Liberis exists to help disadvantaged children in Romania. We provide homes for 28 abandoned children and a special needs day-care and therapy centre to provide community support for 60 children 'at risk' of abandonment. The Romanian government pays the running costs of our projects.
The Right Now Foundation look after children in danger in India by providing a loving home environment.
Erme Valley RDA aims to improve the lives of people with disabilities by providing opportunities for riding and therapy. The group ride 70 riders a week and is run by a committee of volunteers/helpers. The yearly running costs of the group are £25,000. All funds come from fundraising events.
There are 300 million children in the world for whom walking with shoes is a rarity. This makes them extremely vulnerable to infection by parasites, such as hookworm; while injuries to the feet and ankles can lead to ulcers and other conditions which are almost always left untreated. Without shoes, many children are not permitted to attend school. Sal's Shoes finds new feet for outgrown shoes.
Combe Down Holiday Trust provides holidays for disabled people, their carers and families living in the Bath & North East Somerset area.The Trust's aim is to support disabled people - both those with permanent disabilities and those disabled through illnesses such as cancer. It enables them, their families and /or carers to have a short break, holiday or respite care, enhancing their quality of life.
Visoi Children's Centre International is in Kampi Ya Moto, Kenya. It supports children who have been orphaned because of Aids and HIV, giving them access to education, medical attention, dietry needs and a safe place to live. It is a community based project, with support from both Kenya and Scotland.
Kingston Mencap is a small voluntary group who support adults and children with a learning disability and their families and carers living in the Kingston-upon-Thames area. We are a Registered Charity No. 210583 and we are affiliated to Royal Mencap. We run Seekers leisure club for adults aged 18+ and Xpression youth project for 12-18 year olds.
We are a small Riding for the Disabled Association Group of volunteers who provide weekly riding therapy and fun for children and adults with disabilities. We thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Although as volunteers we provide our services free, we need to constantly raise funds to pay for Insurance; the hire of ponies; renewing equipment; training courses and items such as trophies & rosettes. One of our group has organised a family team to run the Belfast Marathon to raise funds - please donate to support our cause. Thank you. Charity No: NIC104602
Established in 1998 by a small team of dedicated volunteers, Glasgow based Al-Meezan (Scottish charity no: SC245290) is a non-profit, non-partisan charity dedicated to the promotion and development of Islamic learning for women, children and young people, and currently has over 600 service users.
Operation Frameworks is an organisation set-up to provide relief of suffering in children disabled by congenital and traumatic spinal and limb deformities in any part of the developing and transitional world. Millions of poverty stricken, physically disabled children live worldwide, often never seen by society for fear of persecution.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Havencare (South West) Limited is a registered Charity that provides outstanding support for people who have learning disabilities and autistic spectrum conditions across Devon and Cornwall. Through person-centred thinking and bespoke support design, Havencare believes every person has the right to direct their own life, through opportunity and choice, regardless of individual needs. The people we support may need an extra hand to access the things in life that we can take for granted. Your generous donations will support Havencare projects in community inclusion and opportunities to achieve important life outcomes for some of the most vulnerable people in our society. Current projects include ‘Access2Activities’ – a partnership with YMCA Plymouth and local attraction to offer supported opportunities for fun and engaging experiences in the local area – and; ‘The Haven’ – a community garden project, with land donated by our partner charity Brook Housing, where we envisage people with learning disabilities and autism accessing a safe-haven with an allotment, smallholding and tranquil sensory space. This will enable people to come together, learn new skills, contribute to local society, and be a place of safety and sensory calmness that is so hard to find. Thank you for your support. Charity No: 299901 Find out more Website Facebook
GIVE is a professionally governed and managed Indian nonprofit organisation dedicated to promote "giving". We help "good" NGOs raise funds and promote greater transparency & accountability in the voluntary sector. Our mission: To promote efficient and effective giving that provides greater opportunities to the poor in India. Our vision: A strong "giving" culture where Indians donate 2% of their income every year to give the poor a chance. A vibrant "philanthropy marketplace" to ensure that the most efficient and effective nonprofits get access to the most resources.
Salvation Youth Trust is a British Charity and NGO founded by Dr Hafiz Saleem working for the welfare of the community in Britain and overseas providing spiritual, educational, leisure and social support.The charity was established in 2006 and since then we have achieved widespread recognition.
This is a thriving community club that - as we do not have all weather courts - can only offer facilities for 6 months a year. This fundraising initiative is a culmination of 4 years fundraising work to allow us to upgrade our courts and offer facilities the whole year round. Any help appreciated.
Our aim is to provide help and support to all fellow foster carers and their families, including respite or kinship carers by way of practical help; telephone support, regular members meetings and where necessary offer to represent foster carers either individually or collectively with a particular issue involving the day to day challenges of todays foster care. How Your Money Helps Promoting and publicising We are telling the world about the amazing job that foster carers do, and persuading more people to think about becoming foster carers themselves. The media and communications team is responsible for promoting fostering and the work of the Cheshire Foster Care Association through television, radio, magazines and newspapers, while our recruitment and retention work ensures fostering services use the most effective means of attracting and keeping carers. Your donation could enable us to: * Media train a fostered young person or foster carer, helping them to get their message across more effectively * Produce recruitment materials to help attract new foster carers * Identify and research case studies, allowing us to illustrate fostering stories with real life examples Campaigning and influencing policy Our campaigning, lobbying and media work influence the agendas of local and central governments,helping drive through additional investment and policy change that makes a difference. We support the foster care workforce with advice, resources, training and networking opportunities to help them transform the lives of children and young people in care. Our information service helps 500 enquirers each year with a range of fostering queries, including many from prospective foster carers. Our publications team produces a range of resources, guiding foster carers through every aspect of the fostering process, while our training programme provides professional development opportunities for all those involved in foster care. Your donation could enable us to: The young peoples projects work with young people on a number of diverse and exciting initiatives, all aimed at allowing young peoples voices to be heard. Your donation could enable us to:
Respite Kids provides short respite breaks and parties linked to the chagim (festivals) to Jewish special needs children in London. We want to help the families caring for special needs children, the parents who put so much effort and love into caring for their child, to take a break for a short period while we provide their child with a fun time with entertainment, food and care in a safe and secure environment. We need donations to help us run our activities. All Respite Kids workers are unpaid volunteers, and all funds raised will be used for running respite activities with registered carers and charities. We pride ourselves on the care we give to the children, our innovation in developing and running events, our speed to respond and most of all, the joy we bring to these very special children and families. The Respite Kids committee
Thumbprint works to help people with learning difficulties to set up and run their own projects. Being in charge of your own project or working life can be hard work but it develops confidence and skills, widens outlook and enables you to participate in society in a very proactive way. We believe people with learning difficulties can take part in society and direct their own work and lives. We all need support in trying out new ideas and Thumbprint works to give that support.
Mingalaba! Welcome to the Virgin Money Giving page for Friends of the Children Myanmar (FCM). Founded and run by volunteers based in Yangon and London, FCM is an organisation working to improve the welfare of Myanmars children in institutions including orphanages, monasteries, and hospital childrens wards. FCM aims to: FCM is a non-political, non-religious organisation that only supports children’s centres where we know the staff are dedicated and the money is used for the direct benefit of the children. FCM has no paid staff and is run by its UK-based committee who pay for their own expenses and any overheads. This way, any donations you make will go directly to supporting our Burmese university volunteers and childcare projects in Myanmar.
The School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) has run programmes of training and support for social entrepreneurs since 1997, and has a proven track record in developing the individual entrepreneur and their organisation simultaneously. Its unique combination of programme elements (including personal support, action learning, 1:1 coaching, project visits, expert witnesses) is tailored for social entrepreneurs to develop the skills, confidence and networks they need to turn their ideas into reality. SSE requires no paper qualifications, and seeks to ensure fees are not a barrier to anyone participating on the programme. Fellows in the past have been aged from 19-74, an equal mix of gender, and a diverse mix of backgrounds. SSE believes that social entrepreneurs are exceptional people who have a great idea for making society a better place, have the vision, drive, commitment and determination to change lives for the better through practical action. SSE operates programmes across the UK.
The Gambian Deaf Children’s Support Project (GDSCP) exists to support and enhance the opportunities for deaf children throughout The Gambia to achieve educational and social success, and be able to take their place as happy, productive and independent members of Society.
The Rambourg Foundation was set up in February 2011, in order to organise our charity work. It will initially concentrate on Human Rights and Education projects.
Catholic Childrens Society is the social welfare agency of Shrewsbury Diocese. We offer family support services to any families requiring our support in our region. We specialise in post-adoption, and grief management. We rely on voluntary income to support new projects and sustain services often to the poorest families in our communities. OUR VISION All children and families enjoy a fullness of life. OUR VALUESCommunityFamilyDiversityDignity OUR MISSIONIn the spirit of the Gospel, we work with children and familiesto build stronger supportive communitieswherever there is current disadvantage.
During 2010 Treats Children’s Charity celebrated its 25th Anniversary year, and to mark the occasion we launched ‘25 Treats for 25 years’. The charity’s aim is to raise money to benefit the Children of Derbyshire and the surrounding region. Over the years we have helped to buy a variety of items, from helping finance a new building for St. Benedict’s School Enhanced Resource Base, mini buses, medical equipment, specially developed bikes, wheelchairs to dream holidays. We are always open to requests for help and will look at anything that can benefit the lives of these special children. We have donated funds to many needy causes, to many to mention. Thanks to all of you, Treats were able to make numerous donations last year to a variety of Children & Families who just need that extra bit of help. It is with the generous support we receive from people like you that Treats Children’s Charity is able to continue to give to all the good causes who approach us for support. I hope that this gives you a quick insight as to what we are about and hopefully will help you, help us, make a difference to the lives of these special CHILDREN.
The John Smith Trust was formed in 1996 to provide a permanent memorial to one of Britains best-loved politicians, the Rt Hon John Smith MP, who died suddenly in May 1994. Less than two years into the leadership of the Labour Party when he died, John Smith was held in high affection by many within and outside the Labour Party, not least because of the obvious sincerity with which he promoted the ideals of social justice and good governance. The aim of the Trust is to honour him by promoting the ideals that he held dear. Via the John Smith Fellowship Programme, the Trust unites young leaders across the globe who wish to promote those values. The Fellowship Programme is aimed at the next generation of leaders in a number of countries from the former Soviet Union and the Middle East - young leaders of proven ability and real attainments, regardless of their political background. The Programme is designed to introduce young leaders to the institutions and practices of democracy as they have evolved over time in the UK. It seeks to show how a mature democracy supports and develops good governance, the rule of law and the vindication of human and legal rights. It also shows how our form of democracy fosters and supports voluntary and other non-governmental organisations that seek to secure the relief of poverty, to empower disadvantaged groups and to give a voice to those who currently lack political influence. We do not attempt to indoctrinate the Fellows: we seek only to help them to choose the models that will work in their own societies. The Trust is a registered charity, not a party-political organisation; we have active support from all the major parties in the UK, and from many people and groups who are not active in politics. Please visit our website for further details:
Uniting Friends is a social inclusion charity for adults with a learning disability living in the London borough of Redbridge and surrounding boroughs. It holds a vision for a world which recognises values and celebrates the lives and equal participation of people with a learning disability in society. Uniting Friends' purpose is to provide opportunities for people to take part in social activities and and learning programmes that will inspire, express their unique identities and develop their life skills to reach their potential in the community.