Browsing Charities
198251 - 198275 of 210K results

Bluemont Concert Series (US, Bluemont Concert Series - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

VOICE (AU, 84124043785) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

VOICE is a humanitarian organisation committed to giving a voice to marginalised and disempowered people throughout the world. VOICE believes that everybody has the fundamental right to have a voice and be heard. VOICE understands that it is the voices and actions of marginalised and disempowered people themselves that must lead the path to their development and their future. VOICE believes that with the right tools and support, everybody has the potential to change their own lives for the better.

FAMILY PLACE INC (US, 75-1590896) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

For victims of fami

Kids Adventurous Activities (UK, 1109783) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The charity provides funds to enable disabled or disadvantaged young people to access a range of outdoor challenges.

ZDVO (AU, ZDVO - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The Zahal Disabled Veterans Organisation raises funds for the care and rehabilitation of Israel’s disabled war victims, as well as the countless innocent civilians who have become victims of terrorist attacks, to help them in their recovery, as they seek to regain the health, dignity and quality of life that they deserve. Today in Israel, there are more than 51,000 disabled veterans and victims of terror. While the search for peace continues, the casualties haven’t stopped, and more young men and women are seriously injured every day. We very much appreciate your support.

ACC International Relief (AU, 26077365434) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

ACC International Relief carry out humanitarian projects with approved partners for the relief of poverty, suffering, distress and misfortune of people wherever they are found in the developing world, regardless of age, sex, race, ethnic background, religion, political beliefs or marital status. We are committed to assisting developing countries reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. Building the capacity of indigenous civil society organisations that focus on partnership with poor communities is one of our founding principles. Through ACC International's fundraising initiative "One Day", thousands of people have already been greatly assisted. With your donation, thousands more will receive clean water, education and vocational training. ACC International Relief is the Aid and Development arm of the Australian Christian Churches.


YTD Raised: $0.00

This Legacy Fund has been created  -- and used -- to help solve environmental problems groups of the Grand Traverse community are confronting.  It’s a revolving fund. Usually we assist a group fighting a problem, helping them with e

My School Inc (AU, 840620854) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Medical Aid For Africa (AU, 812661918) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Greater Connecticut Chapter (US, 06-0792055) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro


YTD Raised: $0.00

PCP Housing (UK, 1154093) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

DHL UK Foundation (UK, 327880) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Working hand in hand with DHL employees, the DHL UK Foundation funds activities and programmes which help children and young people achieve their full potential. The Foundation is an independent charity, founded in 1988, and encourages all DHL employees to get involved in the communities in which they live and work, through fundraising and volunteering.

Arts Capacity (US, 821796413) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a


YTD Raised: n/a

Megunticook Rowing (US, Megunticook Rowing - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Love Gives Ministries (US, Love Gives Ministries - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

American Chestnut Land Trust, Inc. (Aclt) (US, American Chestnut Land Trust, Inc. (Aclt) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

African Angels Children's Fund (US, African Angels Children's Fund - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

AL & Friends Inc (US, 822461103) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a