Open Hand Ministries, Inc. is a ministry of four churches, located in the inner city Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Garfield and East Liberty, committed to promoting justice in our communities through homeownership. W
Currently, 1 out of every 68 children in the United States is identified as having an autism spectrum disorder. This spectrum encompasses a wide range of presentations but is generally characterized by challenges in the realms of communication, be
Recognized nationally as a model for the delivery of comprehensive health and human services in an urban community, The Dimock Center provides the residents of Boston with convenient access to high quality, low cost health care and human services t
Immanuel Primary School Colour Fun Run
GiGi’s Playhouse is an inspirational
Mount Brown Public School Our school At Mount Brown Public School we are committed to the provision of a caring learning environment which caters for the wide range of abilities, interests and learning styles of our students K-6. We achieve this through: the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum across the Key Learning Areas; student welfare programs which focus on developing cooperative and caring attitudes in all students; programs which promote a safe and happy classroom and school environment; working collaboratively with the school community to provide optimal learning experiences for our students; and programs which enable children to use technology competently and creatively.
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
Created via charity sign up service.
Holy Spirit School is an educational environment where we always seek to put the needs of our children first. Pupils are at the heart of our school community and we are dedicated to the development of the whole person fostering Christian values and promoting the dignity and self-worth of each individual.
LOOK offers support, information and advice to the families of visually impaired children and links parents to share experiences. The Youth Project helps to promote independence amongst young people. Donations assist LOOK in the work we undertake and we are very grateful for your support.