The Islamic Society of Britain (ISB) is a community based charity and not-for-profit company. Established in 1990, we were one of the first organisations that sought to evolve a uniquely British flavour to Islam. We believe that charity should begin at home, supporting needy causes here in the UK.
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The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro
The John MacDougall Mesothelioma Trust is set up to assist sufferers and their families based in Fife Scotland. It will provide funding to help with research into the disease whilst raising the awareness. Families can also apply direct for assistance and will be considered.
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The Central American nation of Honduras is one of the most violent, volatile, empoverished nations in the western hemisphere. While corruption, violence, and crime abound in the cities, the poor people in the surrounding countryside face&nbs
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Bocce for Autism is an event to bring the Autism community together with the larger San Diego community for a day of fun and support to raise money for family services that directly support families and individuals impacted by Autism. Proce
Humane Research is a non-profit organisation that challenges the use of animals in research and teaching and promotes the use of more humane and scientifically valid non-animal alternatives.
Child-Link helps poor children of all ages in South India, giving them a hope and a future. Without the love, care and education given in the Christian-run Children's Homes we support, many of these fantastic kids would either not survive or be living on the streets. A life-changing difference!
Karen Evers LICSW untimely death on 12/24/15 left a void in our life. She loved helping others and her dog Millie. We want to honor her memory and keep her spirit alive by raising funds to sponsor a puppy thru NEADS Name-a-Puppy Program. NEADS is
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro