Dog Jog Virtual Challenge - 2021

£5,441.44 Total raised
£5,441.44 Total raised online
£0.00 Total raised offline
Name Total Raised
Scottish Association for Mental Health £1,010.00
The Battersea Dogs & Cats Home £605.00
Cloud K9 Rescue £450.20
Dogs Trust
The Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home
RSPCA Croydon, Crystal Palace & District
Alzheimer's Society
Strathcarron Hospice
Blue Cross
Prostate Scotland
Dementia UK
Yorkhill Family House Limited/ Ronald McDonald House Glasgow
Alzheimer Scotland
Farm Africa
Mental Health Foundation
Help the Hospices
Bliss, for babies born too soon, too small, too sick
Alzheimer's Research UK
Stroke Association
Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society (COMBAT STRESS)
Scottish Society For Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals