Home-Start International is a grass roots organisation, working worldwide to support families with young children. Working in rich and poor communities with networks of trained parent volunteers Home-Start reaches out to families in need to provide friendship and practical help. Parents helping parents – a simple idea that really works.
The Association strives to provide high quality services to physically disabled people in Surrey, their families, professionals and others concerned with disability by providing an equipment service, self-catering accessible holiday accommodation and wheelchair accessible transport.
The Henry Spink Foundation provides information for disabled children, adults, their families and carers on a range of medical conditions and other issues affecting disabled people, together with information on conventional and alternative therapies.
Asylum Justice is a charity which gives free legal advice to individuals and families who are seeking asylum and are unable to access legal aid. The charity is run wholly by volunteers, both lawyers and administrators, without any salaried staff.
It provides a Disability Information and Advice Service ; Disability Equality and Awareness Training ; a Peer Counselling Service ; supports various Disability Fora ; it runs a Community Transport Service ; it carrys out Disability Access Audits ; it supports and involves disabled people in monitoring the performance of public authorities in West Lothian.
The Shaftesbury Society is a leading UK Christian charity that works with disabled people and local communities to achieve social inclusion, empowerment and justice. The charity works in the areas of education, adult support services, and development and regeneration.
We are a charity for disabled children in africa, we provide medical care, education and support such as training and carers for the less privileged. Our social mission is to ensure that all disabled children are given equal opportunity to achieve their aspirations in life by creating support structures that promote equality and social integration for disabled children. Our social mission is to ensure that all disabled children are given equal opportunity to achieve their aspirations in life by creating support structures that promote equality and social integration for the disabled children. We are a charity for disabled children in Africa, we provide medical care, education and support such as training and carers for the less able children and fundings for the right medical attention they need. We provide funding for medical treatments, learning aids and mobility equipment. In areas we cannot reach we work and support charities that specialise in disabled children. In a world where all disabled children and young people have a sense of belonging, break injustice, deprivation and inequality so as to fufill their potential, shape their own destiny and experience the joy of life.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.
Centre of Excellence Sailing Facilities for Children and Adults with Disability We are a financially independent charity and receive No statutory funding whatsoever, our activities are run entirely by a team of hard working, dedicated volunteers. During the 2010 season, we provided activities for almost 2000 children and adult visitors with disabilities. This included 9 Special Schools attending on a regular basis, various groups from around the country and the Government Aiming High short breaks scheme for children with disabilities. We are nearing completion of our new £500,000 Boat House and require another £30,000 to complete the interior of the building. Our supporters and sponsors have already contributed £200,000 to the cost of the building, the balance coming from our own fund-raising and a grant from the Social Enterprice Investment Fund of nearly £150,000. We need to complete the building this summer so that our disabled users can sail on Rudyard Lake and have the independence, dignity and privacy afforded by our new facilities. We were honoured to receive Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal on the 26th April the year for a short visit to see progress to date. Princess Anne is the Patron of RYA Sailability. We are hoping she will make a return visit in the Autumn to open the fully completed building.
Cheka Sana is aimed at supporting street involved children in Tanzania through the provision of residential care, intensive counselling, education and an effective reintegration programme focused on therapeutic methods, working towards empowering all within communities to uphold children's rights.
Ensure a state of complete well-being of vulnerable populations. We focus on children who have become victims of HIV/AIDS and we work for rehabilitation of children with different types of physical disabilities from birth to 16 years.We promote self development of the community.
Help a Capital Child help support children and young people affected by abuse, homelessness, disability, poverty and illness. We may live in one of the wealthiest cities and countries in the world but the statistics are shocking: 1 in 3 children in London live below the poverty line 70,000 children in London are living with a disability 20,000 families across the UK have been told their child will die before them 6 teenagers and young people are told they have cancer every day There are 22,000 children and young people in London who are caring for a parent or sibling Many of these children and young people face hardship and have to grow up fast. We’re here to make a difference and we do this in a number of ways. We provide small grants to hundreds of local projects and groups located throughout London, who provide support and opportunities for these young people. In the last year we have also funded 9 major grants which will leave a lasting legacy and make a huge impact on thousands of children in London for years to come. Find out more at capitalfm.com/charity Help a Capital Child is an appeal run by Global Charities, a registered charity in England and Wales (1091657) and Scotland (SC041475).
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. COSC is a daycare centre for people aged 18 and over with disabilities in West Cumbria, we have two centres one in the Copeland area and one in the Allerdale area. Both centres provide confidence building activities supported by a body of highly professional and qualified staff.
Supporting people with learning difficulties to have a social life, enjoy friendships and develop new skills for life and work, by providing member led services. Please visit www.aboutwithfriends.co.uk to find out more about us.
We are a Registered Residential Care Home for Adults with Learning Difficulties.Providing a Lifetime of Equality and Opportunity for those living at the LEO Trust.
Disability Africa aims to improve life-chances for disabled young people in African countries through the development of inclusive community-based services. We believe that the desperate inequalities that exist for disabled people are uncivilised and preventable. To address these inequalities improves all of us who take part. We invite you to be part of that effort.
REVA is a charity working in Romania, supporting others to help children who are in need through no fault of their own. It sends clothes, toiletries and educational resources to families and to the Szent Josef Haz in Sovata, which provides a caring environment for over 100 children.
Campaigning to reopen Barham Library The Friends of Barham Library are working to ensure the survival of this much loved, local library for future generations. (Friends of Barham Library are a Charity (No. 1142113) and a Company Limited by Guarantee.)
.Barnstondale is a children-focussed charity whose work revolves around running an inclusive adventure & activity centre to provide a natural setting for personal development. We complement this with our unique log cabin accommodation set in 15 acres of woodland & specialist disabled facilities.
We work in partnership with organizations around the world to support women so that their voices are heard, their rights enhanced and observed and their choices respected. Our current strategic goals are: building women’s leadership, decent work, sexual and reproductive choice and access to justice.
Parents for Inclusion - helping all children belong. A small national charity run by parents of disabled children. Pi wants all young people to have the chance of a full life by being included in ordinary schools, to have a chance of being part of ordinary life whatever their needs.
Click here for membership payments New Family Social is the UK charity supporting LGBT adopters, foster carers and their children. We do this by allowing families, and families to be, to build their local support networks and share support and encouragement online.NFS also works to ensure that all of our members are assessed fairly on their parenting ability, and to raise awareness and acceptance of adoption and fostering by LGBT people. We are a young and rapidly growing charity - here are some of our achievements to date:
The Anglo-Thai Foundation (http://www.anglo-thai.org) makes education grants to poor children in Northeast Thailand from primary to university level so they can complete state education. The Foundation pays hardship and disability grants, and provides schools with clean drinking water systems.
A Christian charity working with street children and orphans in East Africa, providing homes, rehabilitation, street outreach, training and work programmes