JustCharity provides a variety of tools assisting charities, event providers and service providers.
Charity and Event summaries provide a quick overview for cross platform numbers, as well as socially trending pages and events.
Social media monitoring allows for quick access to trending pages, events and applicable hash tags utilized by fundraisers, filterable by event and charity.
JustCharity allows for comprehensive social media analytics, including recently trending events, hash tags and pages.
Trending pages are viewable against top level numbers of their recent activity metrics, along with summary page details. To view a larger data set of trending pages, these can be accessed via the social reporting functionality.
Hash tag monitoring also allows for overviews of popular hash tag usage which can be filtered by event or charity.
Event summaries also display the 10 ten most popular hash tags used by fundraisers.
Social media discovery allows for donor and fundraiser discovery, filterable by date range, and if within the multi-charity plan, by charity. Users from social networks are viewable, along with their engaged pages, charities and related posts/tweets.