Bubble Rush - 2019

£30,139.91 Total raised
£29,892.91 Total raised online
£244.00 Total raised offline
Name Total Raised
Accord Hospice £7,571.85
Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice - Glasgow £4,930.83
Children's Hospice Association Scotland, (CHAS) £4,372.00
Strathcarron Hospice
Ardgowan Hospice
St Andrews Hospice Lanarkshire
Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity
The Ayrshire Hospice
British Heart Foundation
St Elizabeth Hospice (Suffolk)
Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice
St Vincents Hospice
Bowel Cancer UK
The Christie
The Zikomo Trust
MPN Voice (Guy's and St Thomas' Charity)
ME Association
CLIC Sargent
East Anglia's Children's Hospices
Cransley Hospice