Browsing Charities
701 - 725 of 1.3K results

RBE Aid (UK, XT37866) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We founded RBE Aid in 2012, so that we can provide medical service, education and equipment to under-developed countries.  Our ethis is to support the medical care in these areas, so that when the period of direct aid concludes, we hope that they will be able to continue to provide an improved medical service to the community. Our first project is based in Southern Regional Hospital, Belize, Central America. Please visit our website for more information at

The League Of Friends Of Salisbury Hospital (UK, 298726) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The League of Friends of Salisbury Hospital supports the work of Salisbury District Hospital and local health care facilities, giving comfort and help to patients and their relatives by providing facilities and equipment not available through NHS funding. In 2014, to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the League of Friends, a fundraising appeal has been launched to raise £120,000, to fund a major refurbishment of two, 6 bed bungalows, which were built by the League to provide much needed, and appreciated, short stay accommodation for the use, free of charge, by relatives of patients admitted to hospital in an emergency or who live a long distance from Salisbury. Please give generously. The League of Friends of Salisbury Hospital is a registered charity (no: 298726) and is allowed to receive Gift Aid from any donors who pay income tax in the UK. For further details, please see our website: Thank you for your support.

The Small Things UK (UK, 1157470) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Created via charity sign up service.

Mobile Health Clinic Program (UK, 1115696) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Mobile Health Clinic Program (MHCP) supports ethnic minorities in Burma and Pakistan, where people are suffering from poor health due to prolonged civil war or other ongoing humanitarian emergencies, by providing essential medicines, medical supplies and health education materials. All administrative and overhead costs are covered by MHCP members, who are all volunteers.

Everlasting Hope (UK, 1158773) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Everlasting Hope was founded in 2014 with the sole aim of providing Aid , Assistance and Hope to those that are in need in the UK and Overseas.

Rotary Club of Solihull (UK, 501333) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Rotary Club of Solihull is part of Rotary International whose motto is "Service Above Self". Members provide support to many local organisations through their fund raising efforts via the club's Benevolent Fund charity and we are extending our reach through new and exciting projects.

GOMERM (UK, 1114031) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

GOMERM is a non-profit organisation dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve physical, mental and spiritual wholeness. We give moral and financial support to people of all age groups. We organise annual youth camps to equip young people with the mindset and confidence to succeed in life.

FOMAO (UK, 1112520) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Friends of Mponegele Aids Orphans (FOMAO) was set up in May 2002 to provide financial assistance in support of the work of Mponegele Ke Itirele, a registered non-profit organisation working with AIDS orphans and other vulnerable children in the Mankweng area of Limpopo Province, South Africa.

Friends Of The Royal Marsden, Surrey (UK, 1120637) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We seek to supplement the service provided by The Royal Marsden Hospital for the health welfare and comfort of its patients. We do this in two ways: 1. Providing voluntary services - at any one time, we have about 200 volunteers on our books 2. Funding a wide variety of amenities and equipment. We raise funds from our Tea Bar & Shop, from the sale of Christmas cards and donated goods including books, from legacies and from the subscriptions of our members. We are also delighted to receive one-off donations, and are sure you will find Virgin Giving a simple and assured method of making such donations.

Southern Sound Hospital Radio (UK, SC007884) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Southern Sound Hospital Radio was launched on 24th April 1995 by Alistair McCoist MBE of Rangers Football Club. We are a registered charity in Scotland, SC007884 & we broadcast 24 hours a day. Our aim is to provide a radio service to the patients of the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow.

Cheetah Experience (UK, 058-424) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Created via charity sign up service.

Give A Limb (UK, 143-683NPO) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Many people have suddenly found themselves on welfare after losing a leg, suddenly thrown into the deep end with no income. We help put Amputees back on their own feet with the aid of a prosthetic.

Sandstone Trail Walk/Run in aid of Tarvin Pre-School & Day Nursery (UK, 1110568) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

As the Nursery is a Registered Charity and non-profit making, we need to raise substantial funds each year to replace equipment and toys and buy new resources. Our aim is to help young children achieve the five Every Child Matters Outcomes.

Chinmaya Mission (UK) (UK, 1077622) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Chinmaya Mission is an international humanitarian, educational and spiritual organisation aiming to give maximum happiness to the maximum number for the maximum amount of time by providing individuals of all backgrounds practical means for their spiritual development so that they may become more positive contributors to society.

Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds (UK, 1057295) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

ORH Charitable Funds supports the hospitals, departments and wards within Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. Your generosity helps transform our hospitals, funding the latest medical equipment, research and facilities. NB: Please state the area you wish to support in the free text box. Thankyou

The Associated Country Women Of The World (UK, 290367) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Working to connect and support women and communities worldwide. We are an international membership organisation that supports rural women & their families through education, training & community development programmes. We also give women a voice at international level through links with UN agencies.

World Response (UK, 1116462) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Dedicated to improving access to health care and medicines for communities in remote locations which do not benefit from large international aid initiatives.Working with in-country partners, treatments for common conditions are donated free to those in need. Feedback is shared with supporters of the Medicine Box Program.

The Cleeves and Whitehead Trust (UK, 223903) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Cleeves and Whitehead Trust is the charity of Mark Masons in West Yorkshire. Our objects are the care and relief of past and present Mark Masons and their relatives or dependents and other charitable purposes, as the trustees decide. The result is a fast acting benevolence fund which also gives grants to other non-Masonic care organisations, mainly within West Yorkshire.

Safe Haven Children's Trust (UK, 1130753) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We help orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable young children and babies in Cambodia by giving the safety and comfort they need when they are in crisis. In Cambodia, a little goes a long way and, with your support, we can save the lives of vulnerable children who desperately need our help.

FANY (PRVC) (UK, 249360) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The FANY provides fully trained teams of female volunteers to assist the civil and military authorities with emergency response during major incidents in London.

Ahlulbayt Foundation (UK, 1136006) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Ahlulbayt TV is the world’s first free-to-air, exclusively English TV network dedicated to delivering the pristine message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and His Holy Household. Support us and help promote the supreme values of peace, justice and morality to all of mankind.

Kesteven Children In Need (UK, 700008) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

A voluntary charity helping children in the Lincolnshire area. Kesteven Children in Need is a Lincolnshire based charity supporting our local children within their home and school environments. We are a non profit charity where every penny is spent where it is needed; keeping children safe, away from harm and encouraging normal healthy development. As a “roots based” charity Kesteven Children in Need help children deal with the consequences of family breakdown often caused by issues such as drugs, alcohol, abuse, unemployment, divorce and underage pregnancies. Kesteven Children in Need covers the North and South Kesteven District Council areas which is over 700 square miles stretching from Lincoln to Stamford and Grantham to Boston.

Friends of York Hospitals (UK, 500474) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Friends of York Hospitals provide hospital volunteers who give their time for the benefit of patients and also supply much needed - sometimes life-saving - equipment for our hard-pressed NHS Trust

Voluntary Action Rutland (UK, 1094988) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Voluntary Action Rutland supports volunteers and voluntary/community organisations in Rutland. It provides a wide range of services for people in need. It is currently raising funds to double the size of the Rutland Volunteer Centre to enable it and other organisations to provide additional services for vulnerable people.

Breathe On Uk (UK, 1143785) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Breathe On UK is a unique national charity supporting the families/carers of young people who require technology to breathe and aims to give them all a better quality of life. "Without Breath there is no life Some of Our Positive Actions We invited one of the world’s outstanding thinkers, Professor Stephen Hawking CH, CBE, FRS, to be our Patron, and he willingly accepted. Professor Hawking continues to be our Patron, and he is on record as saying: “Whilst many children are kept in hospital initially, it is the families who care for sufferers at home that find their lives, home and life plans all having to be reassessed. it is at this time you need to be able to make contact with families in similar circumstances to gain support, and knowledge of how to handle situations.”  Stephen Fry is the voice of Breathe ON UK "These children never register on the richter scale" website