The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
To that end, MERIT creates aholistic support system to change the trajectory of our Scholars' lives. MERIT Scholars receive paid summer internships in hospitals and labs, medical student mentors, and Saturday sessions that focus on he
By making a gift, you can help a deserving student reach their graduation day. You can provide assistance to students who may not otherwise be able to pursue tertiary study; including Indigenous students, students with a disability, and students from regional areas. Success rates are higher for UTS scholarship recipients than for other students from low socio-economic backgrounds. 100% of your donation goes in direct assistance to UTS students, nothing is wasted in UTS admin.
The Cricket Asylum Foundation provides an inclusive opportunity for disadvantaged people to participate in the game of cricket and other related sporting activities to make a positive difference to the community and the participants’ health & well-being. The Cricket Asylum Foundation has been formed to provide a sustainable and meaningful service to both the wider community in which it operates in, and to the sport of Cricket. The Foundation will deliver inclusivecoaching sessions to groups such as looked after children, primary schools,special schools and minority groups. These participants will benefit from theselife skills and be given the opportunity and support to take up Cricket on a long-termbasis. Charity No: 1169846 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter
According to scripture, we are being built up as a spiritual house for God’s own possession which will be used to claim the excellencies of Him. We are to come together as believers to proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkn
The world's largest mission society ministering exclusively to children. Each year CEF reaches over 12 million children around the world in over 180 countries.
5th Dartford Scouts is fund-raising for a new hall. The current hall was built by the Scout leaders and parents in 1960, seeing fifty years of service the hall is showing signs of wear and tear with a number cracks in the structure. The hall is home of our 200 members consisting of nine sections 3*Beavers Colonies, 3*Cub Packs, 2*Scout Troops as well as the Explorers. We are used to fund-raising having recently built a target shooting/archery range and the climbing wall, however know we need to step up to the challenge of the new hall.