South Yorkshire Community Foundation

Full accounts Annual Returns
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Financial year start 2006-04-01 2007-04-01 2008-04-01 2009-04-01
Financial year end 2007-03-31 2008-03-31 2009-03-31 2010-03-31
Income from legacies £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Income from endowments £457,969.00 £457,969.00 £247,523.00 £1,504,212.00
Voluntary income £516,801.00 £516,801.00 £254,627.00 £1,514,886.00
Activities generating funds £15,421.00 £15,421.00 £59,212.00 £0.00
Income from charitable activities £2,418,889.00 £2,418,889.00 £1,259,229.00 £2,201,372.00
Investment income £72,833.00 £72,833.00 £101,901.00 £34,288.00
Other income £11,226.00 £11,226.00 £392,627.00 £64,887.00
Total income £3,035,170.00 £3,035,170.00 £2,067,596.00 £3,815,433.00
Investment gains £42,609.00 £42,609.00 £-334,210.00 £375,593.00
Gains from asset revaluations £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3,885.00
Gains on pension fund £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Voluntary income costs £84,802.00 £84,802.00 £118,246.00 £141,097.00
Fundraising trading costs £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Investment management costs £6,148.00 £6,148.00 £7,745.00 £8,874.00
Grants to institutions £2,164,503.00 £2,164,503.00 £1,595,825.00 £1,774,730.00
Charitable activities costs £2,452,377.00 £2,452,377.00 £1,846,710.00 £2,037,955.00
Governance costs £41,476.00 £41,476.00 £56,659.00 £65,225.00
Other expenses £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total expenses £2,584,803.00 £2,584,803.00 £2,029,360.00 £2,253,151.00
Support costs £2,584,803.00 £58,125.00 £70,371.00 £57,567.00
Depreciation £4,823.00 £0.00 £1,903.00 £1,930.00
Reserves £244,447.00 £244,447.00 £174,382.00 £155,917.00
Fixed assets at start of year £1,506,447.00 £1,506,447.00 £1,840,397.00 £1,805,591.00
Fixed assets at end of year £1,991,054.00 £1,991,054.00 £1,805,591.00 £3,108,316.00
Fixed investment assets at start of year £1,165,734.00 £1,165,734.00 £1,840,397.00 £1,383,963.00
Fixed investment assets at end of year £1,474,720.00 £1,991,054.00 £1,799,881.00 £2,256,839.00
Current investment assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Cash £446,580.00 £446,580.00 £210,324.00 £377,214.00
Total current assets £470,331.00 £470,331.00 £439,229.00 £1,157,991.00
Creditors within 1 year £194,026.00 £194,026.00 £38,142.00 £121,754.00
Long term creditors or provisions £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Pension assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total assets £2,267,359.00 £2,267,359.00 £2,206,678.00 £4,144,553.00
Endowment funds £1,991,054.00 £1,991,054.00 £2,002,208.00 £3,714,320.00
Restricted funds £183,717.00 £183,717.00 £144,034.00 £274,316.00
Unrestricted funds £92,588.00 £92,588.00 £60,436.00 £155,917.00
Total funds £2,267,359.00 £2,267,359.00 £2,206,678.00 £4,144,553.00
Employees 15 15 10 10
Volunteers 100
Consolidated accounts
Charity only accounts true true true true
Financial year start 2006-04-01 2007-04-01 2008-04-01 2009-04-01