years Deepalaya has been working in the urban slums of Delhi and has also made inroads into rural development in the states of Haryana and Uttarakhand.

Blackhall Children's Playgroup (UK, SC011212) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Waterloo Partnership (UK, 1111926) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Believing in the intrinsic value of each individual, the people of Waterloo, Merseyside and Waterloo, Sierra Leone commit themselves to one another. In partnership, the two Waterloos seek to promote the building up of community, safeguard the dignity of persons and support those struggling to achieve basic human rights.

White Pigeon (Ven Pura) (UK, 1107434) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

White Pigeon is a charitable organisation working on rehabilitation of those deemed to be disable by landmines and war activities or any other reason in Sri Lanka. Its aims are; * Rehabilitating those deemed to be disabled by landmines and war activities or any other reason. * Alleviating the hardship arising of those persons and their lifestyles as a result of their disability. * Empowering those disabled towards self reliance * Creating awareness among the local residence of dangerous objects such as anti personnel landmines and other dangerous objects which were left over from the war.

Lollipop Trust (UK, 1145035) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Lollipop Trust is providing assistance for children in Kenya, specifically children from low income and impoverished rural communities, for education, health and a better livelihood, through provisions of equipment, foodstuff, educational grants, clothing and essential nutritional supplements.

Friends Of The Bedford Child Development Centre (UK, 1087442) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Bedford Child Development Centre is committed to enabling children with disabilities and special needs to reach their full educational, physical and emotional potential. The Friends aim to pursue excellence in the provision of services. We support parents, carers and staff by providing extra facilities and equipment to benefit the children attending the centre.

Mpongwe's People (UK, 1123826) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.Mpongwe's People is involved in supporting various projects including an orphan and vulnerable child project in the Mpongwe area of Zambia.

A Fish for Life (UK, 1134866) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

A Fish For Life aims to improve children's lives locally and globally through education,support and enlightening experiences. Supporting 6 children with their education in Kenya, we are currently raising funds by climbing Kilimanjaro in February 2012 to help children in the North East of England.

Cynon Valley PALs (UK, 1046862) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting Cynon Valley PALS on MyDonate. We provide play and leisure services for children with disabilities in the Cynon Valley.

The St Giles Trust (UK, 326280) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The St Giles Trust runs free holidays for children with special needs (many of whom are from poorer homes). Often the St Giles week is the only the chance for these children to have a holiday and for their carers to enjoy some well-deserved rest.

Flintshire Deaf Childrens Society (UK, 1147396) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Attend (UK, 1113067) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We support people and organisations who are making their communities healthier and happier. Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.

Camphill Aberdeen (UK, SC0012653) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Camphill has been part of the Aberdeen City and Shire community since 1939. More than 700 people live and work in six local Camphill communities. Together they offer education, training, work and living opportunities for vulnerable children, young people, adults and older people.

Hannah Payne Memorial Trust (UK, 1120327) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The charity provides support facilities for families of seriously and terminally ill and injured children.