Trinity Palliative Care Services and Brian House Children's Hospice

Full accounts Annual Returns
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Financial year start 2006-04-01 2007-04-01 2008-04-01 2009-04-01 2010-04-01
Financial year end 2007-03-31 2008-03-31 2009-03-31 2010-03-31 2011-03-31
Income from legacies £1,328,337.00 £1,733,364.00 £998,938.00 £1,879,902.00 £853,274.00
Income from endowments £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Voluntary income £2,254,965.00 £2,650,355.00 £2,152,113.00 £3,001,279.00 £1,992,115.00
Activities generating funds £224,899.00 £724,583.00 £512,073.00 £609,447.00 £790,283.00
Income from charitable activities £2,136,190.00 £2,120,709.00 £2,838,618.00 £3,835,224.00 £2,743,727.00
Investment income £282,875.00 £379,024.00 £444,668.00 £263,407.00 £253,835.00
Other income £86,051.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total income £4,984,980.00 £5,874,671.00 £5,947,472.00 £7,709,357.00 £5,779,960.00
Investment gains £345,100.00 £-367,161.00 £272,611.00 £1,848,187.00 £571,941.00
Gains from asset revaluations £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £-145,377.00 £62,488.00
Gains on pension fund £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Voluntary income costs £256,867.00 £264,125.00 £266,719.00 £316,391.00 £345,945.00
Fundraising trading costs £49,914.00 £100,452.00 £233,482.00 £274,166.00 £348,603.00
Investment management costs £20,867.00 £16,527.00 £28,241.00 £32,639.00 £40,218.00
Grants to institutions £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Charitable activities costs £3,711,835.00 £4,634,232.00 £5,626,172.00 £5,573,764.00 £6,176,434.00
Governance costs £78,499.00 £67,297.00 £82,022.00 £84,054.00 £85,047.00
Other expenses £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total expenses £4,117,982.00 £5,082,633.00 £6,236,636.00 £6,281,014.00 £6,996,247.00
Support costs £520,642.00 £618,723.00 £401,855.00 £610,180.00 £573,125.00
Depreciation £165,390.00 £166,991.00 £209,286.00 £187,104.00 £193,987.00
Reserves £15,136,418.00 £10,385,494.00 £8,470,000.00 £11,678,000.00 £11,130,713.00
Fixed assets at start of year £11,913,461.00 £13,247,525.00 £12,625,254.00 £11,044,028.00 £12,643,562.00
Fixed assets at end of year £13,247,525.00 £12,625,253.00 £11,094,306.00 £12,643,562.00 £13,561,640.00
Fixed investment assets at start of year £7,244,287.00 £7,940,240.00 £7,449,452.00 £5,760,132.00 £7,477,599.00
Fixed investment assets at end of year £7,940,040.00 £7,449,552.00 £5,760,032.00 £7,477,699.00 £8,463,281.00
Current investment assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Cash £3,719,946.00 £3,143,770.00 £5,671,260.00 £4,258,649.00 £4,385,058.00
Total current assets £3,997,753.00 £4,439,959.00 £5,825,974.00 £5,393,669.00 £4,839,901.00
Creditors within 1 year £2,108,860.00 £1,503,917.00 £3,115,527.00 £1,101,359.00 £2,170,532.00
Long term creditors or provisions £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,937.00
Pension assets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total assets £15,136,418.00 £15,561,295.00 £13,804,753.00 £16,935,872.00 £16,229,072.00
Endowment funds £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Restricted funds £2,857,727.00 £3,282,959.00 £2,782,513.00 £2,745,577.00 £2,629,714.00
Unrestricted funds £12,278,691.00 £12,278,336.00 £11,022,240.00 £14,190,295.00 £13,599,358.00
Total funds £15,136,418.00 £15,561,295.00 £13,804,753.00 £16,935,872.00 £16,229,072.00
Employees 122 127 139 142 156
Volunteers 550 550 859
Consolidated accounts true true true true true
Charity only accounts
Financial year start 2006-04-01 2007-04-01 2008-04-01 2009-04-01 2010-04-01