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Scouting offers fun, challenge and everyday adventure to more than 500,000 girls and boys across the UK. We help 4-25 year olds grow in confidence, achieve their full potential and become active members of their communities. We are currently fundraising to develop our District Campsite.
OutLET: Play Resource is a small, independent charity which supports the mental health and well-being of children, young people and families through providing a wide range of outdoor learning and play opportunities.
Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo fuels potential so all students can take charge and define their success in life. We see potential coursing through every child, just waiting to be realized. We go where they need us—understanding their needs and listening to their dreams. Every step we take, we help to find the strength and confidence to look within and see a bright future that’s theirs for the taking. By community, by school and by child—we are all in this together.
SPANA is committed to alleviating the suffering of working animals in some of the world's poorest communities in Africa and the Middle East. We provide free, immediate veterinary treatment as well as an extensive education programme teaching owners and children how to better care for their animals.
Friends Together is a group that runs twice weekly within our community at Crook. It has run for over 6 years and has forged new friendships and brought people together who have lost loved ones and others who may need to increase well being due to social isolation.