Royal Academy of Dance

Full accounts Annual Returns
Fetch latest data
Financial year start 2006-08-01 2007-08-01 2008-08-01 2009-08-01 2010-08-01
Financial year end 2007-07-31 2008-07-31 2009-07-31 2010-07-31 2011-07-31
Income from legacies £3,150.00 £1,346.00 £903.00 £5,039.00 £13,000.00
Income from endowments £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Voluntary income £3,150.00 £1,346.00 £903.00 £5,039.00 £13,499.00
Activities generating funds £341,556.00 £462,060.00 £507,199.00 £389,278.00 £381,592.00
Income from charitable activities £11,756,754.00 £13,459,601.00 £15,190,748.00 £16,817,234.00 £18,661,770.00
Investment income £46,404.00 £68,281.00 £65,785.00 £59,543.00 £81,680.00
Other income £134,124.00 £128,254.00 £378,907.00 £214,982.00 £317,372.00
Total income £12,281,988.00 £14,119,542.00 £16,143,542.00 £17,486,076.00 £19,455,913.00
Investment gains £2,099.00 £-2,761.00 £43.00 £4,010.00 £538.00
Gains from asset revaluations £237,910.00 £-300,000.00 £-443,237.00 £885,418.00 £436,402.00
Gains on pension fund £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Voluntary income costs £693.00 £349.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Fundraising trading costs £174,237.00 £319,725.00 £364,578.00 £140,066.00 £196,505.00
Investment management costs £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Grants to institutions £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Charitable activities costs £11,284,942.00 £12,246,091.00 £13,953,224.00 £15,182,931.00 £17,020,779.00
Governance costs £571,744.00 £649,911.00 £801,679.00 £796,009.00 £869,525.00
Other expenses £276,017.00 £281,419.00 £308,574.00 £418,109.00 £401,219.00
Total expenses £12,307,633.00 £13,497,494.00 £15,428,055.00 £16,537,115.00 £18,488,028.00
Support costs £3,420,516.00 £3,437,132.00 £3,936,164.00 £4,286,998.00 £4,624,805.00
Depreciation £171,014.00 £185,684.00 £173,036.00 £205,374.00 £247,701.00
Reserves £220,000.00 £696,077.00 £1,427,257.00 £2,442,103.00 £2,954,912.00
Fixed assets at start of year £6,875,144.00 £7,140,306.00 £6,832,812.00 £6,513,401.00 £7,502,305.00
Fixed assets at end of year £7,140,306.00 £6,832,812.00 £6,513,401.00 £7,535,291.00 £8,576,159.00
Fixed investment assets at start of year £44,855.00 £28,970.00 £26,829.00 £30,803.00 £29,475.00
Fixed investment assets at end of year £28,970.00 £26,829.00 £30,803.00 £29,475.00 £32,126.00
Current investment assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Cash £3,338,983.00 £4,171,244.00 £5,584,723.00 £6,513,496.00 £7,195,072.00
Total current assets £4,240,515.00 £5,177,534.00 £6,623,919.00 £7,918,743.00 £8,722,836.00
Creditors within 1 year £3,723,372.00 £3,911,113.00 £4,631,338.00 £4,837,262.00 £5,083,066.00
Long term creditors or provisions £242,540.00 £233,824.00 £189,363.00 £162,230.00 £42,566.00
Pension assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total assets £7,414,909.00 £7,865,409.00 £8,316,619.00 £10,454,542.00 £12,173,363.00
Endowment funds £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Restricted funds £568,802.00 £597,529.00 £617,279.00 £690,989.00 £680,221.00
Unrestricted funds £6,846,107.00 £7,267,880.00 £7,699,340.00 £9,763,551.00 £11,493,142.00
Total funds £7,414,909.00 £7,865,409.00 £8,316,619.00 £10,454,542.00 £12,173,363.00
Employees 178 191 190 200 207
Volunteers 65 68 70
Consolidated accounts true true true true true
Charity only accounts
Financial year start 2006-08-01 2007-08-01 2008-08-01 2009-08-01 2010-08-01