Wilmslow Running Festival - 2023

£14,905.80 Total raised
£14,905.80 Total raised online
£0.00 Total raised offline
Name Total Raised
The Christie £3,094.59
Salford Royal Hospitals £2,320.11
Alzheimer's Society £2,149.96
Osborne Trust
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity
The Joshua Tree
Aidis Trust
Crohn's and Colitis UK
St Gemma's Hospice
The Survivors Trust
St Ann's Hospice
The Seashell Trust
Children with Cancer UK
Huntington's Disease Association
The Mustard Tree
Alzheimers Dementia Support 'A D S'
Alzheimer's Research UK
Weekend Day Centre
Neuroblastoma Children's Cancer Alliance
Booth Centre
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research
British Heart Foundation
Parkinson’s UK