Browsing Charities
208301 - 208325 of 210K results

DRESS FOR SUCCESS LEXINGTON INC (US, 46-2472399) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

"Sometimes in life, due to circumstances beyond my control, I have felt hopeless.  Your kindness, professionalism and genuine helpful attitude with me have gone a long way toward eliminating those feelings.  You have given me that mo

Abused Women's Aid In Crisis Incorporated (US, 92-0061049) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

AWAIC is the largest emergency safe shelter in Alaska providing a full continuum of services for victims and those who care about them. AWAIC provides services to women, children and men impacted by violence in their lives.  Empowerment is a key to

KARDINA INC (US, 45-2817444) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

We are dedicated to bringing the love of God and the hope and protection of an earthly family to orphans and vulnerable children all over the world, through basic physical and medical care, education, and spiritual discipleship.

SAM WASHINGTON SR FOUNDATION (US, 47-2981075) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The Mission of Sam Washington Foundation is to provide a clean, safe and disciplined environment for Metropolitan Detroit's youth to continue to come together to engage in academic enrichment, fitness, life lessions, and nutrition, while p

FFAWN (US, 20-8698292) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

&nbsp; <h2 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0p

St Andrew's (Blagdon) Appeal Fund (UK, St Andrew's (Blagdon) Appeal Fund - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


African Dream Academy, Inc. (US, 33-1162803) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they&#39;re doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro

WHITTIER AREA FIRST DAY COALITION (US, 93-1141844) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Whittier Area First Day Coalition (First Day), was founded on a vision for a healthy, safe, and vibrant community, a broad goal that encompasses everything from secure housing, stable health, and productive employment to resident engagement, civic


YTD Raised: $0.00

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do

Helping Challenged Children Inc (US, Helping Challenged Children Inc - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Audubon Society of Greater Denver (US, Audubon Society of Greater Denver - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Minnesota Cricket Association (US, Minnesota Cricket Association - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

BRAC USA, Inc. (Brac) (US, BRAC USA, Inc. (Brac) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Ruts Rescue Inc (US, Ruts Rescue Inc - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Biletnikoff Foundation (US, Biletnikoff Foundation - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

RESCUED ANGELS INC (US, 27-0880064) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

FOLK-TIME INC (US, 93-1222522) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

FolkTime is about community and connecting individuals.&nbsp;Our programs enrich, rebuild and save the lives of our members, at aboslutely no cost to the individual. &nbsp;It takes the support of a larger community to keep it going. Thanks for your

Greehey Children's Cancer Research (US, 74-1587488) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do

WOMENS ACTION FOR NEW DIRECTIONS (US, 04-2751387) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

WAND Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization. WAND educates the public and opinion leaders about the need to reduce violence and militarism in society, and redirect excessive Pentagon&nbsp;s

Grand Traverse Pavilions Foundation (US, 38-3359796) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do

Connors Development Foundation (US, 731096349) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Callaway County United Way, Inc. (US, 43-0725794) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back.  We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live.  You should also scroll do

Cobbes Meadow (UK, 1074165) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Cobbes Meadow Riding and Driving Group is an independent Charity with an affiliation to Riding for the Disabled. We provide Horse Riding and Carriage Driving opportunities for children and adults with various forms of learning difficulties and physical disabilities.

David Randall Foundation (UK, 1151121) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Fulfilling DreamsRealising PotentialInspiring Forever