Browsing Charities
13951 - 13975 of 215K results

St Andrews Primary School - Werribee (ST ANDREWS CATHOLIC SCHOOL WERRIBEE) (AU, St Andrews Primary School - Werribee (ST ANDREWS CATHOLIC SCHOOL WERRIBEE) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,738.00

Friends of Hammermsmith Hospital (UK, 209182) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,736.39

Established in 1951, The Friends of Hammersmith Hospital was founded to raise funds to provide equipment and services for the patients and staff of Hammesmith Hospital that are not readily available from NHS funds.


YTD Raised: $5,736.01

The Belmont Goats (US, 465038819) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,736.00

Alec Lucas Memorial Trust (UK, SCO43175) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,735.48

The Alec Lucas Memorial Trust is a charitable organisation dedicated to the memory of Royal Marine Commando Alexander James Lucas (24), who was killed in action in Kajaki, Afghanistan on 24th November 2008. The Alec Lucas Memorial Trust raises funds through a variety of events and distributes financial support to The Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund and local sports charities. Alec was a Royal Marine Commando and also a keen football player. The financial help that we give is therefore being distributed to areas that were close to his heart, and were a huge part of himself and his life.

MIRACLEFEET (US, 273764203) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,735.00

First Reformed Church (US, 136202489) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,735.00

York Special Care Baby Unit Support Group (UK, 516552) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,735.00

We help provide support to York SCBU through the provision of specialised medical or surgical equipment and improved amenities and facilities including education and vocational training

Help Nepal Network (UK, 1088951) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,734.71

Raising funds for health and education in Nepal.

Solicitors' Benevolent Association (Ireland) (IE, CHY892) Browse events

YTD Raised: €5,734.13

The Solicitors’ Benevolent Association which was founded in 1863 is a 32-county organisation which provides financial support to solicitors and former solicitors and their dependants who are in need. The Association has a board of 20 Directors representing solicitors from all over Ireland.

Cure Duchenne. DAF (AU, Cure Duchenne. DAF - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,733.00

Annandale State School (AU, 83086461844) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,731.56

Annandale State School is a wonderful set between Mt Stuart and Ross River in Townsville. It prides itself on its sense of community and particpates in a wide range of learning experinces which enriches the whole child. Its motto is Creating the Future which it strives to do every day.

Parrot Outreach Society (US, 270932623) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,731.00

Black Broadway Men United, Inc. (US, 851914245) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,730.00

Waikiki Primary School (P AND C ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED) (AU, Waikiki Primary School (P AND C ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,730.00

Annual Round Lake Fireworks Inc (US, 842321656) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,730.00

ARCHIE'S CARAVAN (UK, 1205833) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,729.00

The Voice of His Coming Ministry Inc (US, The Voice of His Coming Ministry Inc - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,729.00

Worongary State School (WORONGARY STATE SCHOOL P&C ASSN) (AU, 44501182899) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,728.18

Worongary State School P&C are doing a Colour Fun Run for our students with all money raised going towards a Senior Playground. We hope you can get behind our students by sponsoring them. Thank you on behalf of the P&C.

Rosati Leadership Academy (US, 851244914) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,728.00

Smileawi (UK, SC046434) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,727.92

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Smileawi, helping Malawi one tooth at a time. Please donate to support our cause. We are a charity set up to help improve dental services in Northern Malawi by taking groups of self-funded volunteers to Malawi to provide free emergency pain clinics in rural areas and helping to relief a lot of suffering. We also support local dental therapists by providing them with much needed resources, training and education. Charity No: SC046434 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

South Lakeland Carers (UK, 1142184) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,727.73

Supporting people of any age with caring responsibilities. South Lakeland Carers is a local independent registered charity (Charity No: 101 7463), covering the South Lakes area of Cumbria. In addition the organization is a network member of the Princess Royal Trust for Carers within the UK. Services and support is currently offered to around 700 people with caring responsibilities. Needs are assessed through the formal Carers Assessment process. SLC is contracted by Cumbria County Council to conduct these assessments on behalf of the local authority. Support is offered to both adult and young carers representing an age range form 5 years upwards. In response to needs a number of services may be offered: Contingency Planning, Relaxation Therapy , Counselling, on-going support form a Carer Support Worker, support groups in various locations, a weekly drop-in, monthly lunch club, away days and training. Almost all services are provided free of charge to carers.

Dungay Public School (AU, 86654011394) Browse events

YTD Raised: $5,726.63

Dungay Public School is situated 5kms north from Murwillumbah and is located in the beautiful Tweed Valley. We tailor our curriculum to nurture and inspire our students while catering for their individual needs. We believe learning should be fun, engaging and purposeful at Dungay Public School and we are committed to achieving our school vision, 'Seek~See and Achieve'. Our community strives to be the best they can be. At Dungay Public School we are determined to prepare our students for a successful transition to High School and in life.

The Wye And Usk Foundation (UK, 1080319) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,726.24

The Wye & Usk Foundation works to restore these two great rivers and their tributaries. Working in partnerships with statutory bodies and landowners it makes good the problems afflicting their salmon and other indigenous species, and provides opportunities for the public to enjoy and benefit from this.