Browsing Charities
1151 - 1175 of 1.3K results

CAROM (Child Aid Romania) (UK, 1119507) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

CAROM - Dedicated to helping disadvantaged children and their families. Mainly supporting 2 ROMANIAN charities: and in the Transylvania region providing better homes & education. Run totally by volunteers, all donations reach the projects we support.

To Russia With Love (UK, 1019532) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Since 1993 To Russia With Love has been helping people living in areas of the Former Soviet Union affected by the Chernobyl accident. We have sent humanitarian aid, brought children over for respite visits and are currently supporting a rehabilitation centre for alcoholics sleeping rough.

Kirriemuir Day Care (UK, SCO32533) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

our aim is to enable service users from Kirriemuir and the Angus area to live independently in their own home and provide respite care We are a voluntary sector charitable organisation We hold many fundraising events throughout the year to enable us to maintain the centre and purchase equipment.

Emily Harris Foundation (UK, 1127191) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

To provide financial relief for families with babies receiving care on the King’s Mill Hospital Neonatal unit. It also provides financial support for King’s Mill Hospital Neonatal unit staff members, who wish to undertake further training and where the funding is not supported by the NHS.

Al Muntada Aid (UK, 1157117) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Rotary Club of Rugby Benevolent Account (UK, 500889) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. We are a charity which gives to charitable causes in the Rugby area international charities of Rotary International and many other worthy causes.

Cambridge Women's Aid (UK, 1137602) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Cambridge Women's Aid supporting women and children since 1977 We provide advice, support and safe accommodation to hundreds of women and children affected by domestic abuse every year. We rely heavily on donations to provide practical support to the women and children who are experiencing financial hardship due to their circumstances. Many of the women and children arrive at the refuge with nothing. Donations are vital in setting up a family to keep safe and move them on to independence. Almost all of our families are on or waiting for benefits and greatly value this additional support during this time of crisis in their lives. Any donation is much appreciatedFor further information please email or call 01223 350764 Charity No: 1137602 Find out more Website

WACIA (Women and Children in Africa) (UK, 1112647) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

WACIA works in Africa in areas where there is extreme humanitarian need, providing aid and hope through self sustaining projects in the areas of education, health and rural development. Administration costs are borne by the charity enabling all donations to go directly to the projects. Any support you can give will fund this vital work.

Odessa Children's Appeal (UK, 1100547) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

!t helps children in orphanages and assesment centres for street children and abused children, in Odessa, Ukraine. It helps with refurbishing buildings and play areas, refurnishings, basic domestic appliances, toys and educational equipment, depending on the need. We liase with a contact in Odessa who checks everything on our behalf.

Lord Provost's Charitable Trust (UK, SC028829) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Lord Provost's Charitable Trust is a fund independent of the City Council set up to support good causes of all kinds in Aberdeen. It was founded in 1999, by then Lord Provost Dr Margaret Farquhar CBE, with the aim of aiding small City groups and charitable concerns.

A2HW (UK, 1117349) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It recycles redundant but working hospital equipment from NHS hospitals for reuse in the developing world.

The Bonus Trust - Orphancare Malawi (UK, 1063082) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Over the last ten years we have supported Orphan Care Malawi - a project for Aids orphans. There are up to 300 orphans at this centre. We have great confidence in its management and the humanitarian benefits it is achieving. Any amounts given through the justgiving site will be dedicated in full to this project. (UK, - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It helps to relieve poverty within a tsunami related orphanage in Sri Lanka by providing days out, help, books, counselling, clothing and toys and fun!

The Forgotten British Gurkha (UK, 1128754) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

"The charity helps ex-Gurkha soldiers with housing, medicines and re-settlement. The charity aim is to set up a Gurkha centre providing English lessons, skills training and work opportunities. It seeks to serve those who served Britain so gallantly. The Gurkhas need a helping hand so they can once more help us. Please visit our website for more"

African Leprosy Aid (UK, 1038944) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

African Leprosy Aid raises funds to help people living primarily in Africa, in particular those suffering from leprosy.We pledge that every penny of every donation given to African Leprosy Aid goes to a project.Our current project is to help fund a laundry for Liteta hospital in Zambia which will cost around £10,000.

Cambridge Mongolia Development Appeal (CAMDA) (UK, 1086778) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Aid is to Mongolia's poorer herding families living in harsh conditions by providing essential resources. Disused wells are refurbished; hay-making equipment boosts fodder for long hard winters. A conservation project plants trees and grows vegetables. Our aid help families keep their livelihoods.

Education Aid For Palestinians (UK, 1030807) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

our strategy : to empower poor Palestenians through education and training so that they are able to depend on themselves and earn a living, support their families and escape the poverty trap.

Women's Health (UK, 296002) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for donating to Women's Health. We are committed to providing free, up to date and accessible health information to women that enables them to make informed choices about their gynaecological health. In order to do this we rely on sources of voluntary income including donations from individuals. We are extremely grateful to all those who support our work and your donation will help other women to benefit from our service as well as assist us in continuing to promote informed choice to all women.

Volunteer Action Oundle (UK, 1056760) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Volunteer Action is a local charity which helps people in Oundle and 32 surrounding villages to keep their independence,stay living in their own homes and remain part of the community by providing them with transport for essential journeys and through that companionship. Oundle Befriending Service is also organised by Volunteer Action offering a home visting service to the isolated and elderly.

MoMo Helps (UK, 1097831) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Mo Mowlam set up MoMo Helps to provide families with easy access to funding for respite care for their disabled children and to provide help for recovering drug misusers to reintegrate into society. The charity is run by volunteers and all donations go towards supporting these two groups of people.

WELLOW RDA (UK, 1073724) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

This charity, based at Wellow trekking Centre near Bath, gives riding therapy to local disabled children and adults 5 days a week in term times. At the moment it helps over 150 people with the aid of around 40 volunteers

iprovision The Chartered Institute Of Public Relations (cipr) Benevolent Fund (UK, 1157465) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

iprovision was set up in 1965 by then IPR members to support colleagues facing hardship. The Object of the Charity is to provide assistance in cash or in kind or in any other appropriate manner for the prevention or relief of poverty, of any member or former member, employee and former employee of The Chartered Institute of Public Relations, together with any close dependants and the close dependants of any deceased member, former member, employee or former employee of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, having regard to their circumstances, status in life and need for such assistance. iprovision is there to support anyone who is a current full Member of CIPR; a Fellow; retired full Member or Fellow Member; an Associate Member of CIPR for at least one year; a Student Member of CIPR for at least one year; a past CIPR who was in membership for at least five years; a CIPR permanent member of staff (whether full-time or part-time) with at least one year of service; a former CIPR permanent member of staff (whether full-time or part-time) for at least five years; and close dependants of all the above categories. As a charity, iprovision is independent, and exists exclusively for CIPR members in need and their dependants. All of iprovision's income is derived from voluntary donations, the vast majority of which have come from CIPR members past and present.

Caldmore (UK, 20135R) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Caldmore provides housing and support for the most vulnerable members of the community. This includes men, women and children fleeing domestic abuse, young parent, young people, people with mental health problems, people with learning disabilities and older people.

Norfolk And Norwich Scope Association (UK, 1027466) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

NANSA is a well established charity which offers services, information and support for Norfolk children and adults with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. More information on our services can be found by visiting

Madeleine Steel Charitable Trust (UK, SC033732) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We send doctors to North America to learn the latest techniques to help children with heart disease.