Volunteer-run museum celebrating Lowestoft's maritime heritage. Recently doubled in size to include new exhibition space and facilities.
Clydeside Action on Asbestos (CAA) is a registered charity which was formed in 1984 to provide advice and assistance to those who suffer from asbestos related disease and their families. CAA is widely credited as being the first asbestos support group in the UK.
UWC is an education movement that brings together outstanding international students to contribute to a peaceful and sustainable global community. Students are selected on merit alone, irrespective of the ability to pay. Scholarships are therefore vital. See www.uwc.org.uk for further information
Stand Down offers help, support and psychological services to veterans and active duty military personnel and their families, who suffer directly or indirectly from any mental health condition, including but not restricted to, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of military combat. Delivery of this service is via telemental health (online video conferencing) which means Stand Down can offer vital trauma recovery and support immediately and nationwide to those who may otherwise be unable to access support.
The Philippine Community Fund helps keep family units strong by rescuing children from their tortuous existence who live and work on the rubbish tips and squatter camps in the Philippines. It runs its own schools, feeding and health care programs and delivers innovative services to the highest standard by working with the community and the community leaders