Browsing Charities
1201 - 1225 of 1.3K results

Aids Ark (UK, 1093966) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Aids Ark saves lives by funding the treatment and care of named individuals living with HIV/AIDS - see

Cheltenham Housing Aid Centre (UK, 801043) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

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Girlguiding Kidlington (UK, 308141) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Girlguiding Kidlington undertakes activities in line with Girlguiding UK policies. Units making up the District meet in a building that desperately needs replacing. A Rebuilding project is now underway, an Architect onboard and a target of £300,000 set!

Mums And Midwives Awareness Academy (UK, 1153325) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

MAMA Academy is a UK registered charity helping babies arrive safely by promoting positive pregnancy. We empower expectant mums on how to keep healthy, and when they should call their midwife for advice. We also support midwives by keeping them up to date with current guidelines and research to aid consistent maternity care. All our information is written by our team of medical professionals to help MAMA’s know best! Our website is accredited by The Royal College of Midwives for professionals.

International Waqf Foundation (UK, 1154905) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are an international charity with the aim of helping millions in need. Please visit our website

Swindon Womens Aid (UK, 268048) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Friends of Colombia for Social Aid (UK, 274778) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The mission of Friends of Colombia for Social Aid is to help improve the lives of the most disadvantaged children in Colombia. FOCSA fulfills its mission by donating medical, educational and other necessary equipment to hospitals and other institutions that have been set up to help these children.

Age UK Buckinghamshire (UK, 1139423) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Age UK Buckinghamshire is an independent local charity, one of a network of local Age UK charities. We put the interests of older people living in Buckinghamshire at the centre of everything we do by helping them achieve and maintain their independence and wellbeing. We provide a range of services to help and support local older people to maintain their independence for as long as possible. Visit our website for further information. Funds raised in Bucks stay in Bucks.

Friends of Pershore Cottage Hospital (UK, 502273) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Pershore Cottage Hospital was opened in 1895, funded by public subscription and donations. Now a new hospital is to be built and the League of Friends of Pershore Cottage Hospital has undertaken to equip the new venture. This will include a number of palliative care rooms, each costing £10,000.

Little Treasures Childrens Trust (UK, 1119024) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Little Treasures is a UK based charity that aids, supports and enhance the lives of children who are terminally ill or have a disability. We have a team of Support Workers and Advocates that offer practical assistance and support on a variety of issues/problems to these children and their families.

Butchers and Drovers Charitable Institution (UK, 296990) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Butchers and Drovers Charitable Institution (BDCI) is the meat industrys trade charity. Help is given in three ways: pensions, one-off grants to help towards a major expense etc. and assistance towards fees in a residential or nursing home.

Commando 999 (UK, 1157543) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Commando 999 is a progressive Royal Marines charity. We raise money to support serving & former 'bootnecks' and are here to improve life chances, support the vulnerable & those who are in need of help. We also endeavour to connect those from the extended RM family back with the serving Corps.

Bromley Brighter Beginnings (UK, 1162113) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We distribute prams, clothes, highchairs, nappies and toiletries to families in need living in the London Borough of Bromley. Most of our items are donated by local parents. Families, many of whom are fleeing domestic violence, are referred to our service by health professionals in the area.

The Ansar Trust Worldwide (UK, 1151234) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Ansar Trust Worldwide is a UK Registered Charity run by doctors and specialises in providing International Medical Aid and Humanitarian Relief Worldwide! You can make a difference!

IT Skills 4 Rural Kenya (UK, 1132648) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Brighton Charity sending un-used PC's to rural Kenyan villages, trains volunteers from diverse backgrounds in the UK and send them to Kenya to train villagers

North Middlesex Hospital General Charitable Fund (UK, 1054451) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Charitable Funds are used to benefit both patients and staff of the North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust by providing such items as furniture, equipment, refurbishment works, educational aids and courses.

Reach, The Association for Children with Hand or Arm Deficiency (UK, 278679) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Because of changes within the organisation and a new Charity number Reach has a new JustGiving page please search for Reach Charity Limited.

Doctors For Africa (UK, 1125670) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Doctors for Africa is a UK based Not-for-Profit Organisation whose main aim is to Support and recommend strategies to encourage the retention of skilled professionals in Africa and reverse the trend of the “Brain-Drain” of these professionals from African countries.

Rotary Club of Gloucester (UK, 274097) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Rotary is an organisation of business and professional leaders united world-wide who provide humanitarian service. The main objective of Rotary is indeed service - in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self. ...and Gloucester is our focus

Brighton & Hove Speak Out (UK, 1076995) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Brighton and Hove Speak Out provides advocacy for adults with learning disabilities. We run a range of projects which support people to express their views and have control over their lives, understand and claim their rights, access the services they need and participate in their communities.

Universal Beneficent Society (UBS) (UK, 220978) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

UBS provides lifelong friendship and financial support to isolated and impoverished older people across the UK. UBS provides support to its community of beneficiaries through a network of 650 volunteers, focusing on befriending schemes, whilst distributing emergency financial grants to older people in dire need.

FREED (UK) (UK, 1116024) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

FREED (UK) is a charity that supports the deprived community of Nandom in the Upper West region of Ghana. The group strives to support the provision of healthcare and education, in partnership with FREED in Ghana. They believe that healthcare and education should be accessible to everyone.

Harry and Jock's Appeal (UK, 1114355) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The appeal's aim is to raise funds to provide equipment for the neonatal unit and the maternity unit, and to support the services and facilities provided for bereaved parents, or parents of poorly babies and children at Wythenshawe hospital, Manchester.

Moorfields Eye Hospital Development Fund (UK, 282806) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Moorfields Eye Hospital is helping to change the lives of patients and people with eye disorders around the world. This page will shortly be replaced with a Moorfields Eye Charity page. For further details see

Bampots for Aid (UK, 1123419) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It helps the people of Africa and in particular the people of Mali help themselves by providing ambulances and medical equipment and funding for medical facilities and staff. A Charity with a difference, all the overheads are covered by the trustees so every penny donated goes where it should.