Autism Plus

Full accounts Annual Returns
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Financial year start 2006-04-01 2007-04-01 2008-04-01 2009-04-01 2010-04-01
Financial year end 2007-03-31 2008-03-31 2009-03-31 2010-03-31 2011-03-31
Income from legacies £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Income from endowments £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Voluntary income £2,016.00 £1,915.00 £2,731.00 £0.00 £0.00
Activities generating funds £416,511.00 £381,791.00 £382,269.00 £340,420.00 £373,219.00
Income from charitable activities £3,601,660.00 £4,003,954.00 £5,415,307.00 £7,448,617.00 £9,398,719.00
Investment income £24,046.00 £6,648.00 £335.00 £11.00 £9.00
Other income £54,783.00 £6,780.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total income £4,099,016.00 £4,401,088.00 £5,800,642.00 £7,789,048.00 £9,771,947.00
Investment gains £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Gains from asset revaluations £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Gains on pension fund £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Voluntary income costs £19,135.00 £5,869.00 £6,410.00 £25,487.00 £9,136.00
Fundraising trading costs £435,325.00 £343,654.00 £356,124.00 £358,960.00 £392,651.00
Investment management costs £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Grants to institutions £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Charitable activities costs £3,680,162.00 £4,337,465.00 £5,362,209.00 £7,034,037.00 £9,252,168.00
Governance costs £18,133.00 £40,491.00 £18,619.00 £21,732.00 £24,642.00
Other expenses £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total expenses £4,152,755.00 £4,727,479.00 £5,743,362.00 £7,440,216.00 £9,678,597.00
Support costs £567,149.00 £748,198.00 £1,109,981.00 £1,262,070.00 £344,416.00
Depreciation £118,693.00 £102,944.00 £118,613.00 £135,613.00 £143,055.00
Reserves £1,881,038.00 £600,000.00 £1,000,000.00 £1,000,000.00 £1,000,000.00
Fixed assets at start of year £885,741.00 £1,379,333.00 £226,259.00 £2,247,206.00 £3,184,241.00
Fixed assets at end of year £1,379,333.00 £2,226,259.00 £2,247,206.00 £3,184,240.00 £3,309,922.00
Fixed investment assets at start of year £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £937,034.00 £0.00
Fixed investment assets at end of year £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.00 £0.00
Current investment assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Cash £237,111.00 £20,116.00 £0.00 £11,638.00 £620,019.00
Total current assets £741,645.00 £370,773.00 £516,093.00 £812,422.00 £1,288,335.00
Creditors within 1 year £215,280.00 £178,407.00 £350,831.00 £397,563.00 £768,784.00
Long term creditors or provisions £24,660.00 £853,319.00 £788,068.00 £1,602,384.00 £1,493,959.00
Pension assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total assets £1,881,038.00 £1,565,306.00 £1,624,400.00 £1,996,716.00 £2,335,514.00
Endowment funds £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Restricted funds £16,921.00 £17,397.00 £19,211.00 £63,445.00 £308,893.00
Unrestricted funds £1,864,117.00 £1,547,909.00 £1,605,189.00 £1,933,271.00 £2,026,621.00
Total funds £1,881,038.00 £1,565,306.00 £1,624,400.00 £1,996,716.00 £2,335,514.00
Employees 224 233 244 279 273
Volunteers 20 20 70
Consolidated accounts true
Charity only accounts true true true true
Financial year start 2006-04-01 2007-04-01 2008-04-01 2009-04-01 2010-04-01