Browsing Charities
1376 - 1400 of 1.73K results

Deaf Studies Trust (UK, 289302) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Deaf Studies Trust provides innovative solutions to improve communication and reduce isolation within the Deaf Community. It specialises in British Sign Language, and has recently set up special videophones for Deaf people to get help in an emergency and to talk with friends when they are feeling down.

Community Care Trust (South Devon) Limited (UK, 1007781) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.

Green Dragon Playgroup (UK, 1056308) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a fun, lively + fully inclusive group where children learn to play and socialise with the help of highly qualified, warm + caring staff. We keep our fees very low for local families - Our community need us. We ensure children are protected and nurtured according to their individual needs.

Soteria Trust (UK, 1040766) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Soteria Trust is a registered charity based in Emsworth, Hampshire. Soteria helps vulnerable young people and children through sponsorships in Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Soteria Trust is helping Africans help themselves with the provision of jobs through education. Visit

British Association for Early Childhood Education (UK, 313082) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Early Education is a national charity that promotes the right of all children to an education of the highest quality in their early years. It provides support, training and information to parents, people who work with children, and all concerned with the development of children from birth to age eight.

Corrymeela (UK, Corrymeela - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Corrymeela is a not-for-profit charitable organisation based in Ballycastle and Belfast. Our mission is: embracing difference, healing division and enabling reconciliation. Our vision is of a peaceful and sustainable society based on social justice, positive relationships and respect for diversity.

The St Giles Trust (UK, 326280) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The St Giles Trust runs free holidays for children with special needs (many of whom are from poorer homes). Often the St Giles week is the only the chance for these children to have a holiday and for their carers to enjoy some well-deserved rest.

Cynon Valley PALs (UK, 1046862) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting Cynon Valley PALS on MyDonate. We provide play and leisure services for children with disabilities in the Cynon Valley.

Mpongwe's People (UK, 1123826) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.Mpongwe's People is involved in supporting various projects including an orphan and vulnerable child project in the Mpongwe area of Zambia.

Friends Of The Bedford Child Development Centre (UK, 1087442) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Bedford Child Development Centre is committed to enabling children with disabilities and special needs to reach their full educational, physical and emotional potential. The Friends aim to pursue excellence in the provision of services. We support parents, carers and staff by providing extra facilities and equipment to benefit the children attending the centre.

Waterloo Partnership (UK, 1111926) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Believing in the intrinsic value of each individual, the people of Waterloo, Merseyside and Waterloo, Sierra Leone commit themselves to one another. In partnership, the two Waterloos seek to promote the building up of community, safeguard the dignity of persons and support those struggling to achieve basic human rights.

Blackhall Children's Playgroup (UK, SC011212) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Purehope (UK, 1142049) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

PurehoPe helps women and children in the slums in Kenya get an education, medical care and create sustainable livelihoods

The Imbaseni Trust (UK, SC028456) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Imbaseni Trust is a small charity to assist Tanzanians who have a concern to improve the life of their fellow citizens. All projects are local initiatives aimed at self-sustainability. Current projects: Nuru Centre for disabled adults, street children work,& Youth Information Centre in Zanzibar.

The HSLT (UK, 1145711) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Welcome to the HSLT. We are a UK registered charity, with the aim of working in UK & internationally for the advancement of social justice for all, regardless of religion or nationality. We are a small organisation, but our desire to help those in need is big. We will work towards helping people.

The Mourne Men (UK, The Mourne Men - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

This charity is raising money to build a classroom for children in Nakasongola, Uganda. They are seeking sponsorship for two men participating in the 2008 "Plymouth-Banjul Challenge" - They are racing a banger (worth only GBP 100) all the way to The Gambia! See their website for more details.

The Kanga Project (UK, 1119375) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Kanga Project works with RWDA, a Tanzanian organisation that strives to overcome the cultural and economic marginalisation of rural women. It funds projects that provide training, education and business start ups. It facilitates the education of girls at secondary level with hostels and grants.

High Wycombe Shopmobility (UK, 1040164) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

High Wycombe Shopmobility is a local registered charity offering the free loan of manual and powered wheelchairs or electric scooters for use in the town centre for shopping, business or leisure. Anyone with limited mobility, whether temporary or permanent,can use the scheme. They do not have to be registered disabled. Shopmobility is open 7 days a week from premises on the Desborough Road frontage of the Eden shopping centre.Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.

Aberdeen Students' Charities Campaign (UK, SC008700) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Welcome to the Aberdeen Students' Charities Campaign. Every year thousands of students from the University of Aberdeen, RGU and Aberdeen College work tirelessly to organise fun events and collections to raise tens of thousands of pounds for charities, groups and projects across Aberdeen, the North-East and nationally.

Que rico! (UK, 1113413) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

VPO / Que Rico! want all the children and communites we support to have a future - one that is not determined by their poverty. We want the communities in which we work to blossom and flourish and we want to protect the environment for the benefit of future generations.

WAM Campaign (UK, 1148382) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The WAM Campaign is a registered charity which aims to facilitate volunteering programmes for young people, helping to expose deserving children (orphans and vulnerable children) living in Ghana to opportunities they may be socially marginalised from.

BIRDING FOR ALL (UK, 1091755) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

On behalf or all of us at Birding for All, thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate, and considering donating or raising money via sponsorship for us. Birding For All (formerly The Disabled Birders Association) is a relatively young organisation seeking to improve access for all people to reserves, facilities and services for birding. We would never compromise the needs of birds or other wildlife with our push to get better access for people, but do believe that good design that gives access to people with mobility problems etc. improves access for EVERYBODY. Half our members have a disability and half do not - we welcome all as it will only be by an alliance of disabled and able-bodied people that change will happen. Please join us - Membership is FREE for all.Feel free to contact us through our website, Twitter or Facebook if you are running an event to help us raise money, we'd love to support your efforts.Every year we have a stall at the British Birdwatching Fair - Come and meet us there. Charity No: 1091755 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

Bedford And District Cerebral Palsy Society (UK, 207386) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The society offers a wide range of support and services to people with Cerebral Palsy and associated disabilities their families and carers in North and Mid Bedfordshire. Services include school holiday play schemes, weekend activity clubs, grants for specialist equipment and holidays, information helpline, advocacy, carers groups, and voluntary opportunities.

Impossible Dream (UK, 1044893) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The charity organises South Coast Blind Week. The Charity owns equipment for disabled skiing and sailing which is available for public use.

Asha Kiran UK (UK, 1129089) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Asha Kiran UK aims to enable special children to attain their full potential for independence and fulfilment in adult life. We promote the welfare of young people with health problems and physical or learning disabilities. The primary beneficiary is Asha Kiran Special Needs School, Bangalore, India