Created via charity sign up service.
The Constance Foundation was born with the idea of managing other charity functions focusing on the mission of raising money to alleviate the financial burden associated with cancer.
A lot of men find it hard to talk about their feelings and keep their emotions to themselves. Suicide in men is one of the biggest killers in the UK. Chrysalis runs support groups for men aged 34 - 55 . Suicide is a subject people avoid talking about, people don't like to admit to the times they've felt suicidal and this silences a huge factor behind the shocking statistics right now. 4,630 isn't just a number, it isn't just a statistic, its the amount of men who took their own life in the UK last year. Men may avoid asking for help because it is sign of weakness. Finding ways to change this perspective is critical. Our support groups are run by volunteers, they provide invaluable spaces for men to come together to share experiences, speak openly about challenges and share information. Its not weak to speak and to share problems with like minded people, this can have great benefits. Whether you're feeling down, lonely or having suicidal thought don't tackle this alone. We are a new organisation and need vital founds to set up support groups across Yorkshire. Help support our campaign. Behind the smile
Created via charity sign up service.
We use magic as a tool for enhanced wellbeing through psychosocial support amongst vulnerable and often traumatised children, mostly but not only refugees. To this end, we provide magic shows and tuition, especially in Jordan and Turkey. Magic restores the joy that has been robbed by war.