FairFun was set up by two parents of children with disabilities who were disappointed by the lack of entertainment suitable for their families, especially at Christmas. Our high-quality events are planned with the needs of disabled children and their families at their heart, because we understand.
New Hope for Africa (UK) is dedicated to transforming the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people in Uganda.Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. NHfA(UK) seeks to provide an education for orphaned children and young people in a caring environment. Many of these individuals have witnessed the brutal atrocities of civil war and conflict and some have been orphaned as a result of parents falling victim to HIV/AIDS. Annet Kayongo established the New Hope Foundation school and orphanage in 2001 and Jean Swain met Annet on a visit to Uganda in 2004. Jean returned to the UK and set up NHfA(UK) to raise financial support to help fund the education programme.NHfA(UK) became a registered charity in 2008 and uses your donations to provide an education for over 500 pupils who attend the school. The monies raised are used to pay the salaries of 32 teachers who teach a variety of subjects from primary education up to university entrance standard.All donations go directly to support the work in Uganda with the running costs and expenses associated with the charity being paid by the trustees and do not come out of your donations. Charity No: 1125726 Find out more Website http://www.newhopeforafrica.org.uk YouTube http://youtu.be/kX87Pc2F8TU
Herefordshire Carers Support exists to ensure that carers are universally recognised as fundamental to the communities in which they live and to ensure that there is a balance between their caring responsibilities and their lives outside their caring role.
Elizabeth's Children is a South African charity based in a township called Zwelethemba, which is one and a half hours outside Cape Town. It helps feed and educate up to 200 children, many of whom are orphaned, neglected and malnourished. Many of the children have HIV.
Share Scotland - the support you need for the life you want! Share Scotland was established in 1984 by a group of parents. They all had children with complex learning and physical disabilities who were at a residential school, and when the time came for them to leave the only options for them were institutions like Lennox Castle and Gogarburn Hospital. They believed that their children had the right to be part of their communities, not in an institution!So these parents campaigned and fundraised and eventually set up what is known today as Share Scotland.At Share Scotland we believe that people with complex needs are are entitled to equal status in society – with the same voice, opportunities and rights as others. Our Board of Management is still made up of parents of the people we support, including those founding parents from more than 30 years ago.By donating to Share Scotland you are helping to support our vital work, ensuring that people with complex learning and physical disabilities are able to lead active and fulfilling lives. Charity No: SC019892 Find out more Website http://www.sharescotland.org.uk Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ShareScotland Twitter http://twitter.com/share_scotland YouTube http://www.youtube.com/sharescotland
Bramley Elderly Action (BEA) is a charity which provides opportunities and support for people aged 60 and above. We aim to ensure the older people we help lead as fulfilling lives as possible and feel part of their community
With its bilingual and bicultural primary school and Conflict Resolution and Pluralistic Spiritual Centres, Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam, an Oasis of Peace where Israeli Jews and Arabs have chosen to live together, demonstrates that peace and cooperation is possible. British Friends of NSWaS supports its educational aims and institutions.
The Bruce Trust is a registered charity providing specially-designed, purpose-built, wide-beam canal boats, on the Kennet and Avon Canal, for hire for self-catering, self-steer holidays by disabled, disadvantaged or elderly people along with their family, friends or carers.
Alton CAB is entirely dependent upon grants and charitable donations. It is staffed almost exclusively by volunteers, giving free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination.
delivering loads of fun to special children. With funds raised disadvantaged children from East Anglia are given special and unique days out.
DARF strives to bring about positive social change to protect the dignity of African girls/women. DARF is committed to eliminating harmful gender-based discriminatory practices that violate rights of girls/women, such as female circumcision (FGM), child/forced marriage and widowhood rites.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1050410
..African Baobab Foundation is a charity for Disabled Children.There are an estimated 150 million children with disabilities in the world, most of whom live with the reality of exclusion. The vast majority of children with disabilities in developing countries have no access to Education, Health Care
Project HOPE UK is focused on developing long term 'Thoughtful Path' programmes that will support the health and well-being of orphans and other vulnerable children in some of the poorest communities around the world.
CEFET is a regional strategic body co-ordinating European Funding for the East Midlands Third Sector. It works particularly to combat social exclusion, promote equality and diversity, enable grassroots groups to build their own capacity and help excluded people to participate.
The SYC offers yoga therapy to children with a wide range of special needs. Yoga brings about extraordinary changes both physically and emotionally and has a huge impact on the lives of these children and their carers. Please help us continue this work and achieve our goal of Yoga for Everyone.
Learning Disability Wales is a national charity representing the learning disability sector in Wales. Everything that we do focuses on creating a Wales that values and includes every child, young person and adult with a learning disability.
At Friends of Landlords Riding for the Disabled Association our aim is to provide therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities through Horse Riding in Wigan, Bolton and the surrounding areas.
CARE responds to the changing needs of people with learning disabilities, helping to improve self-esteem and increase independence. It offers residential and supported accommodation options, life-skills and vocational training, and the encouragement and support from skilled staff to enable them to make a real and tangible difference to their lives.
Across the UK, a child is diagnosed with a severe disability every 25 minutes and over 98% of disabled children are cared for at home. The Lady Hoare Trust was set up in 1962 to help children disabled by the drug thalidomide and it now works together with the charity Contact a Family to provide advice, information and support to parents of all disabled children - no matter what their medical condition.
Tourism for All is an independent charity supporting leisure and tourism opportunities for all, operating an information service to disabled and older people and working with the industry and government to raise the standards of welcome to all travellers and tourists.
The Canon Collins Educational Trust for Southern Africa provides resources for scholarships and for projects as diverse as HIV/AIDS advice centres, family literacy, training programmes and support for post-graduate degrees.
Agape Trust provides care for young people and adults with profound physical and learning disabilities by providing a home for life and respite care which includes outreach care, a form of short term help for people in their own homes. It also aims to provide support for parents and families.
The Voluntary Association for Surrey Disabled provides a variety of services for the disabled of the region including; clubs, a holiday programme, accessible holiday bungalows, a disability equipment shop, a mail order catalogue, equipment loans and two minibuses wtih tail-lifts.
Glencraft is an Aberdeen charity established to provide secure employment and training for blind, partially sighted and disabled people from the local area. We have a proud history and are looking to raise £500,000 to relocate our factory and provide a secure future for the organisation.