We are an educational charity dedicated to reducing air pollution and mitigating climate change.
“If God is with us, it will be accomplished.” These words of St Jeanne Jugan, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor, are as true today as when she spoke them. The cost of running our homes and giving the elderly the care they need with up-to-date comfort and equipment, etc., far exceeds the income we receive. In this respect too, Jeanne Jugan was foresighted, indeed ahead of her time, to put it colloquially. It was for this reason she started her ‘collecting rounds’ and we as Little Sisters of the Poor today, continue where she left off! Contributions either in money or gifts in kind are very much appreciated and used according to the intentions of the donor. Legacies and large donations permit us to modernise our homes and equipment and allow us to meet the ever-evolving needs of the elderly.
Welcome! Samaritans is available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. Our branch of Samaritans, Tunbridge Wells & District, is a local charity established in 1967. We cover an area from Sevenoaks to Heathfield and East Grinstead to Cranbrook. Currently we have 138 volunteers, and no paid staff. Samaritans can be contacted in many different ways: telephone, email, text. We can see people in person at our branch in the centre of Tunbridge Wells - 7 Lime Hill Road between 9am and 9pm. Samaritans continues to be one of the few services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Last year our branch was contacted almost 43,000 times. In addition, some of our volunteers speak at local schools, provide support in nearby Maidstone prison and attend local shows and fetes to raise money and awareness about our service. Despite the range of services we provide, Samaritans receives no regular, formal, local or national government funding. Our running costs are less than £30,000 p.a. but we still need to raise all of this money ourselves every year. Please support us. Samaritans can be contacted by: Telephone: 08457 909090 & 01892 532323, Email: [email protected], Text: 07725 909090
Spadework provides guidance, work experience in horticulture, catering & woodwork and supported learning to adults with special needs from 18 to 65. Our aim is to help our clients achieve whatever form of independence they desire: be it the confidence to interact with the local community or independent living and employment.