The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro
The Kenya Scholar-Athlete Project helps gifted, needy high school graduates from a neglected region of Kenya gain admission to the most selective colleges in the United States. Each year the program chooses a dozen high-achieving students from its
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
It is a community rugby club that provides a facility for both adults and children from the age of six and above to play and enjoy rugby football in a structured a safe environment.
The mission of the Star Center is to help any person with any disability to realize their potential.
Thank you for raising money for Rosie’s Helping Hands This is where you can help us to change children’s lives in the West Midlands for the better. Make a donation that will help youngsters experiencing difficulty and disadvantage. Organisations helpled include pre school groups, youth and sports clubs, hospital wards, holiday projects as well as supplying emergency cots for babies at risk, sensory equipment for special schools and a project offering free counselling to children and young people following the death of a close relative or friend. Create a sponsor form. You can set up a fundraising page to collect sponsors for Rosie’s Charity Walk or your own event such as marathons, cycling, breaking a world record or have your own unique idea to raise funds. Its' Quick and Easy to set up your fundraising page and you can add bits to make it personal to you. Your family, friends, colleagues can securely donate to your page straight away so no need to chase them for sponsor money. It’s amazing to do something for charity as we know from personal experience. After losing our 16 year old daughter Rosie, in a random and motiveless knife attack, we were determined to turn our grief into something positive to help others. That was over a decade ago, but Rosie’s sprit lives on through fantastic public support raising over £300k and helping to change many children’s lives. Thank you for your support Karen and Sean Ross Visit website here
Rehability is a unique independent mental health support charity, formed in 1987, to help meet the needs of people experiencing long term mental health problems. We are based in the heart of the community in Antrim, Northern Ireland and we have an outreach network throughout County Antrim. Our aim is to challenge the stigma attached to mental ill health and to meet the social, recreational and health and well being needs of individuals who experience mental health difficulties. Rehability’s objectives are to:- Provide support and practical help to individuals who suffer from mental health problems. • Encourage a positive and caring attitude. • Organise educational and recreational classes. • Encourage social inclusion by organising outings and holidays. • Provide a listening ear. • Provide respite to carers. • Be available to individuals who are experiencing problems or difficulties. The Centre is open every day including weekends and all Bank Holidays and provides a regular programme of activities and facilities designed to meet the needs of its beneficiaries, to include daily drop-in sessions with meals provided, Complementary Health Care Programme, Hairdressing Salon, Beauty Therapies, IT training, Fitness Room, shopping trips and outings etc.
Rockwatch is the national geology club for children and families. It's the club for fans of rocks, fossils and dinosaurs. It runs activities including family days in museums, university workshops and fossil collecting expeditions to coasts, quarries and rocky outcrops all over the country.
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do