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The aims and objectives of Friends of Lavell's Lake (FOLL) are to improve, protect and preserve, for the benefit of the public, the countryside and wildlife at Lavell’s Lake and surrounding area and to advance public education in the conservation of the countryside and wildlife. Lavell’s Lake is in the northern part of Dinton Pastures Country Park (DPCP), which lies between Reading and Wokingham. It is set in about 46 acres of a mixture of managed wetland habitats, including reed beds, sedges, grass areas, coppiced scrub and hedgerows.The area was deemed a conservation area in 1984 and became a nature reserve on 7th July 1987, when we became a registered charity. There are two public hides overlooking Lavell's Lake and a further hide and viewing screen overlooking nearby Sandford Lake, within DPCP.North of Lavell’s Lake, along the Loddon footpath, is Lea Farm Lake, a relatively new lake formed from recent gravel extraction. We manage the site as a nature reserve on behalf of Summerleaze Ltd., who own the land. There is a further hide here which, for security reasons, is locked unless a FOLL member is present (though members of the public may visit when it is open). Our members and others support us through their subscriptions and donations, but many also get involved in person through our regular work parties to maintain and improve the reserves. We also arrange school visits and corporate days to introduce as many as possible to nature and conservation.Please visit our website - the link is below - to find out more about us, what we have already achieved and what we plan to do in the future.At the moment, we are undertaking a major project to improve the habitat and facilities at Lavell's Lake by extending the reed bed, improving the scrape in front of the public Bittern Hide, creating a new wet meadow area to encourage new species and building a new viewing facility. Our members and volunteers are providing their time and energy and FOLL is providing some funding. But we are unable to do this scale of work alone and are extremely grateful for the generous financial support from Thames Water as well as the considerable and continuing help from our long standing friends & partners, Dinton Pastures Countryside Service. Without their, and everybody else's, help these improvements could not happen.Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 297074 Find out more Website Please click here to visit our website Facebook
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The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
To educate girls aged 2 to 16. Bursaries of up to 100% are available (these are means-tested). Charity fundraising has a high profile amongst our girls.
G4G supports the rangers of Virunga National Park, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo who protect the critically endangered mountain gorilla. In 2012 the Park is in crisis from intense fighting. Please see 2013, G4G aims to open the first Environmental Education Centre
Founded in 2002, Suas Educational Development is a movement dedicated to supporting quality education in targeted under-resourced communities, with programmes in Ireland, India and Kenya. Suas works to promote quality education for all, providing short-term Volunteers and technical and financial support to our overseas Partners in India and Kenya. In Ireland we support young people to engage in social change by offering them the opportunity to act as Mentors in our Literacy Support Programme and through the facilitation of courses in Global Citizenship in third level institutions.Suas views education as the key to social transformation and believes in working in partnership with those who share our vision, both in Ireland and overseas. We view development as a process and see ourselves as catalysts for change through both individuals and organizations. Suas views leadership as an essential component of this change and we espouse a service-leadership approach, working in solidarity with our Partners to serve the needs of those with whom we work.