At Pascoe Vale North Primary School our mission is to provide a caring and stimulating environment where we involve children in their learning. Together, we strive for excellence as we develop lifelong learners within our diverse community.
More than 62,000 people in Queensland have been diagnosed with dementia, which is already the third leading cause of death in Australia after heart disease and stroke. Alzheimer's Australia (Qld)'s mission is to reduce the impact of dementia in the community. We do this by providing information, services and support for people living with dementia, their families and carers, and related health professionals. We also work to raise awareness of dementia and promote risk reduction strategies. Your support will help us to carry out our vital work and will directly contribute to the health and wellbeing of people living with this terminal condition in Australia. Thank you!
Albany Primary School P&C Association actively fundraise each year. We do this so we can provide additional resources and experiences to enhance the education of students at our school. We believe that promoting a close connection between our school, its families and the community is very important.
Rainbow Valley will give people of all ages living with and affected by cancer, including family and friends, the opportunity to make choices about their health, the disease and its effects. It will be a centre dedicated to exploring various holistic therapies, traditional and innovative SC043315.
At Boulcott School our community live by our vision of being Excited about learning and aiming for excellence – Kei te whakaongaonga mo nga mahi ako kei te whai, kia hiranga. Boulcott School is a medium size primary school catering for between 300 – 370 children in Years 1 to 6. It is just a few minutes from the heart of Lower Hutt City. The school was established in 1928 and has a strong tradition of community involvement. It continues to enjoy excellent support from parents and caregivers. Our Mission: Boulcott School enthusiastically engages learners by providing an exciting learning environment. Children gain a quality education that: Caters for their individual needs and abilities; Prepares them for life’s challenges; and Encourages them to positively contribute to society. We welcome everyone interested in joining our school community to come down and have a chat.
Jamia Madania Angura Muhammad Pur is a Muslim seminary located in Beani Bazar Sylhet. Established 60 years ago by the great Alims Shaykh Shihab Uddin, Ml Mokoddos Ali, Ml Mosoddor Ali, and Ml Abdul Hye. it has produced thousands of Ulamas and academics who are serving mankind throughout the world.
Bayswater South Primary, situated in the foothills of the Dandenongs in Eastern Melbourne, is one of few truly bilingual primary schools in Victoria, with a proud history of over 30 years of delivering outstanding curriculum through English and German.
Devastating the lives of 250,000 people in the UK, M.E. is a disabling and chronic illness. Action for M.E. provides support and information for those touched by M.E., and campaigns for better services and invests in research to ultimately find a cure.
We are a faith-based school, Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade. We are currently engaged in a Capital Funds Drive to build a new campus of buildings that will house a new school and include a community outreach center.
Our vision is a world where people with Tourette Syndrome (TS) receive the practical support and social acceptance they need to help them live their lives to the full. We help people with TS to be included in education, at work and in society, throughout their lives. We also support research to improve their quality of life.
We promote the mental and physical wellbeing of local vulnerable people. We are committed to a person-centred approach, which is reflected in our safe, confidential and inclusive drop-in service. Our services provide for increased levels of social engagement, emotional wellbeing, and independence.
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro