Our mission is to preserve and protect the intrinsic values and public benefits of the natural resources in the towns of Chebeague Island and Cumberland - mainland, island and contiguous Casco Bay - and to be responsible stewards in perpetuity for those resources in our trust.
There are over 30,000 Adult Carers and 1,000 Young Carers in Preston, Chorley & South Ribble. We are here to support them. We offer a host of information, services and activities to over 3,200 Adult Carers & 180 Young Carers and have supported Carers from 5 years old right up to 93 years old!
Aids Ark saves lives by funding the treatment and care of named individuals living with HIV/AIDS - see www.aidsark.org
The Anchor Project is a Saturday youth group for separated asylum seeking young people. It offers sports, leisure and educational activities as well as a hot meal cooked on site by young people and volunteers each week. It is a space to learn and to make friends. Each summer, young people are taken on a residential outside London and a given a chance to bond in the great outdoors.
UAY helps children disadvantaged by the devastating consequences of HIV/AIDS by paying for their school fees. It pays the school fees until the students have finished their high school education. Last year, we had our first student to complete her 'A' Levels after being in the program for 4 years!!
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
We support Black, Asian, Migrant, Refugee, Asylum seekers and Minority Ethnic Communities in accessing services and opportunities through advice, training, advocacy, participation and engagement with mainstream services. Please donate to support our cause. We fight againstFemale Genital Mutilation in the UK.Girls mutilated in this way suffer a lifetime of scarring and permanent damage.Let’s join forces to stop the barbaric mutilation of girls. Charity No: 1098916 Find out more Website http://www.diversityliving.org.uk Facebook https://www.facebook.com/integrateuk Twitter Please click here to visit our Twitter page
Makemesmile was set up in memory of Jo Jo Harris. The charity raises funds to maintain the existence of Malimba school in Luanga Valley, Zambia. Recent achievements have been funding the building of a new kitchen / community centre, teacher training and maintenance cost support.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Chearsley and Haddenham Under Fives (CHUF) is a dual setting Pre-School run by a Voluntary Management Committee for the benefit of the local community. Chearsley and Haddenham Under Fives or CHUF for short welcomes children from two years old to school entry age. CHUF in Chearsley is held in Chearsley Village Hall where we have been running as a pre-school since 1968. CHUF in Haddenham opened in February 2003 and is based at St Mary’s CE School in Haddenham, where we have a room dedicated for our use. Both pre-schools have fantastic outside play areas.CHUF provides a happy, secure and supportive environment in which the children can learn and develop.Chuf is run by a Voluntary Management Committee as a not for profit organisation and is a registered Charity. We rely on our parents and friends of CHUF to help fund-raise in order that we can continue to provide the very best first educational experience in a fantastically stimulating environment for the children of the local communities we serve. Please do help to support us if you can. Charity No: 1019818 Find out more Website http://www.chuf.co.uk Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CHUF-Chearsley-and-Haddenham-Under-Fives-237723029668023/ Twitter https://twitter.com/chufpreschool
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
WNDT helps disabled people and their carers in Western Nepal. We currently support projects that provide wheelchairs; develop disabled people's organisations; and give therapy and equipment to help disabled children develop, play and learn. We give people opportunities to transform their lives.