The Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) is a global network promoting information and action on child rights. CRIN presses for rights, not charity, and advocates for a genuine systemic shift in how governments and societies view children.
Umoja equips young people to succeed in college and confidently claim their future. We do this by partnering with public schools in Chicago to increase attendance and college enrollment, reduce violence, and nurture academic achievement. &n
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
Kidz Klub Coventry is a Christian social action project that began work in 1998. We exist to enable children aged 6-12, particularly from Coventry's most deprived areas, to encounter Jesus and to mature into responsible, confident adults with positive aspirations for their futures.The need for such work is great, since there are currently 17,000 Coventry children living in wards ranked in the top tenth most deprived in the country, with high levels of unemployment, child poverty and violent crime. All the wards where Kidz Klub Coventry works fall within the top 15 percent of areas of deprivation in the UK, many in the top 5 percent.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. The Hull Collegiate Trust is a local education charity providing financial support to help both prospective and existing pupils of Hull Collegiate School by subsidising their fees
A Home 4 Spot is comprised of volunteers through out the Clark County area that rescue abused, neglected, medical and special needs dogs and take them into their homes as fosters to start the rehabilitation process to heal them from the inside out
Illinois Valley Animal Rescue's mission is to rescue, provide care and comfort for abused, neglected and homeless animals in the Illinois Valley Area through our care center, foster homes and veterinarian sources. To promote responsible pet own
As a professional theater company for young audiences, the mission of First Stage is to touch hearts and transform lives by creating exceptional theater experiences for young people and families through: Professional Thea
We are proud to announce that the Mansfield Township Education Foundation is now a non-profit NJ Corporation with 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status. Our primary goal is to raise funds to support the educational mission o